How can i become like this?

how can i become like this?

Drink bleach, 6 cups a day for 6 months

Get a fucking job, moron.

Also, source on that trap.

with money. get a Job and ask friends for money and save up the money that you got over the Years.

I don't know whom you're quoting, but you should buy hormones. They're pretty expensive though.

take some sharp cucklery from your kitchen drawer and drive it into your nose. cuck

go to /lgbt/ and look for there diyhrt threads. the image on it really has all the info needed to get and take the hrt or as they call them 'titty pills'.
same boat as you. well im more of a semi poor fag (magic the gathering and starbucks are the reason for that) three mouths in and have chest bumps 100% worth it op

Get a sugar daddy. Fuck him one you reach traphood to pay him back.


u wanna go boi?

Do you not have any friends or family that you'll ever see again? How can you permanently give yourself tits without ostracizing yourself from everyone you know at the same time?

Kalindra Chan. There is decent stuff out there, but not a lot.

cucklery kek. ill think of this every time i chop up a steak

ok entire family compelty homophobic. that being said, fuck em. but with hrt with at my age 19 will have strong effects with include but not limited to breast development(full development takes several years), loss of ejaculation,loss of erection, shrinkage of testicles,sterility, decrease in acne, decrease in facial and body hair, decrease in muscle mass and strength, skin becomes softer and smoother, slowing of balding pattern, redistribution of fat from abdominal area to hips and buttocks. anyway these effects take a long time to get there. most people on hrt never get boobs bigger then b. so hiding it shouldnt be difficult

post pooper pics pls

git on back to your country, i cant understand your roodypoo fagnasty devil speak, sissy boy

>so hiding it shouldnt be difficult
So you're just never going to take your shirt off around people you know ever again? No more lake/beach/pool/waterpark ever again? Sounds like a big commitment.

It looks like some kind of weird skeleton key. Nice try though.

Why the fuckvwould you want to do this disgusting shit? Do you not see you have an obvious mental illness? How will you feel when you eventually realise that all (if any) of your romantic relationships will be based on nothing but a disgusting fetish on your partners part derived from your mutilation of your body? Dont huy hormones, but therapy.

Bullets are cheaper.

Yeah but the gun's not tho

....Ill shut up now

kill yourself

you cant because you're a pathetic man

wow shit got real, real fast. i think you know what to do know, OP. down the road, not across the street--a pearl of wisdom for tumblrinas.


I'm OP bro. But the fact that you liked my perspective just confirms the mentality that inspired the post you responded to. Every dude in his heart of hearts just wishes he could take his best friend's soul and put it inside a woman's body. That's the redpill about women: they look amazing but absolutely gut you of all you're worth: the money you lose is just a drop in the bucket compared to your soul's anguish. To quote Nietzsche: "Ah, women . . . they make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." So the trap as an experiment in society is an attempt provisionally to provide the nearest approximation that art and effort can contribute toward the expression of feminine beauty, while still providing the essentially rationally and likable male mind with its values, proclivities and inclinations. Or whatever I don't know I think what I'm saying is true but I'm a little drunk: not retardedly so; but, you know, in vino veritas.

Found the lonely virgin

is this seriously getting turned into pasta?