Females are dumb

females are dumb.
name 5 things they have invented.
protip: you cant without looking it up.

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liquid paper (white-out)

okay, ya got me. i even had to use Marie Curie twice.

The smartest thing to have come of a woman's mouth was Albert Einstein's dick

every cell in a woman's body is different than a man's

Try again...

windshield wipers

Spread spectrum technology - Hedy Lamarr
Computer programming - Ada Lovelace

Those were two I learned in the military. Respect for our women, bruh

I can't think of other ones without looking up names.


Lol, not enough talent to do it herself.

To be fair, the inventor of liquid paper was a failure at typing.

Fake news...

Inexcusable ignorance...

Period pads


In the 70s I think, she was weaving some sort of fabric and stumbled on a certain weave that was stronger than others and decided to add multiple layers. She revolutionized soft armor to make it lightweight and stronger than what was currently being used which were flak jackets made for pilots to prevent against fragmentation from anti aircraft rounds but were heavy as fuck.

Pretty cool if you ask me. Obviously we now have ceramic armor for combat vests, but before that it was a layer(s) of Kevlar and steel plates. Law enforcement, security contractors and military still use kevlar for it's lightweight bulletproof (up to certain calibers) capabilities.

>Period pads
"The initial discovery of the telescoping cardboard "applicator tampon" was developed and patented by the Colorado doctor Earl Haas in 1931"

A tampon is not a period pad though retard.

Okay now after looking it up she was a chemist and her team was looking for stronger tire material and she found something that no one else seemed to notice

Period pads can be traced back to the use of cotton bandages. So in other words an ancient technology. The Kotex corporation was the first to market modern day menstrual pads.

But yeah, a dude made the first tampon.

yeah and a mazda isnt a dodge, theyre still both fuckin cars

go eat a fucking porcupine you imbred fuck.

Marie Curie was a genius though.
Her fucking study is still radioactive because of all her experiments.
Pretty sure she was the first woman to get the Nobel prize. And it was Radium she discovered.

And the inventor of Mazda didn't invent the dodge.
Fuck a cactus and fix your arguments. In that order.

Indeed, and her achievement places her in a very rarified class of people. Only one other woman has earned a Nobel in physics, and she shared a quarter of the prize with her colleagues.

1. Men mind control techniques
2. Feminism
3. Blowjobs
4. Polon (discovery not invention but still)
5. Idk they are born parasites but you still would fuck one given the chance so shut the fuck up and do what women wants or die virgin.

>I'm so insecure I need to brag about what other men have done because that's the only factor we have in common because I like to swallow black semen on an hourly basis.

Marie Curie: Theory of radioactivity
Nancy Johnson: The ice-cream maker
Maria Telkes: The first 100 percent solar-powered house
Ann Tsukamoto: Stem cell isolation
Grace Hopper: The computer
Elizabeth Magie: Monopoly
Rosalind Franklin: DNA double helix
Maria Beasley: The life raft
Stephanie Kwolek: Kevlar
Shirley Jackson: The source of all things telecommunication

We could argue that the first computer was the abacus or its descendant, the slide rule, invented by William Oughtred in 1622. But the first computer resembling today's modern machines was the Analytical Engine, a device conceived and designed by British mathematician Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871.

Needed a man's help.

Babbage's machine, and Alan Turing's machine. Both invented by dudes.

Grace Hopper designed the first compiler, but you fucks are way too ignorant to understand what that is.

I think the poster meant polonium, also discovered by the Curies.

Close, but no cigar...

I knew this one was shit right away...

both still cars which were invented by "one person"

Of course the famous scientists Watson and Crick discovered the DNA double helix, but Franklin did provide the x-ray crystallography that lead to the discovery.

nah. I just thought it was funny. I can name more than 5 things. men can't

He discovered it in the same way the the first dude who saw a lightning strike "discovered" fire.
He didn't understand shit about it. He just observed it. It was only in working with the Curies that he understood it. They discovered it together.

you so looked this shit up. first and last names? bruh I can't even name 5 male inventors by first and last name

And cars are just metal.
And metal is really just elements.
And elements were discovered by someone else.
You can boil this shit down and twist it however you like. It wasn't a dude who invented period pads.


