What language is derived from Latin that sounds better and sounds worse?

What language is derived from Latin that sounds better and sounds worse?


Italian: youtube.com/watch?v=YTI4t3De6Ik

Spanish: youtube.com/watch?v=6Wz9fFB1m94

Portuguese: youtube.com/watch?v=3mb7iJ7ybqs

French: youtube.com/watch?v=lq0nCf4ccSM

Other urls found in this thread:


stupid monkey
your thread reeks of rotten bananas

whatever language sounds cute as long as qts speak it

Spanish is the best, by far




Romanian best

Interesting video. Some Romansch words sound like Italian, German, or Spanish. To me the language itself is very clean-sounding, but not boring, and only slightly melodic.


Spanish is also the manliest romance language

wrong. romanian is the manliest romance language

i went to Wisconsin dells once and it was full or Romanians and they all sounded like fags

Will say Romanian, sounds pretty neat imho, doesn't even sound Latin based either.
Portuguese, no offense, just don't quite like how it sounds compared to others, still pretty neat though.

I wouldn't say any Latin derived languages sound bad desu, just some better and some worse than others.

Holy fuck I just came


you did this on fucking purpose

Top Tier
Spanish Italian

Middle Tier
Variants of Spanish/Italian/French (Catalan..that stuff)

Bottom Tier

Top Tier
-Quebec French

Mid tier

Shit tier
-Spanish Mexican
-Italian American
-Maghreb French

B-but the only spanish speakers that manage a near accent-less spanish are some regions of mexico ;_;

Occitan sounds the best imo :



Best: italian and catalan (and some similar languages like occitan, romansh...)
Worst: french by far
Spanish, romanian and portuguese are normal tier

>derived from latin
i know its exciting that you just found out about latin but its called "romance languages"
also, weren't teachers in strike in brazil? how did you learn that latin existed

>Top tier
EU Spanish

>Mid Tier
ARG Spanish

>Shit tier
Anglo Spanish

a true patrician, i see.
for you.
if you live in the country, its natural to think that your region is the "neutral" one.

>x tier
>y tier

>he thinks they sound the same

brazilian portuguese sounds awful, it's like you squeak all the time but on the other hand sounds very nice when sung

>unironically yes

Italian is best. Spanish sounds gay as fuck

The Gladiator dubbed in italian

Here's on russian, kek

>spaniards will kill when they hear this



Why? Sounds kinda authentical :^l

They hate our dubs and people here hate their dubs back.

No we're not 12 years old youtubers, we just ignore them.

imho Italy has the nicest sounding language.

why portuguese sounds like asian language?

That voice tho

For some reason it sounds kinda slav to me.

American education.

French > Italian >>>> Spanish >>>>>> Portuguese

it all sounds like a bunch of random fluttery gibberish with too many vowels

fucking creeps, ending every word with an A or an O, I want my consonants

I fucking hate Spanish. Definitely the worst.

>it öl sauns laik a bunch of random ˈflʌtə(r)i ˈdʒibəriʃ wJð tu meni ˈvaʊəls

>Spanish Italian

Italian >= French > Spanish > [POWER GAP] > English (lel) > Portuguese

Ending in consonants can sound brutish if you're not deliberately soft with it.

The latinos were smart in that regard.

Haha what the fuck

Godlike tier

Mid tier:

Shit tier:

>claim spanish has too many vowels
>add diphthongs everywhere for no reason when speaking spanish

why do anglos mean by this?

Romanian is so beautiful.


The French video has a Mexican talking so she has a bit of an accent.

>claims spanish has too many vowels
>pronounces each vowels in 12 different ways depending on their position, their nearby vowels, order of syllables, and current lunar cycle
thats the one

fitting, they are the eastern european version of you

just another italian dialect. The swiss won't admit this though.


I'll take it as a praise, since I like them.

oh hey you forgot romanian but don't worry i got you youtube.com/watch?v=OgpVZFSTsYI

>oh hey you forgot romanian
well , anyways its shit

well you're obviously wrong Juan

>well you're obviously wrong Juan
sure Bogdan

Italian, French and Romanian are the smooth, romantic version

Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan are the choked up macho version

Kek, it sounds like Romanian - Catalan

Romance languages literally are the best ones. They are the heirs of Latin, that sweet honorful patrician language that is constructed in such a poetical, yet logical and commanding way

And I'm saying this as a native Dutch speaker

You can choke on my dick

French is ok until you get to the numbers, the fact they can actually use math seems like a mirarle to me

Both sound good to me
And the only ones who cares about that are kids (and maybe forococheros)