If scientifically we are supposed to believe that quantum mechanics is correct and believe in the superposition of...

If scientifically we are supposed to believe that quantum mechanics is correct and believe in the superposition of states that is presented in Schrodinger's cat, then doesn't that scientifically mean that since God has never been observed by humans, God is a superposition of being real and fake at the same time, and thus scientifically, we have proven that God is real? And since we have proven that God is real in at least one superposition of states, then given his omnipotence, he can use that partially real state to make himself real in all states, thus guaranteeing God's existence. Checkmate atheists.


and No

I thought you had a real question or idea related to QM

I do... I'm completely serious by this. If you claim it's not a real question, why not prove why I'm wrong to where you can dismiss it?

I thought for a moment that you were going to use an understanding of quantum mechanics to ask a legitimate question or prove something, instead, you just gave me cancer.

In case you're not a troll: Schrodinger's Cat is basically a satirical theory towards how ridiculous quantum physics is.

You're basically saying God is ridiculous.

quantum mechanics only helps you in calculating the probabilities of measuring various observable quantities. so if your god is not observable, quantum mechanics will not help you to refute or prove its existence

It's got nothing to do with the cat at all, Schrodinger was always a bit pissed that everyone focused on the cat thing when it was actually about the state of decay of the isotope.

Sounds like a total stoner argument but has some nice aspects come to think of it. Still it has some major flaws.

Not everything we don't observe is in superposition. Otherwise there would be no need for such a complicated setup in the right. Only specific quantum mechanisms are in superposition.

Also you can't use God's omnipotence as an argument when proving his existence, because omnipotence is not given. Even if you had (partially) proven God's existence, it wouldn't mean he's omnipotent.

inb4 atheist: I believe in God. I just don't need prove to do so. That's why it's called "believing" and not "knowing". Still I'm wondering if there is a proof out there...

Read the wiki of S Cat. It's widely misunderstood. Quantum Theory says the cats both alive and dead. S Cat is a proof that says a cat can't be both alive and dead.

Agnostic atheist here,
Seconding because negative can't be proven following science rules.

schrodinger's cat is simply a bad model.
Much like the planetary orbit model for electrons around an atom, it kind of explains a phenomenon, but fails on details.



God is observable though, except he is entirely in control of whether he gets observed or not. We're going by the bible definition of God where he has shown himself on a few occasions such as to Moses as the burning bush. So you're talking about the probability of measuring observable quantities.

and also, the logic of QM make it that if the wavefunction of god (whatever that means) is in a superposed state, like real+fake, then it is false to say that god is real, and at the same time it is also false to say that god is fake. it is neither so you cannot use this superposition to gain knowledge on the realness or fakeness of god

As far as I'm concerned, if God showed up as a burning bush, I'd piss on him to put it out. Stupid weak god.

those are just mathematical models you idiot, it doesn't mean thy have a meaning in the human perceived reality

ok so if you start by assuming that god is real, then you conclude that he is real congratulation

just don't try to involve modern science with your ancient superstitions and it will go well

If quantum theory exist. Then there is the universe in which Erwin schrodinger doesn't make it to express his quantum theory that same universe, quantum mechanics never came to be; in that own universe

If there is hypothetically speaking, infinite universes then at least one of those universe doesn't have the idea of multiverse. This doesn't prove nor disprove that quantum mechanics is real. How would life be for that universe, maybe their minds are at ease; knowing you cease to exist.

So everything you believe is either right or wrong, since nothing is 100% provable. Ie the cat could be suffering an extreme case of rigor mortis, and is fact dead, but appears alive, meaning scroedengirs theory carrys on past removal of the box. So believe whatever the fuck you want, because it doesn't matter in the end. I believe in a mystical deity, that wants nothing but good, for me and my soul, because that's pretty cool, and validates literally every second of my life, just saying.

Also I need to add. That means there would be such a universe in which einstien and schrodinger didn't live long past birth or made it to adulthood where they even got the ideas in first place.

Quantum mechanics only applies to quanta. Schrodinger's box is merely a thought experiment to help people visualize superpositions.

It's not literally applicable too large-scale systems. So unless you're arguing that God is literally a single subatomic particle, then quantum mechanics has nothing to say on the matter.

As for the "act of observation"and the reason it causes the superposition you collapse, is because the act of observing a particle is not a passive one. You have to interact with that particle, and you change it in the process. Think of it like this, if the only way for you to observe a baseball in flight is to hit it with a golf ball, then "observing" the baseball will cause it to change its trajectory and speed.