Can someone explain this andy sixx log of shit meme?

Can someone explain this andy sixx log of shit meme?

Yeah, we all want him so drill a fat log down our throats. What's to understand?


forced meme by like 5 people

Twelve years ago, someone discovered anal sex can produce children, & had a child that way. This child experienced some misfortunes, including bullying, multiple cases of accidental brain-pithing, and a gypsy curse that visited the idiocy of 99 Trump supporters upon him.
After that, he decided his life's goal was to force-start a meme.
This is the result.

Some retard was shitposting it for literal years with /b ignoring it then a small group of about 2-6 retards decided they wanted to chime into it.


Are you saying you WOULDN'T suck a long thick log from Andy's asshole?



Dont both with the picture lacking (you)s, we know you use a proxy.

We also know you would say "embarrassing really"

Mods confirmed it is one person

Ive seen some faggotry but if what you say is true, this guy is the king of the faggots. Whats his obsession with My Chemical Romance anyway?

just wants to ruin the reputation of the bassist from MCR i guess

viral marketing

his sales are exploding

No one is buying MCR albums

Look, user, I need to tell you something because I don't know if I'll ever see you again.

I... I was an orphan... and I was raised in a whore house in Philadelphia. I read about Milton Hershey and his school in a porno mag, or some crap the girls left by the toilet, and it said some kids had a different life there. I could picture it. I dreamt of it. The idea of being wanted. Because the girl who was forced to raise me would look at me every day like she hoped I would disappear.

The closest I came to feeling wanted was a girl... who made me go through her John's pockets while they screwed. If I collected more than a dollar... she would buy me a Hershey bar. And I would eat it... alone... in my room... with great ceremony. Feeling like a normal kid.

It said sweet on the wrapper.

It was the only sweet thing in my life.

Andy probs fucked his gf or mom backstage and he is mad butt hurt about being cucked.


Notice how the shit posts stop once OP gets called out.

Hes such a bitch

Lol nice try faggot

Log of shit

>whats a proxy

Someone get this guy a log.

You need to taste his warm delicious log roll for yourself


Just a handful of autists posting againandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainandagainand
