When will we all die off as a species?

When will we all die off as a species?

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Soon, hopefully.

Realistically, it won't happen in our lifetime.

day after tomorrow.

when we evolve into something beyond "human"

numbers dont lie

Unless we kill ourselves off, via war or other means. I honestly think we dont deserve our lives despite how humanity is progressing.

I'd beg to differ.

hard to say considering other factors, but if you mean by our own hands i suggest it will start around 10-20 years when things start getting difficult for humanity to thrive 30-40 years the population will have massively dwindled down 40-50 years the last humans will be eeking out an existence of which will has a very good possibility of failing, if humanity can some survive around 50 years beyond that we may have a fighting change considering some of the damage we have done will be extremely slowly reversed....mind you this is sort of being generous because it doesnt include everything that could happen that isnt in the sphere from our influence

Who "deserves" anything?

I'm just so done with life but I don't have the balls to off myself, so if some sort of pandemic catastrophe could be unleashed that would wipe us all out at once, I'd be somewhat thankful.

Would you mind being turned into biofuel?

Then you really aren't "done" with life. If you felt like the way you stated, you'd have no problem ending it.

Grow up, bucko.

Hopefully never. The universe needs to be populated.

I agree. I cant kill myself no matter how many times I tried. So im just living like how the rest of nature does: Survive. And by any means. I got a job and a cheap apartment so I guess I made it somewhere in life. I dont mind the loneliness either. People get insensitive about lonelness. But I've been alone most my life so I dont really care at this point.

Look up John B.Calhoun's Mice experiment

Sure, why not.

I used to think like that too, until I actually tried killing myself. Should've done it properly the first time, since now I'm just way too scared of messing up again and I don't care enough to bother trying something definitive.

What was your method, if you dont mind me asking.

Stephen Hawkning gave humanity 100 years of life unless we change drastically immediately, so I'd say 100 years from today.

Fun fact: Extraterrestrial life exist.

R.I.P. Humanity
20,000 B.C. - 2117 A.D.

Not soon enough.

We've entered the information age and you might think that means we're getting smarter as a species but actually...

It won't come soon enough.

Overdosing. I made sure to take waaay more than would be needed to kill me, walked out into the woods at far below freezing temperature, sat down against a tree (this was my mistake) and washed down the pills with half a bottle of whiskey.

I passed out against the tree which somehow made me breathe long enough for some old man walking his dog to find me and call an ambulance. Woke up to an adrenaline injection in an ambulance with agonizing pain. 2/10, would not recommend.

>being a smart individual and taking advantage of the situation
>only becoming smarter

when we evolve to homo evolutus
