Would you touch your bone sculptures with unclean hands?

Would you touch your bone sculptures with unclean hands?

I wouldn't touch it.

Is that some kind of sexual euphemism?


No. It's a question about how important you feel cleanliness is.

Also, I think I'm going to sleep. 6 AM

I have cleanliness ocd. I wash my hands a lot. I have to force myself not to instinctively not go to a sink when I get whatever-the-fuck all over my hands.

For me, it's not what I wash my hands after. It's what I wash my hands before.
I wash my hands before using my computer.
But if I'm not going to use my computer or my vidya, I'm OK with my hands being kinda nasty

My hands are always stained with paint and smell of turpentine.

Yeah I never touch electronics with dirty, slimy hands.

If I had bone sculptures to touch, then yeah, probably.

Where are your corners?

A clean keyboard is a fun keyboard!
I consider my cell phone inherently dirty though, so I wash my hands after I turn it off and put it away though.



I touch my bone sculpture every day with unclean hands

How do you clean your hands? HOW DO YOU CLEAN YOUR HANDS?!?

Planet Earth About to be Recycled, Your Only Chance to Survive is to Leave with Us.


Diebenkorn's work is fascinating. His handling of paint is enigmatic, his sense of space is brilliant, his eye for color is sensitive, his composition reads like tectonic plates slipping past one another yet they remain solid. If I had even a single percent of what he was capable of I'd never have any problems in my work.

Looks like bong resin, sculpted
