Neuroscientists say your late 20s is when your brain begins to deteriorate. Your intelligence starts to go...

Neuroscientists say your late 20s is when your brain begins to deteriorate. Your intelligence starts to go. Not your knowledge of course, you can always learn new things. But the wit, the sharpness of the mind begins to fade.

I'm 34 and I'm starting to feel it, Sup Forums. It's slow, but it's definite now. Someone who didn't constantly critique and self-evaluate might not even notice. But I notice.

My intelligence is the only thing that has ever set me apart. I spent my 20s doing fuck all, because I'm so goddamn smart I knew that nothing really mattered in the end because we were all going to die. Now I'm losing arguments to 21 year olds I'm way smarter than because I can't think fast enough.

I'm a 34 year old loser living with a couple in their early 20s I met working my bottom rung job at fucking Wal-Mart. I'm spending so much money on drugs I'm not paying my fucking bills. I don't give a single fucking shit what anyone thinks of me either, except me. People say that, you know? But they don't really mean it. Not usually. But I've really gotten to that point. I don't give a shit because I have no self worth at all. No one could possibly have a lower opinion of me than I do. I spend all my free time playing video games, and I take drugs so that they'll still be fun. My friends basically have to beg me to do things with them. I doubt I'll have any friends much longer at this rate. I haven't even had sex in 7 years.

I'm a 34 year old loser living with a couple in their early 20s I met working my bottom rung job at fucking Wal-Mart. I'm spending so much money on drugs I'm not paying my fucking bills. I don't give a single fucking shit what anyone thinks of me either, except me. People say that, you know? But they don't really mean it. Not usually. But I've really gotten to that point. I don't give a shit because I have no self worth at all. No one could possibly have a lower opinion of me than I do. I spend all my free time playing video games, and I take drugs so that they'll still be fun. My friends basically have to beg me to do things with them. I doubt I'll have any friends much longer at this rate. I haven't even had sex in 7 years.

Lurked forever and only responding to say I am the same age and I completely agree. It's like a slight fog or numbness. Hard to explain.


31 here.

mind still seems fine, but fuck my body started getting shit in the last 12 months.

You know what the saddest thing is to me? My one hope for a decent future is my 19 year old little brother. Maybe he'll make it really big and get a ton of money so I can leech off him. He's an unimaginably talented musician. He's an amazing drummer, guitar player, vocalist and lyricist. But it's not the 90s. Even if he does manage to make a living playing music, he probably won't be a millionaire. Everyone's YouTube famous now.

I am 27 and feel the same way, could see myself sliding to your life style but I think there's enough people who would force me to do more

I always said I could handle losing a limb, or an eye, or whatever, but if I ever got Alzheimer's or a brain injury I'd just fucking kill myself. But this slow deterioration? I'm not sure which is worse, you know? Cause if I was diagnosed with something, I could just off myself. But now I'm basically waiting around to see if my brother makes it and what video games are going to be like 10 or 20 years from now.

The end, if anyone actually read all this shit.

thats way too long, can you give me a tl;dr

All I really value of myself is my intelligence, but I'm old enough so that my brain is slowly beginning to deteriorate. If I had Alzheimer's I'd kill myself. But now I'm just waiting around to see if my super-talented brother gets famous so I can leech off him.

Also fuck these goddamn captchas

OP here, you know it's sad seeing these people in their 50s and 60s that think they're smart, because they used to be. They know a lot of shit, but they can't form new ideas and opinions. God I hope I don't get like that, because I won't even know it. I'll just think my opinion is right because I'm smart.

maybe it's the drugs you're taking, not aging that's affecting your intelligence, or severe depression.

sounds like you're kinda fucked, but your life doesn't sound like you were using your intelligence productively anyway.

you were deluding yourself about your worth, now that remaining delusion is being shattered. good luck.

Oh no, I don't think I was ever deluded about my worth. I never thought of myself as particularly valuable, but I always said to myself, "well, at least I'm smart."

I don't think my opiate use is affecting my intelligence, but it definitely could be causing depression.

I'm 35. I noticed it too.

