I wanted to find out how many grapes i could fit in my mouth

i wanted to find out how many grapes i could fit in my mouth

a whole lot


Thanks, user.

amazing post

How many?

Would be funny if i knew who that is

About 3 dozen

Nice digits. It me

End your life?

I think I could kick your ass

i'll think about it

Well that's pretty fucking retarded

Think you could fit the barrel of a 12gauge in you mouth?

That's him finding out how many grapes he could fit in his mouth

should be no problem

What are you holding on to?

Just let go

you british m8?

...can we see that?

>What are you holding on to?
VR anime

Hitler time?

i don't have a 12 gauge handy right now

ye, what gave it away?


There's gotta be something laying around that you could shove in there...

Skull structure

Are you the kid from Gummo?

I wasn't born british, lol
Maybe they put something in the water?

No weapons

Do you have Gatorade in limeytown?

i swear i seen you in sixth form many years back

Your thoughts on the queen?

What the hell is sixth? Speak English. Real English. American English

Anything you can weaponize?

yes, we call it lucazade here though. I don't drink it

she seems nice

Answer 'us' you handjob!

Lucazade? You're kidding

Also: how big of a problem is Islam?

i didn't do sixth form, I went from year 11 to college for 2 years

I'm an anglophile. If I go to the UK, will I be horrifically disappointed?

Not him but it's spelled Lucozade. Also, none unless you live in London , Manchester or Birmingham.

Oxford's African American studies program, I presume

a pair of very dangerous looking scissors

no problem at all :^)

That depends. Would you say middle easterners are Anglos?

depends. what are you expecting? the countryside is nice

But those are your biggest and best cities! Take them back!

Only a devil worshiper would spout such nonsense!

No. No I wouldn't

Trust me, I'm an American

nah, Newcastle's better. Your average normie is at least a little redpilled on muslims (most people support #BanTheBurqa)

How 'bout #slaughter the sand-bastards!?

Also: what's it like to be superior to the French?

My dad beats the shit out of me. Your thoughts?

Rape him to show your dominance

It's great. The frogs had a chance to prove their worth. They chose macron.

Piss in his bumhole as revenge

Macron? Enlighten an American savage


Emmanuel Macron, new Frog president. Extremely leftarded pro EU bastard. Also married to someone twice his age.

Uh... sounds like a fagool