Does Sup Forums have good taste in movies and television?

Does Sup Forums have good taste in movies and television?

shit taste at movie and television

patrician taste at waifus


not anymore


>patrician taste at waifus

quite the opposite

Sup Forums likes Star Wars and capeshit everything else is considered "reddit" or "/v"

>Patrician taste at waifus
Not even that

>flavor of the week trash from capeshit flicks and meme shows
>patrician whyfoos

Used to but not so much these days. I learned about some amazing movies from Sup Forums but now they never talk about them or just shitpost those threads to death.

>>flavor of the week trash from capeshit flicks and meme shows

name one

Same, when I first came to Sup Forums I felt ashamed of being the plebest around.
Every thread discussed big names in the history of cinema and art, and everyone seemed to have a firm knowledge on films.
Now I'm ashamed of still coming to this shithole, expecting good discussion, when there's just capeshit and force memetry.

daisy ridley
gal fast and furious
the agents of shield lady
the one thats really tall and was supposed to be captain capeshit
amy adams

This board used to have good taste in films, but now Sup Forums only has good taste in cuckoldry

I too felt plebby, as you should if you haven't seen all the shit form like the S&S 2012 list or the "entry level arthouse" charts. Having seen those and 100s of other titles that branched out from my Sup Forums beginnings I am upset that I can't start threads of my own to discuss some niche corner of cinema or another with the anons who laid the foundation.

neither of these fotm

gadot is a meme anyways

lol you serious?


good taste in repeating integers though

all of them are fotm

Sup Forums killed Sup Forums starting in 2012

this place is Sup Forumsv/2.0

i agree

i disagree

yeah, check out these bad boys

>tripfag purge
>moot the cuck's ebin attempt to "troll" Sup Forums with the captchas

this kills the Sup Forums

let the games begin

>forgetting neo FOR YOU aka "Baneposting"
Now watch the Sup Forums and Sup Forums kids reach for their hothead reaction images

Nah, the only board that has good taste in its medium is Sup Forums


>forgetting the cancerous Sup Forums posters spamming food threads here now