Star trek insurrection

what was the fucking point of making this movie?

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It's Trek movie. TNG film that is essentially normal episode with high budget. Comfy as fuck. IMHO second best TNG film after First Contact.

The writers had wanted a love story with Patrick Stewart for a long time. They chose this movie to do it "right" ended up just being boring and lame. It was one of those things that sounds like a great idea on paper but just didn't end up working.

This. None of the TNG movies are great, but I think it's generally agreed that amongst themselves,

First Contact > Generations > > Insurrection > > > > > > Nemesis

I liked Nemesis way better than insurrection. probably more then generations as well

at least Nemesis had a good space battle, there hasn't been a good space battle in Trek since

I think it was very good. Just like an extended episode of TNG. I think that too many freaking fan boys don't like to see people in love. It's not part of their geek world.
Hell, I wanted to see what happened when Jean-Luc took his shore leave.

Instead we got Nemesis.

But back to Insurrection.
Everybody is in character, Geordi sees a sunrise, Riker and Troi finally get a room, Data learns from a child and we a high-strung, ruthless villain.

Wanna talk about an overrated ST?
The Voyage Home.
Freaking whales.
When Spock mind melds with the whale, is a low point.
When I saw this on the original run, I thought it was a puts on.

So enjoy Insurrection, and skip ST 4&5.

Insurrection is the blandest shit ever

>Liking Nemesis at all

While I can appreciate it had an unknown Tom Hardy in it, the director was a fucking hack. He only got the job because he's an award-winning editor who conned his way into the gig by being really good at his day job.

He only directed three movies, "U.S. Marshals," "Executive Decision," and this. All were mediocre at best.

This is the only correct answer.

Generations gives me that comfy 90's sci-fi feel. Like, 1991-1995 sci-fi. I dunno why. I was born in 91 but I wish I was alive sooner so I could have appreciated sci-fi in the 90's when it was at it's greatest and not bound by political correctness and American sensibilities.

>not bound by PC and what-not
Then you want sci-fi in the 1980s.

Generations is fine, but it's directed like a TV show and it kills Kirk, lost massive points all-time for that.

Isn't that why most movies based on TV shows fail? Because it's directed like a movie and not like a TV show? I love the fact that Generations plays out like one giant episode of TNG, it's how all the TNG movies should be. I felt right at home making the transition from season 7 to Generations. The only thing that threw me off I think was Data saying "Oh shit!"

this might shed some light

Thanks that is pretty interesting read.

I always liked Generations better, but only because time travel is fucking retarded and there was no reason to use the Borg again.

best trek beaming aboard captain.

first contact is best next gen movie
voyage home is best original movie.
nutrek 4 will be the best nu trek movie.

nu trek 4 will have time travel and old earth


Certainly had the best overall A E S T H E T I C

The poster always made me think it was an animated feature. I was really disappointed when I realized that wasn't the case.

Purple space bazooka

Movie Picard and TV Picard weren't the same character
Remember in TNG when Picard was ordered by Nechayev to displace the Indian settlers on Dorvan 5 and he did it (albeit begrudgingly) because in his own words, he said that sometimes the greater good required that certain sacrifices be made.
Then this piece of shit rolls along and steamrolls all over it.
Fuck this movie.

Piller thought that First Contact was too dark and violent and wanted something more like The Voyage Home, a funny light-hearted movie that couples and families could enjoy.

Piller wrote a book about the making of Insurrection that Paramount stopped from being published. It leaked and you can read it here -

Very interesting for Trekkies.

That is a good read and i will have to find that book. Insurrection just is not very good by any metric you can measure movies, star trek, or star trek movies by. Every couple of years i watch it thinking now will be the time it clicks and it never does.

Saved. Thanks user

It honestly sounds like Patrick Stewart of all people is responsible for Insurrection being lame as fuck. Piller's original story sounded cool as hell, and everyone loved it except the star. So it was changed.

Those aren't equivalent at all. Are you retarded?

Replace Generations and Nemesis.

idk but that poster is fucking great