Black culture is ruining America

Black culture is ruining America.

Prove me wrong.

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define culture first.


But thats a good song

You're right and I can't prove you wrong.

Im just saying I think the acceptance of rap is what has caused so many whites to act like nigs. When I was growing up almost every white kid I knew would talk about how trash rap was. Now all the little kids are doing all the dances and posting videos of them dancing to the songs and shit.

Why shouldn't rap be accepted? It's just music my guy

Yea I listen to it, not main stream. I'm white grew up ghetto and make over 90k a year in IT in bmore.

America was never really that great, tho. At least people get to celebrate their heritage without being persecuted and shit. Try doing that in durkadurkastan or Europe. Just do you and forget black people, man. Life's to short to worry about colors and shit.

>implying black culture is ruining America. Ignores white power structures that reinforce racial divides to accumulate capital towards a select few

white power structures are the only ones that work.

Guys I like it too. I'm just saying it has influenced so many little kids to act like actual nigs. I went to school with so many middle class to upper class kids that just wanted to emulate that lifestyle so hard. It was to the point where they were getting locked up and doing drugs. I know this was done in the past as well but I feel like now if you tell your kids they can't listen to rap the SJW brigade will come in and call you a racist. It is much more accepted which results in more wiggers is the only problem I have.

>implying there hasn't been rampant inequality since the 80s due to the current capitalist establishment
>being told America is great to distract you from the fact that you have the lowest standard of living in the developed world
>being told you should blame blacks and immigrants while you vote against your own economic interests

>white power structure
pls explain.
My mayor is black, so is one of my congress women. Blacks make up only 10% of my state.

black culture is ruining blacks, the rest of us are gonna be fine.
Those ignorant people are going to keep themselves from being economically and socially viable and nobody else will ultimately suffer unless they allow the plague to spread. The only real risk is redistricting and housing shenanigans that forcefully relocates these subhumans into decent neighborhoods/schools.

You can't control others and Darwism awards need to be awarded. I know what you mean though. I joined the Marines and it changed me. To the point where I lost contact with all before the Corps and started anew. Used my GI Bill - now doing IT when I did Infantry. It can be done and your will needs to be there plus desire to be more than the masses.

nah, I think you're right

the gangsta rappers whose greatest feat in life to get rich or die tryin, or to pimp dem hoes, turned out to be the role models for a generation

Ya know I've been doing a little thinking recently so this is not a 100% fleshed out idea I am just throwing it out.

"Black Culture", is for my purposes here is ghetto culture, gangbanging etc.

I think the niggers have it right tbh, sure they have less money, more crime, more health issues etc. But I think they have got alot of things right, they can live without working soul crushing 9-5s, they fuck many different women, take alot of drugs and generally live alot closer to humanities original hunter gatherer state.

I have this neighbour, white married to a 4/10. He has a nice house, car you name it but this sod looks fucking miserable all the time. He gets up at 5.30am comes home at 7pm and his main joy in life is mowing his lawn. You hardly ever see a sad nigger gangster chilling with his boys doing fuck all.

capitalism is the only economic system that works.

sounds nice and all except the fact that its ruining society.

welfare, drugs, single mothers, etc. are a result of that lifestyle.

glad you can appreciate another view outside of your own user.
here, we'll just ship them all to your neighborhood and you can watch these happy go lucky, jolly fuckheads rape your sisters/mothers/daughters, beat and rob your family, harass you daily as you go about your normal life, and eventually kill you for no goddamn reason whatsoever.
but you're right, having to deal with unpleasantness and responsibility just isn't worth it I guess.

> generally live alot closer to humanities original hunter gatherer state

that's sure to advance mankind

if only those idiots during the renaissance and the enlightenment tossed their ideas away, burned their houses, and went back to hunt and fuck in the woods.
I mean, sure we wouldn't have cars, TVs, flushing toilets, medicine, or food in goddamn groceries, but we'd just be so happy hunting for sure-to-be-found food and to sleep out in the dirt.

Its arguably ruining current non-nigger American society but their society seems to be flourishing despite the welfare, drugs and single mothers their population is increasing I just wish I could get hold of a study that showed the happiness levels between white collar workers and nigger gangbangers because I reckon the niggers would be happier.
.I wouldn't want them anywhere near me because a fact of human races means their will always be tribalism along racial lines, but if more white created their own version of black culture around me I might be happy.

