R8 my peewee Sup Forumsros

r8 my peewee Sup Forumsros


shave and i'd want to tongue that dick hole

Nice shaft,weird head


There was supposed to be a photo with the ?





thats a solid 6.5 Sup Forumsro


Rate mine

Do you have that shit where your piss hole is under your nob?

I'm OP bro. But the fact that you liked my perspective just confirms the mentality that inspired the post you responded to. Every dude in his heart of hearts just wishes he could take his best friend's soul and put it inside a woman's body. That's the redpill about women: they look amazing but absolutely gut you of all you're worth: the money you lose is just a drop in the bucket compared to your soul's anguish. To quote Nietzsche: "Ah, women . . . they make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." So the trap as an experiment in society is an attempt provisionally to provide the nearest approximation that art and effort can contribute toward the expression of feminine beauty, while still providing the essentially rationally and likable male mind with its values, proclivities and inclinations. Or whatever I don't know I think what I'm saying is true but I'm a little drunk: not retardedly so; but, you know, in vino veritas.

You better get real good at oral son, because that girth game you got going is weak af.

great proportion 8/10


anyone rating?

Rate my please


R8 M8

how big? cm