There are some advantages to age though. For starters you really know what you want. I'm not talking about being rich because no shit, everyone does. I mean that you're able to be more realistic. There's over 350 million people in the US, not every one of them is going to be the next mega billionaire, pop sensation, actor, athlete. 99.999% of us will be nameless and lucky to break even.

Also you're able to put real value on your time when you're older. It's not unusual to work for fucking peanuts the first 5 to 10 years of your new career after school until you start making enough to actually consider as "real money". And "real money" isn't necessarily a lot of money but enough to seriously save for the future.

That's not even counting the stress involved. When you're older you can rightly deem something as not being worth it without that feeling that you've failed because you have the experience of knowing when someone or something is legitimately asking too much of you.

So really the main bonus is that you can curb your expectations and achieve realistic goals. No you're not going to discover the cure for cancer or be president or an astronaut...but being honest with yourself, you never were and neither will the 99.999% of the people you've met in your entire lifetime. You can now chase real dreams and not some pipe dreams that never pan out. You can focus on one or a few goals and achieve them instead of 50 to 100 goals we do when we're young and not achieve any.

"Side Effects

Because of the intense high produced by the interaction of several opiates and the brain, the drugs remain extremely addictive, sometimes causing measurable symptoms of addiction in under three days.

The side effects of opiate abuse are fairly varied and may include:

Respiratory depression.

Because of the intense high produced by the interaction of several opiates and the brain, the drugs remain extremely addictive, sometimes causing measurable symptoms of addiction in under three days.

Opiates also cause your irises to relax, creating pinprick or pinpoint pupils. This is one of the big giveaways of opiate abuse, and it's hard to disguise.

Because of the way opiates often reduce your reaction times, driving while under the influence of opiates is often dealt with harshly, and you could lose your freedom along with your license. In some states, the mere presence of an illegal drug is enough to determine that you were driving while intoxicated, although the federal government is pushing states toward defined limits, just like with alcohol.

Long-Term Effects of Opiates

Long-term effects can include:

Nausea and vomiting.
Abdominal distention and bloating.
Liver damage (especially prevalent in abuse of drugs that combine opiates with acetaminophen).
Brain damage due to hypoxia, resulting from respiratory depression.
Development of tolerance.

They slow your reaction time which is probably why you can't argue and or formulate counterarguments as quickly as you used to. Also depression slows down everything.

First off, your self awareness of the situation is something that won't deteriorate.

Secondly, I know what you mean bro. I'm 26 and have been conscious of this eventual devolution. I have a similar mindset and I plan to stave off this demise any way I can.

Its never to late they say. They also say the brain has a certain plasticity which becomes more rogos as one ages and as one ceases to learn.

I believe it is possible to continue to sharpen ones mind late into ones age. More continued...

Its not all bad. I'm 54, you only have to buy one book. When you reach the end, turn it to the front, hmmm....this looks like a good book to read...

Time seems to go faster for some reason, too.


If you continue to learn you will retain some of the ability to form original thoughts. Genius is defined as the ability to form original ideas from old concepts.

Also, your mind may not function at the same speed as the younger folk but that doesn't mean you're dumber. Take a deep breath when formulating thoughts. I know I lose arguments/discussions when I get ahead of myself.

And as the user before me stated, you may be losing some wot but wisdom is long term.

Its never too late to change your attitude to something more effective.

I'm OP bro. But the fact that you liked my perspective just confirms the mentality that inspired the post you responded to. Every dude in his heart of hearts just wishes he could take his best friend's soul and put it inside a woman's body. That's the redpill about women: they look amazing but absolutely gut you of all you're worth: the money you lose is just a drop in the bucket compared to your soul's anguish. To quote Nietzsche: "Ah, women . . . they make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." So the trap as an experiment in society is an attempt provisionally to provide the nearest approximation that art and effort can contribute toward the expression of feminine beauty, while still providing the essentially rationally and likable male mind with its values, proclivities and inclinations. Or whatever I don't know I think what I'm saying is true but I'm a little drunk: not retardedly so; but, you know, in vino veritas.

