Does anyone still e-stalk their ex(s) after years of no contact/being apart? >going on 7 years for me now

does anyone still e-stalk their ex(s) after years of no contact/being apart? >going on 7 years for me now

My ex stalks me, actually sent me a message a while ago after 2 years apart. Shits fucking annoying. You need to move on m8.

what if your ex still loves you?

I don't love them. Why would I try to reestablish a relationship like that with someone I don't love? Just asking to be miserable. You need to move along. You would only make them miserable and are only making yourself more miserable.

I don't think you get to choose who does and doesn't love you. That's not how that works

you sound just like my ex, she was a bitch

I never said she doesn't love me. She clearly does, but it's irrelevant. She's only making herself depressed.

Maybe because she refuses to be in a relationship with someone they don't want to be with? Yea...such a bitch

I am just saying your solution is "lol stop loving them" but that is somehow easier said than done

no, she was the one that lead me on for 2 years "pretending to care" so, yes, she was a fucking bitch

You can continue to love them without obsessing over them. Go out and meet new people, find someone that makes you feel how you feel for your ex. I mean, that's gotta be better than obsessing and being depressed right?

Then why would you still care about her?

I hear what you are saying and you are *probably right but it has been awhile now and I haven't met anyone that I have shared similar feelings for romantic or otherwise

I still spaghetti around the girl I loved for 5 years. I told her how I felt after those 5 years, she said she was lesbian (actually is legit, she's now had a girlfriend for the better part of 3 years now), and it's been about 2 years since then. She blocked me on Facebook six months after the fact, despite my never contacting her since telling her, which is what really hit me harder than anything else, because we used to be really close friends before drifting apart

Fuck creeps like this. My friend killed himself cuz his girl was putting her ex on the back burner. Her ex wasn't even all that. A fucking drug dealer who dates under aged girls.

well, unlike her, i couldn't just pretend like we never cared about each other, we used to love each other, then one day she just up and said "nah, kthx bye" shit like that leaves you wondering if there was something wrong with me or what i did or said, it fuckin hurts

stfu nobody cares that your friend got cucked to death


>Still loves
They're your ex for a reason, nigger.
Obviously love went out the window when you broke up and she started fucking Jamal instead

I dumped her btw I still love her

not stalking but i literally just creeped on my ex's facebook before i saw this post, weird...are you stalking me?

my ex added me on "LinkedIn" a few days ago after 5 years of no contact... half of the stuff on her profile was like misspelled so i "endorsed" whatever i endorsed all of them. she messaged me being like "haha wow i didn't notice those were misspelled, thanks for pointing them out!"

at this point i just can't date or talk to girls, idk. it's whatever

sorry man but i had the exact same shit happen to you.. i'm pretty sure that anyone that gets dumped feels like the relationship was going really well right up until the day that she decides to tell you it's over lol.

im about to do this to my current gf. its been a year and i already told her i dont want this. but she refuses and we continue on... idk if i love her. i am normally undecisive.


the best course is always to be honest man. even if you don't break up with her, at least make your current fears and feelings clear to her. it's the only fair way to do it, and while she probably won't immediately appreciate it in the long run it'll be invaluable to her growing from it as a person and not becoming bitter

End it dude. If you are continually coming back to "I don't want this" then pull the fucking plug.

I guess I don't relate in a strict sense.
There was a girl in high school I almost got a chance with. But I didn't have priorities in order and she saw that so she went her own way. Still think about her all the time, feel like if we had met now we could have been great together. Thoughts of her have plagued me for about seven years now. Through two different relationships, obviously never mentioned it to either girl. Am fully functional, and not really obsessed I wouldn't say. I don't stalk her or anything. Even on FB. Still think about her. And I've been in with my girlfriend for a year next month.

its funny how we dont always get what we want.

We both get them dubs though

u mean tmrw let her know that im not sure if i love her? just to see how she reacts?

How low is your reading comprehension?
>When YOU broke up
Your loving her is irrelevant, YOU ended it and now YOU get to live with YOUR regrets.
She wasn't upset YOU broke up with her, because she was already fooling around on YOU. YOU just gave her the excuse she was looking for to fuck him full time.

Tl;dr YOU have no one to blame but YOURSELF

PS learn to read

I stalk my ex online once in awhile just to see what shes up to. Shes still a cunt. lol.

Actually there was no fooling around so you can stfu now retard