Is it unpatriotic to eat your steak well done?

Is it unpatriotic to eat your steak well done?

It's unethical to eat meat at all.

No, but it does make you a psychopath, kind of like eating ketchup on hot dogs.

Is this really fit for Sup Forums?



>not squirting out ketchup and mustard in a criss-cross pattern

Why even live? Either way, hidden, reported, blah blah

Anyone wanna tell me what Trump's up to?

Oh no, please, delete this thread so we have more room for TRUMP BTFO and Facebook screenshots of idiots arguing.

The fat on rare -> medium is making my mouth water.

Reminds me of slab bacon.

In most countries in the West, it is politically incorrect to be patriotic.

But to answer your question, OP, no. I'm a patriot and I eat my steak well done.

>eating anything but rare

Why not just eating a literal fucking leather belt?


nigger thats medium rare at best.

no. trump eats his well done and now i do too

ketchup on burgers and hotdogs you will go on the day of the rope

That chart is fucked up, what they call rare looks medium to me and medium looks well done.

I'll eat the 3 on the left, after that you're just ruining the meat.

The only way to eat it is as fucking burnt as physically possible. A true man's steak

>Well done
That shit isn't even burnt.

I want it to crack when I poke it with my fork.

So that's the final heat, but I usually take my steaks out and leave them in tinfoil for like 7-10 minutes. At what temperature should I take them out if i want medium rare.

I put ketchup on hot dogs.....

Not if you want to ensure you don't catch whatever bill's got

>eating red meat

thanks for contributing to climate change, i'm going vegan to try to make the world a better place for my wife's son

about half the time I eat steak raw with some some soy sauce and sriracha


joos trying to cause division in everything

Sounds like we found another one worthy of the purge.

This. That chart goes:

medium - medium well - well done - beef jerky - leather

Steak is literally the only meat I eat at anything less than well done.

>implying i'm not a vegetarian

I don't think that condimentary choices are covered by the day of the rope, 8.

Fuck off Chicago, your niggerpit gets nuked along with San Francisco.

Its a sin against god and man

Stop shaming me for my leather fetish. Bully