>situates the destitute of African Americans within a narrative of a "lifestyle", while demoting the implications of systemic marginalization in relation to race and capital both within a historical and contemporary context

>I went to school with so many middle class to upper class kids that just wanted to emulate that lifestyle so hard

read up on the heroin epidemic

reminds me of those myspace gangstas in the days

it's amazing what TV can do to youth. and you thought your parents were overly strict for not letting you watch what all your friends were allowed to watch.

If you removed all the black people in the world would the world be objectively a better or more prosperous place? Like if you were really honest with yourself and looked at it objectively?

Yeah but there are always people that love to invent shit, love science and all that. More people adopting "Black Culture" if they enjoy it would not stop these innovators from pursuing their passions

what happened to this website

ppl standing up for niggers get it together Sup Forums


>big words strung together to sound intelligent

lefty spotted

seriously mate we know you are a troll NO ONE
with these views in on /b kek

yes, but i'd never want that to happen. met too many great black people to want it.

I can agree with that, that's why I stressed objectively.

So how come you didn't go to college?

You're right.

Also, whatever happened to poster ID's? It made it easy to know who's who, what were the cons that made it go away?

who says i didn't?

Black culture is a symptom of our morally-bankrupt consumerist culture, but unless we begin investing a fuckton more in public education at all age levels, people's empty minds and interactions will continue to be filled by the parade of products that we're consistently bombarded about, and the propagation of social norms that encourage people to replace everything with something newer, more fun, baser, and more ethically relativist. Living in a world where society revolves around the idea of individualism and the unqualified promotion of all preferences and beliefs gives people nothing to rally around besides whatever is trendy in the moment

Nah I'm real. 2 masters degrees. I come here secretly to mingle with the filth.

You have shit taste in music if you think that's a good song.

Yeah this is the dude who was defending nigger culture earlier this consumerist part about their culture is one that I do hate and think is ruining alot of lives

Nah bro you won't find me defending black subculture

must be masters in gender studies

I teach the undergrads that end up employing you

No i was the dude defending it lmao

gender studies confirmed

white people stealing/appropriating black culture is what's ruining America. raise your fucking kids and stop blaming rap music

Here's what we'll do, White people will only use things made by white people, and black people will do the same. We'll do without mumble rap, how well will you do in a hut made of wicker and you're own shit?


Listen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to demean you or anything. You're a person with feelings and I need to respect that. I'm sorry.

Thats one factor.

But nothing is ever that simple. Theres a million factors.

Id blame the fact your politics have become so unbelievably commercialised, oligarchy is your government, and all your money has flowed to the top thanks to "trickle down economics" as a much bigger factor than black culture.

Also american black culture always confused me. I dont know how your black people got so terrible. Ours are cool af. I mean i have ideas but i wont get into it.

can black people please stop dying their hair blonde? you're appropriating my culture. can asian girls please stop using blue contacts? you're appropriating my culture. see how stupid the whole idea is?

sure, then blacks should give up everything created by the white man aka the devil. let's see how long that lasts.

yes, i do. asian chicks wearing blue contacts and black people dying their hair blonde is fucking retarded. the same as white girls wearing cornrows and getting collagen lip injections

trickle down economics is a myth.

capitalism is the only system that works, and the less regulated it is, the better.

K but.. I grew up in a upper middle class black neighbourhood where all the parents were rich and cool af and their kids listened to rap music and thought they were compton hood niggers and all tried to emulate their hip hop icons.

All talkin about how poor they were and how hard rhe hood was and shooting each other n shit.

Bruh.. Pretty sure rap music plays a big role when it comes to retarded teenagers trying to identify with something and be cool.

I have upstanding hard working family having co workers who used to live that life and are embarassed. They all admit it was about being the coolest and copying biggie smalls.

Dont be so blind

let's do it. blacks were doing fine before they interacted with white men

Capitalism only works in the public interest if it's contained within an ethical framework. Things like vigorous antitrust, ethical consumer and worker protections, and an economic model where private gains are reasonably enjoyed by workers as well as executives are not natural to capitalism (they are socialist devices), but we see them as important parts of a sustainable capitalist model.

