So im really curious about making pot brownies / pastries...

So im really curious about making pot brownies / pastries. I have a couple of questions for anyone who has done it before.

1.) Is it a waste of weed? Im asthmatic and its hard for me to smoke but i dont want to use a whole 8th (which is 40k nucks in my area) to make a couple cookies

2.)does it stink up the house? Will it be obvious you cooked with weed? And if so for how long.

3.)how long does an injested high last for?

4.)can i just eat it straight

You'll need to make butter don't throw yer weed in the batter.
It will stink as much as breaking up yer nugs to make butter, same as opening yer jar in a room. The butter cooking in the brownies won't smell though.
Eating weed is potent as none of the cannabinoids are destroyed by flame.
It can be intense, dose wisely, takes a while to metabolize.

1. It's not as efficient as smoking it. You'll get way higher, but a batch of pot brownies needs at least a quarter to an half of an ounce so it's expensive (also, I'm asthmatic too, THC is actually a bronchiodilator so possibly keep that in mind)

2. It'll smell a little weed-y, yeah. Maybe a few hours at most

3. here's where edibles shine. That shit lasts a long ass time, like 5 or 6 hours. takes at least an hour to feel it though

4. No.

How much do you recommend per brownie/cookie

Side not, you can make "firecrackers) google a recipe) with like a g of weed and get stoney baloney

why does nigger the nigger always do strange photos?

>i'm asthmatic and it's hard for me to smoke
Uhhh, just don't put any tobacco in it?

Weed = opens bronchus
Tobacco = closes bronchus

Simply the act of smokeing makes it act up

He's a weird guy, I guess


When I've made them I've always used my weed crumbs cause I didn't want to waste my good bugs.
As far as ratios I was not at all meticulous cause in my mind more was better and I would test potency in small amounts when brownies were complete.

Breathing smoke will fuck you up, no matter what kind it is.

I love edibles. Haven't smoked for months, but use deibles regularily.

It does taste a bit, but not much. Depends on what you are cooking. If it tastes strong, it will hide the taste of cannabis. I like making bownies, the taste is almost gone.

Some people say it stinks up the house, but not for me. The decarb process smells a bit, but vanishes quickly. The rest is basically odorless, at least for me.

It lasts from 6-8 hours, depending on how high you get. Takes an hour or too to get you high though.

All cannabis has to go through heat treatment to activate. Smoking a joint burns it. Baking stuff cooks it. Decarbing weed will activate more thc, and will make the edibles more potent. I highly recommend decarbing.

Keep in mind that edibles are ingested in a different way than smoking it, and it picks up yet another active ingredient in cannabis. It will be more intense, and much more psychedelic. I have straight up visuals on large amounts, and have had a bad trip on it too. It can get very intense, treat it like a psychedelic.

Nugs not bugs... dont put any bugs in the mix, unless you want to.

You can't get high off of eating it, it needs to be processed by your liver which is why thy put it into fatty substances like oil and butter

so basically,
>make weed oil using coconut oil and weed
>use oil in brownie recipe
>lasts a good few hours (2-4)
>house stinks when you make the oil but not when you make the brownies
>you can eat it stright but it definitely tastes like plant.

not that i have ever done anything like that.

Sure, but i knew someone who was smoking tons of hash(bottleshot tokes(need cigarettes)) and was asthmatic

From hanging with me a shit ton, he switched to smoking joints and he even told me it did a huge difference

Just saying

You make weed butter. Then use the butter for anything you want. If you don't want the trouble of brownies you can always just put the butter on a bagel or bread or something like that.

It will taste a little like weed. It will stink up the house if you bake anything with weed butter. The edible high lasts longer and is more of a body high. It normally makes me more tired than smoking.

You can always make green dragon alcohol with everclear too.

How about being curious about getting an education? Getting a job? Working out? Reading a book? Practicing a spiritual discipline?


a big part of it is decarbing the weed

google it, someone else can explain it better than me

i'd try 0,3-0,6g herb/cookie depending on quality of aswell as your resistance

Is it a waste? No, here when you visit a new shop they gift you something, more often then not shitty weed. Picked up and got an 1/8 of shit weed. HOLY CRAP did this shit weed result in potent brownies.

Does it stink up the house? Absolutely, I live in a small-ish two bedroom apartment and you could catch a wiff all the way to the furthest bedroom.

How long does it last? this is determined by how much you take and your tolerance.

Can you just eat it straight? why would you?

1. Crock pot plus mason jar with lid
2. you need to use a least an 1/8 for two sticks of butter
3. slice up butter and put in bottom of mason jar
4. grind your bud up and put in mason jar and close lid
5. Add water to crockpot so mason jar is about halfway submerged in water
6. Cook that shit up for 6 to 8 hours and shaking mason jar every hour or so.
7. Cheesecloth is needed to strain butter.
8. Place butter in fridge.

You have at least a strong batch of butter. It may stink a little bit but that mason jar mask that shit up. Worth a shot.

Google the Everclear method. No better method out there, period.

I've baked a ton, and baked a ton.

but smoking IS a spiritual discipline you, you
double baka

OP, use grounded dark brown vape weed for best use of $

Im a computer engineer, i made 80k starting and im currently making 110k yearly before taxes. I do a lot of consultation and its very stressfull, dont want to drink myself to death ao i do a little bud now and then to ease up

Is that good enough for you?