An interesting woman, but I will leave this link here as an exercise to the reader, so that they may draw their own conclusions about this person's contribution to the telecommunications industry.

'All things' in this context is a bit of hyperbole.


Raddiation safety
period pads.
Circular saw
radio guidance devices for torpedos
and fire escapes.

I realize you've probably never had a girlfriend, so let me explain it for you.
A period pad is the flat diaper looking piece of cloth.
The tampon that was patented is a solid cotton tube that inserted into the vagina.

i like how you have yet to supply this woman's name

I have to respectfully disagree with you there. He understood enough to distinguish it from x-ray radiation.

The Curies shared their Nobel prize with him, but his work came first. To credit the Curies solely with the discovery is a bit unfair.

I am getting a lot of work out of my snipping tool tonight.

I like how you don't realize women have been bleeding out of their pussies since forever.
And have, since forever, been putting cloth in their pants so they don't bleed all over the place.
"Disposable pads had their start with nurses using their wood pulp bandages to catch their menstrual flow" if you want a reference.
You'd have to be delusional to think it was a fucking dude who came up with this.

Also, as mentioned above, Hedy Lamarr's torpedo system was never put into practice.

I mean... even the idea came from a man. Benjamin Franklin.
the first ones patented in the states, where it only matters, were done by Johnson & Johnson which at the time was on by a man. females nurses got the idea from a man but those weren't pads. they were used to soak up blood in general and they were designed for anywhere on the body

'Raddiation safety'

I could not verify this. If your referring to Madam Curie watching her husband die of radiation poisoning, then I guess...

I like how the more you lose this the more ground you try to keep by going back in time. get over it man.

Which is why I said they discovered it together, not that the Curies discovered it alone.
Yes he observed it first. Observation is the first step in science. Props to him.
He still couldn't riddle it out alone.

Think about it. She made the first "program" for a machine a man made. You really think that man didn't already write "programs" for that machine. She was just some entitled bitch who got that title.

bruh I can't even name 1,000,000,000 things men have invented let alone 5 for bitches

F8 V8 N8

If you honestly think that a dude first came up with the idea of putting cloth in womens pants to keep them from bleeding all over the place, then I am done.
You're to stupid to be reasoned with.

Yes, previously they just bled out all over the place. It was a man, offended by the filth, who initially insisted they practice proper hygiene.

I'm just kidding, but as long as we're speculating on things we can't possibly know for sure...

there you go again... keep going back... dodge, ford, metals, and minerals, right?

Ok, that's a fair point, but I find your comparison of Becquerel's revelations on ionizing radiation with Cro-Magnon man's discovery of fire to be a bit crude.

Yeah who knows.
And maybe an Eskimo was the first to invent the solar still. Maybe an African was the first to invent the tanning bed.
Logically however, the person with the problem would come up with the solution. In this case, women bleeding from pussies would invent a solution for bleeding out of pussies.

Sure it was the biblical Adam who picked the forbidden cotton that separated humanity from the Garden of Eden and God's Grace, but it was Eve's monthly befoulment which he had hoped to prevent.

It was just to illustrate the difference between observation and discovery. And that the knowledge that is implied in "discovery" is exaggerated.

Solar power house isn't an invention. She just added solar panels to the house. If I put solar panels on a prius did I invent a solar power car?

You can't do that though.
A house has certain power requirements that aren't met with just haphazardly slapping solar panels on it. At least you couldn't always do that.
Solar powered car was invented long ago.

You shouldn't shit on the work of Maria Telkes. She was an MIT physicist. She did a lot of stuff with thermodynamics, and that shit is hard as fuck.

Solar panels and solar heating are very different. Telkes work was on the latter.

For 1, ur mom invented the blumpkin