Why do people call the medieval period the Christian "dark ages" when catholics were setting up massive fucking organs...

Why do people call the medieval period the Christian "dark ages" when catholics were setting up massive fucking organs everywhere, basically making it the first widespread musical instrument birthing the age of modern music and spread of professional grade music

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because that was the only technological feat.

did not happen in the medieval period

When did it happen

They are called the dark ages because there is relatively little historic evidence unlike the greco-roman times before it.
Also: try listening some Gregorian chants. They are quite boring.

17th century started building pipe organs as we know them today

Try again dumbass

What kind of spaghetti-armed octopus freak can actually play this shit?

>massive fucking organs
most of them were made in the Renaissance/Baroque ages dummy

Think of it as a synth. The pegs on the side are like patches and effects pedals. Typically different sets of keys are in different pitches or make different sounds for simplicities sake. Remember, technology was not a thing and everything had to be changed manually if you wanted a flute and a string and a oboe you could have all 3 on 3 seperate sets of keys


proddies ruin everything

this is a massive oversimplification, but the medieval period was considered the dark ages because the artists of the time, as great as they were, had a huge case of "le wrong generation" and worshipped the romans and greeks. in reality, there were huge strides in art, culture, science and technology.

Building upon and taking account of the greats that came before you isn't really le wrong generation, nothing exists in a vacuum

You've got it completely wrong.
The time after the Middle Ages: the Renaissance was the time there became a growing interest in Greek cultural works that were before that unknown in Western Europe and only remained in the Byzantine Empire.

no, realist art from the early roman period were back in style in that time as well

Because of the plague

That's a relatively small organ, organs have existed for a very long time. But organ building and organ music really became popular in the late renaissance/earlybaroque.

because a bunch of idiots midway through wanted to go back to being Roman so said everything between Romans and them was bad because art wasn't realist/humanist.

because the old empires had fallen and new ones had yet to be set up, most modern historians of any given field ignore the concept of a dark age and some even deny the renaissance

i should have added that these artists, or more accurately the fans of these artists, referred to the medieval period as the dark ages because it was after the fall of rome, which they considered the best, for good reason, but they sorta ignored the greats of the medieval era
i'm saying that the renaissance era people tended to ignored the greats of the medieval era and focused on the greeks and romans.