Our US system can we described as crony (or state) capitalism, where the owners and financiers in our economy have managed to entrench themselves by buying access to policymaking, and essentially privatize the economic gains for themselves while socializing their losses (see bailouts and corrupt contract acquisition processes). Beware the lawmakers who cry for cutting regulations and call themselves job creators, there's a reason they need to throw obscene sums of money at politicians to convince them to sing their tune - it's because the policy positions they want go against the public good, and no one would want to advocate them pragmatically

Maybe when the majority of the population is middle class or unable to communicate with each other.

If the middle class keeps shrinking and the internet is kept unregulated then less regulated Capitalism will lead to some sort of revolution. (it remains to be seem whether this is a good or bad thing).

>implying cultural appropriation has an indistinguishable effect regardless of the culturea involved, willfully ignoring political and social power dynamics and the historical roots of mondern racial stratification

>muh negroid boogeyman

Black culture isn't what ruins countries. It's the non-black assholes who embrace it because it's "cool" and "edgy" without understanding what it means or what the implications are. Try wearing a red armband with a swastika on it and saying Nazi culture is "totally in right now" without embracing the racist components and see where that gets you. It's the same thing, except black thugs kill black citizens so nobody cares.

I think we agree on more than you seem to think...

Trickle down economics IS a myth.
And capitalism is wonderful. I love it. A lot.

But no system is perfect and no system works all the time. And one of the main things that makes capitalism work is fair distribution of wealth. Well when youre cutting taxes like crazy to the ultra rich because theyll "create jobs" the thing is, they dont. They just suck all the money up and leave less to go around and to spend for the middle class.

And without a lot of people spending money all the time, businesses fail.

Niggers ruin everything they touch, so it's impossible to prove you wrong.

America has always been great. You just have the urge to say stupid shit that your liberal history teachers spew.

that's where the "raise your kids" part comes into play. it's up to the parents to make sure that their children can separate their actual reality and what they're listening to/watching on tv

Yeah they were only about a thousand years behind. Rome was building cities, Africa was and still is living in huts, and don't even try that Egypt bullshit, Big huge difference between Egyptians and Niggers.

>says shit that can't be proven.

Socialism doesn't work sooooo

>implying America has culture
>implying 13% of the population is ruining it

Womp womp.

>Black culture has ruined America.

Not proving you wrong, just fixing your error.

How old are you?
If youre over 25, find me a teenager who listens to everything mommy and daddy says and doesnt care about being cool or liked by his peers, and ill show you a socially maladjusted person whos going to have trouble later.

Teens are stupid and rebellious by nature. Most of them will find pop icons and role models themselves and do what their peers do.

And if black culture is only depicted by the media as violence and basketball, well most black kids are gonna get into violence and basketball.

>and the companies that call themselves job creators
Added something I left out, if anyone's even reading itt

People don't understand that capitalism and the "free market", if unchecked, would inevitably lead to companies selling you aflaroxin-covered foodstuffs in permeable cardboard boxes off of immigrant-run food carts found in one location in your particular city or town at hundreds of dollars a pop. Safeguards are the only thing that keep the system from running off the rails. Anyone who thinks people act in the interest of others without incentives or laws forcing them to do so are annoyingly dense and have never reflected on their own behaviors.

capitalism is ethical. crony capitalism is not capitalism. pure capitalism aka free market capitalism is the most ethical system.

"Things like vigorous antitrust, ethical consumer and worker protections, and an economic model where private gains are reasonably enjoyed by workers as well as executives are not natural to capitalism (they are socialist devices), but we see them as important parts of a sustainable capitalist model."

these things have absolutely no place in capitalism. absolute garbage.

you're right, because Egypt isn't in Africa. and you should probably do some (non-Fox News-based) research if you sincerely believe Africa was thousands of years behind Europe in the 1700's

cutting taxes is positive. period. doesn't matter for who.

Nice try Reagan.

This is sierra leone. This is according to the HDI the worst poorest country in the world. It is in africa. I dont see any mudhuts.

I got another picture for ya hold up.

that's not true. a free market means unlimited competition. companies simply could not fuck over the consumers because there's multiple other companies people can buy from.

