Dark humor thread pic unrelated

dark humor thread pic unrelated

bust the best darkest jokes you have

what is the last thing a redneck says before he dies?

hold my beer

dark humor?
no problem!


dude that is fucked up, nice







What's the difference between a washing machine and a baby?
The washing machine doesn't cry when I dump my load in it.

>hey dude i hooked up with this fine looking girl last night
that is nice bro
>problem is she started screaming another guys name
damn that sucks what was the name perhaps i know him
>who the hell is rape

This is what Sup Forums considers dark humor now?
Fuck you guys have gotten soft while I was gone.

Dark humor is like a child with cancer
It never gets old

evidently Sup Forums has gotten to the point where dead baby jokes is the darkest thing in a dark humor thread shame

My Girlfriend wanted me to treat her like a princess for her birthday. So I took her out, got her drunk, and crashed the car.

Tigger's head needs to be severed, and Christopher needs to be wearing it as a hat as well.

why can't black people get their PhD's.

they can't get past their masters.

not far enough he needs to have tigger totally skinned and wearing his pelt as a cape Winnie needs to be a skinned carpet piglet needs to be roasted with an apple in his mouth that rabit guy needs to be mounted and the donkey needs to be hanging from a tree cause he finally killed himself then it will be actually dark

see above

I like the way you think.

who are the fastest readers in the world? 9/11 jumpers because they went through 5 stories in 10 seconds

Best Pick up line:

>Hey baby, are you a school? Because I want to shoot kids inside you.

thank you now I actually want to see what i described


What do 9 out of 10 people enjoy?

Gang rape.

The reason why black pride books never do well in stores is because the target audience can't even read.

holy shit this is some quality YLYL


what do you tell to a girl with 2 black eyes? nothing because you've already told her twice.

7.5/10 nice
