Masturbation literally is gay

masturbation literally is gay

you are literally jacking off a penis with your hand until it comes

you are literally gay if you masturbate

so i guess you're the only straight dude on the planet... and yet... still... somehow... OP IS A FAGGOT

jesus what a pencil dick

You would know.


Is this why I feel shame afterwards?
It always leaves me upset and I have to hit my younger brother or gf to make myself feel better.

masturbation is murder

you're also pretty fucking gay if you jerk off to or fuck traps



it's still succable

plus that's a really cute twink

>Is this why I feel shame afterwards?


we live in a very homophobic culture which guilt trips people from an early age

it's not fair, once you get over this feeling the world becomes so much bigger, user


OP never claimed to be straight.

If jacking yourself off is gay then i dont wanna be straight.


straight is boring

bisexuality is literally the best thing anyways

That's like saying suicide is murder, or 9/11 wasn't an inside job

girls can be bi, guys can only be gay or straight

>girls can be bi, guys can only be gay or straight

literally makes no sense

bisexuality has nothing to do with being a certain sex, just what sexes you are attracted to

I am a bisexual male. You can fuck right off.

>suicide is murder
Sure, why not.

>9/11 wasn't an inside job
Not sure I follow the comparison.


I think saving a picture onto your pc of a guy mid ejaculation is pretty fucking gay, OP

I'm bi.

do you masturbate?


well then by your standards, you are gay, not bi. Goodnight.

then i am flaming

then you're dumb, being bisexual is being both straight and gay at the same time

there's a straight side and a gay side

the act of masturbation itself is gay

post more of that warthog


You is important.
You is confused.
You is gay.


Not confused about liking both vagina and penis. You are confused if you can't understand such a simple concept. Probably stupid as fuck too.

masturbation will make you impotent by proxy in the long run & lower your testosterone, thus making you a girly sissy. you are going to start experience a preference for your hand in order to be satisfied, instead of fucking an actual girl.

>thinks sperms is a finite resource

bisexuality is only a good thing if youre actually HAVING sex. if youre just thinking about it its twice as bad =_=

step 1: be you
step 2: suck a whole lot of dicks
step 3: deny being gay

>if youre just thinking about it its twice as bad

I don't get it.

Also, you're*.

Never denied being bisexual. I just deny that I only like penises, I like vaginas, sometimes even more than penises.

Seems like an odd time to reference The Help but OK.

You're wrong btw.

Stupid fuck detected.

>Also, you're*.
get fuuuuuucked

literal retard

>we live in a very homophobic culture which guilt trips people from an early age

Well hello there tumblr

Liking vaginas sometimes more than penises is only a phrase that one downstairs doctor should say to another