Meme's real...all of it

Meme's real...all of it.

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>waited 18 years

Really? You were just chomping at the bit to go to the ballot box when you were a toddler? Sounds like a crap childhood.

Trumpsters should be encouraging Bernie voters to write him in or vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party - less votes for $Hillary

>Alyssa Metzer
>I'd vote Clinton over Trump any day

>her last name is actually Kuck
You can't make this shit up.

can't make this shit up.



Yiannopolous and Savage are both jewish right?

>the last names of the people against trump

Oy vey!

>born in 1998
>hates the Clintons already


tons of those names sound jewish.

are savage and yonnapolis whatever jews?

Alex Jones and most of Infowars is also for Trump

Oh look, more traitorous white women.

he's a catholic mixed breed of an british Girl and a greek father.

those fucking last names

>Jessica kuck
Obvious sock puppet

i was bored in 1998
feb 14 1998.
there is nobody who i know who does not hate the Clintons

Fucking always

Wiki says mom is jewish

Look at all those fucking kike names

I love how the ADL publishes articles railing against Trump, and then at the bottom of the page there's a little note saying that their 501c3 status prohibits them from advocating for or against any specific candidate.

They're both Jews, yes.

Truly shocking. White women are really enjoying selling our their own race.

MIDF pls go.

he's a jewish subversive

>They're going to split the Democratic vote
They'll blame the racist and xenophobic Trump support base, but in reality the Bernouts will bet he ones to get Trump elected.

>not wanting to contribute to society your whole life

For shame


That's my husband's daughter

>voting contributes to society
u wot m8

I was bored in 1998 too dude lol
like, is there ANYTHING to do at all?


Look at the text, the original image said "Jews against Trump" and "Jews for Trump". I've seen the original on here before

Glenn Beck is not in there?

>chomping at the bit

Should be 'champing at the bit'.

Chomp and champ mean roughly the same, but you swallow something that is chomped, and you don't with something that is champed.

shouldn't you be chugging veeb and looking for lebbos to bash?

It's not even 9am. First we educate ourselves in proper English to preserve our cultural heritage, then we bash lebs.

>I waited 18 years to vote and my options were John McCain and Barack Obama :( :( :(

I can do that too, bitch

To all those who do not believe in meme magic understand there is a real science behind the effect we have been seeing as of late.

Quantum Theory states that by the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality.

So a collective hivemind that has the ability to focus our consciousness towards an inevitable outcome may by simply willing it change the course of interactions.
One person observing a molecule can change the outcome of a test compared to results if a computer watched it. 5 people watching can change the outcome so dramatically that it is unrecognizable.
Our collective conciousness spread unto the world though the minds of those who believe anything they read on the internet has been able to shape the world on a scale so massive it us scientifically immeasurable.

>C.H. Sommers
I haven't heard much from her that wasn't also with Milo. How anti is she? I think she'd honestly vote Trump before Clinton if she voted at all.

were i live no not really

She once said she was a lifelong democrat. She teams up with Milo less because she agrees with him and more because SJW culture abuses logic and philosophy so much that she can't stand it.

Yes convince bernie supporters to write bernie in
Convince them he can still win

For some reason adl are able to oppose trump without losing the non-profit tax status

Fucking this. I keep telling idiots this but everyone just wants to board the anti-Hillary train.

Hillary voters are fucking stupid - you aren't going to change their mind. Instead, split her vote count. There's also the added advantage that many Bernvictims will become jaded and disenfranchised when the DNC kicks him to the curb and they'll just stay their asses home on election day.

>Bernie supporters cant even beat Hillary in the primary

>But if they all come out and write his name in, theyll win the general?

I wonder who runs the IRS

>to preserve our cultural heritage

prison culture is not culture

The goal is to get dumb bernouts to waste their votes instead of voting Hillary.

No bernie wont win.
but convince them its the punk rock thing to do
Its anarchy to write in bernie

You can add a note "Abroad: At least ALL finnish mainstream media journalists".

Listening to Fox News today I thought about how they kept saying the race was Trump vs Clinton, citing the attack ads that are starting to come out. Got me thinking the GOP decided to run Trump because if people see that its Trump vs Clinton they'll think that the primary for the DNC is already over thus not go vote for Hillary in it. Obviously Bernie supports know it isn't over (regardless of delegates, the race still is going on) so it made me wonder if we'll see Bernie get larger percentages since the Clinton voters won't go vote since they already assume she's won.

>even if he is not on the ballet