Where's the best place to park for car sex Sup Forums?

Where's the best place to park for car sex Sup Forums?

I don't know but i fucking hate the cw


I always go to a Car dealership

I used to take my girl up a to a mountain over looking the city. Used to drive a 88' rx7 so a lot of hatch back room. Good times.

see nothing fancy here like that
a car dealership is a damn good idea, I actually work with them a lot and it never went through my mind

Planned Parenthood, bitches love niggas who make mistakes

i would just find a nice, shady spot around a business offices.

Movie theater is always good. low flow of people once movies start and you can stay until they close.

I happen to work at one, and thats where the idea came from, like shit just park where the trade ins are and you're golden. Or anywhere where cars have plates on them

Pretty much anywhere in the Bronx.


A car.

Lets start from the top, faggot.

Why the fuck would you use a car?

Back area of the Walmart parking lot, like where the RVs park. By ten none of them leave their house-cars, and they expect random cars.

No fucking way you could fuck someone in an old Beetle.

In a very public, place with lots of people around directly under a streetlight.
I'm not kidding.

Drive in movie theater.
At a Summer Camp
In the Texas Killing Fields around 2am.
At a police station

At your mom's house

in a car

Driveway with all the house lights turned off. Hidden in plain sight

My favorite place was a church parking lot.

no way, don't those guys always have cameras on their lots?

Parking garage

A van down by the river