That is a function of perspective. A year is a long time to a 4 year old as it is a 1/4 of their lifespan respectively. To a 10 year old it is a 1/10 and to a 50 yo it's almost a day in perspective.

There's an easy explanation for that. When you're 10, 10 years is your whole life. It's all the time you've lived. Seems like forever. When you're 30, it's only 1/3 of your life. 10 years still seems like a long time, but like, I remember when I was a teenager or in my early 20s, if someone told me I had to wait a year for something, that seemed like forever. Now? a year is fucking nothing. I just moved into this house in October, it feels like barely any time has passed at all.

>talking out of your ass, the post

>works at Walmart
>tfw too intelligent to succeed
Trust me, you were always a fucking idiot

right because intelligence = ambition

because intelligence = giving a shit about society's definitions of success

or society at all

You're the idiot, man.

Where is your counter argument?
>talking out of his ass, the person

I'm 28 and actually feel way smarter and faster than I was at 20

You won't when the meth wears off.

You're both not wrong.

But your brain isn't even finished developing until you're about 26y old?

do u have a physical job or deliberately exercise

yeah ima call bullshit. it's probably all the drugs fucking your brain chemistry. I know plenty of people 50+ who are sharp and witty. how about don't do drugs kids.

Correct. Prefrontal cortex only finishes developing around then.

Not sure what OP's source is. I seem to remember something along those lines about starcraft players' reaction time / hand eye co-ordination waning from peak in late 20's/ early 30's. No reason to assume that indicates a decline of bulk cognitive processing however.


the ability to acquire and APPLY knowledge and skills


>make up bullshit to describe psychological phenomenon
>no proof

uh buddy, the burden of proof lies upon you

Not him, but who says he doesn't have the ability? I have the ability to punch someone next to me in the face, doesn't mean I will.

tfw i will never have this

OP is not going fuzzy because of being 30 and he's not going fuzzy because of drugs.

He is going fuzzy because he literally has no reason to be alive and functioning.

If you don't use it, you lose it.

>Not meditating every day for that child-like brain elasticity and grey matter

what are u doing bro

yeah that's probably why at 28 I feel smarter than I was at 20, I do an hour long meditation everyday.

The proof lies in the logical argument. Counter argument or agreement bitch.

>apples are red
>bullshit! Burden of proof!
I refuse to stoop to your stupidity.

Your an idiot. 2 seconds on google and youll see he was right.

who dat

What a whiny little baby
You consider going trap? You sound like you were born without balls.

>gonna be 28 soon
>already feel that i cant keep track of few things at a time, cant focus anything realtime, always tired
>have been this way since last 5 years
>thinking it might be few hardware drugs i did taking its toll, but doubt it since i havent really hooked up to any
>doubt that it is depression, i dont feel sad, just hollow

Are you me?

>Neuroscientists say your late 20s is when your brain begins to deteriorate. Your intelligence starts to go. Not your knowledge of course, you can always learn new things. But the wit, the sharpness of the mind begins to fade.
>I'm 34 and I'm starting to feel it, Sup Forums. It's slow, but it's definite now. Someone who didn't constantly critique and self-evaluate might not even notice. But I notice.

Yeah you don't heal as fast as you used to

Your body is constantly deteriorating. This is also known as aging.

theres a thing called neuro-plasticity. You have to work your mind to increase intelegence.

thats a mental health thing. fuck these naturally intelligent born people/

sauce you faggot

probably we are the same kind of animal since we are hangingout in this very loser site, here are a few problems and solutions i figured out myself though, thinking it will be useful in near future
>cynical because everything i worked hard for turned out to be fruitless in the end
>repeating the same mistakes, doing same things spending time on the same place, expecting it will be better this time if i work really hard on it, or doing it simply because cant see anything else in horizon
>will try to get a job that will get me out of the sensless circle jerk echo chamber that i call home,
>learn how to drive a boat or truck, anything motorskill related that will force me to travel and provide me job opportunities at the same time
>do my military service if nothing works out, even if it means getting killed, maimed or simply shooting myself out of boredom, sounds better than sitting infront of a computer all day rotting physically and claiming that i v lived a life when i get old