They were living in huts, and they still live in huts. You can blame the white devil all you want but even slavery was rampant before whitey ever set foot looking or labor.

replace black with the more generic "inner city" and you're right

reagan cut taxes without cutting spending. that's a no no. still, the fact that he cut taxes was a positive.

Uh huh, and what keeps these companies from strategizing behind closed doors with each other to artificially set prices? That's what happens, user. You can put all the laws you want in place to stop it, but if it's kept in the shadows well enough, you'll never be able to prove it in court.

Guess the white man is responsible for this aswell? The Cities in Africa were put there by whites, and once they leave the niggers just ruin it.

These are the sami. They live in Sweden, according to the hdi, one of the best most advanced countries in the world. Its an older picture but they still exist. They are nomadic indigenous swedes. And they are white.

See what happens to your brain and concept of reality when journalists pick and choose what to show you?

Africa has been past mudhuts for a long ass time. But there are and always will be indigenous tribes in the old ways. You will find them in any country.

But when sally struthers and help africa funds want money they will show you mud huts with their backs turned to the city skyline and say "this is what all of africa is all the time."

>capitalism is ethical
Wrong, nitwit. Compared to what, socialism? Profit motive is the reason companies ship jobs overseas, cut corners with worker and product safely, lobby to pay workers less, justify negative externalities like pollution, etc. If you want a purer form of capitalism, look to the early 20th century in the US, or 19th century in the UK. If you knew half as much about how capitalism works as you put on, I doubt you would make such a bold claim.

24 actually. i am very aware of the rebellious nature of most teenagers, but that doesn't mean their parents can't instill values into them that deter them from "ruining the country". if parents depict violence and basketball as two routes that their kids DON'T have to take, then they most likely won't. being black, being raised in black culture, and having a mother who instilled such concepts into me & my siblings, has allowed me to see this argument from multiple angles


Look at Zimbabwe. Whites built it, maintained it and then were kicked out. Soon begged back when the black folks were down to eating rats.

>implying free market capitalism didn't create near slave like conditions prior to the employment of socialist devices to protect workers rights and halt monopolies that victimize consumers
>not knowing the origins of minimum wage, the weekend, unemployment insurance, and other countless "socialist" gains that free market capitalism tried to eradicate

people are going to make life choices regardless of what influences them, that is the pursuit of happiness

and to discriminate music for your precious youths based on the creator's skin color is prejudiced; tell me, what is black culture? and by what authority can you say that black culture is worse than yours? what gives you that power? not the constitution


This. People who fellate capitalism like it's the golden road to utopia like to forget that pure capitalism is what allowed drug companies to market heroin to children and exploit slave labor. And bof those things still exist, albeit in neutered ways. These people think that unabated capitalism magically makes people forget about their own self interests and became the type of altruistic demigods that only exist in myth.

Yeah countries sure do go to shit when the government is overthrown and civil wars break loose and no one can win because foreign powers keep arming different factions to push their own political agendas causing a stalemate in the natural power struggle for stable government that every developed nation has gone through itself.

Amazing how not simple anything at all is isnt it. Whether were talking about race or anything really.

There are no simple answers to anything.

Also what did African cities look like in the 1700's? When white people were exploring the world? Or lets go back to say Ancient Rome. They were building the Colosseum, what were Africans building?

Actually free speech #1 on the constitution give me the right to judge what ever the fuck i want , then give my opinion, But its' a double edge sword , because you have to accept the consequences if you abuse your rights.


Not parent, but Capitalism is the most ethical economical system ever developed. It removes boundaries and allows for vertical movement. Pretending that any other system that has ever been tried is better is insane.

Also as for your justifying negative externalities like pollution, there are methods for which this is taken care of. The greatest power in capitalism is in the consumer, if the consumer base cares enough about something it will eventually have to happen.

i understand free speech.

what do you think is a tenable solution? if it's legislation, i think it would be discriminatory legislation. if you don't care about legislation, then your just complaining. let people be different and make their own choices lol

Actually the 1700s were very shortly after the fall of the mali empire of west africa in the 1600s.

They were a great civilisation, capitalist and world trader. China still has some of their currency. Pro tip: Chinas far for 1600. They wouldnt waste their time trading with your vision of africa.

Inb4 hurr they fell though. So did rome, that great nation you quoted in the first place. To barbarians.