I just found out a few hours ago I have a tech interview tomorrow at 9 am. the job is for a c# software engineer...

i just found out a few hours ago I have a tech interview tomorrow at 9 am. the job is for a c# software engineer, with debugging written as a 'desirable skill"

what should i cram?

forgot to paste:

Experience 0-5 years overall

Job Title : Software Engineer -

· Local Candidate – Should be Fresher’s or max 0-4 years’ experience.
· knowledge of command line scripting like dos/Unix/PowerShell is nice to have otherwise team will train them
· Knowledge of any coding language like C/C#/Java/Python is good to have as long as candidate can understand, write or debug code.
· Knowledge of software testing process is must
· Knowledge of windows OS Device testing is plus otherwise team will train them.

Education : Associate/BS degree in Computer Programming/IT or equivalent certification in related field or equivalent experience.

Write me a linked list without consulting a book or website.

Singly linked or double linked, and of what type?

Doubly-linked, nodes can contain whatever arbitrary attributes you want.

Alright; be back in a moment.

Oh; almost forgot. Which language?


This is my basic public class interface; i'm posting it so the thread doesn't 404.

Now that I think about it, I need to remember the collection sequence for c# so I can ensure the list is properly let go when it's disposed of.

class Node {
Node *next;
Node *prev;
int value;

class List {
private Node _front;
private Node _back;
public List() {}
public ~list() {}
public void Insert( unsignedd pos, int value ) {}
public void Erase( ) {}
public void Clear() {}
public void PushFront( int value ) {}
public void PopFront() {}
public void PushBack( int value ) {}
public void PopBack() {}

Change 1: I realized my brain is working in C, so I changed the node class to the following:

class Node
Node next;
Node prev;
int value;

change 2: Again, still thinking in C. Updated class List to...

private Node _front = new Node();
private Node _back = new Node();

public List()
_front.next = _back;
_back.prev = _front;

and added a new method named Find to List

public Node Find( int value ) {}

I opted to fill out Clear and Find, since I always find them to be the simplest.

public Node Find( int value ) {
Node result = null;
Node iter = _front;

while ( iter != null ) {
if ( iter.value == value ) {
result = iter;
iter = iter.next;

return result;
public void Clear() {
Node iter = _front;
Node nextNode;
while ( iter != null) {
nextNode = iter.next;
iter.prev = null;
iter.next = null;
iter = nextNode;

_front = null;
_back = null;

I also realized I forgot a feature of C#, and corrected my node class.

class Node {
public Node next;
public Node prev;
public int value;

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

your job will be to test features coded by actual programmers. might have to write some tests yourself but most of the time you'll be clicking stuff trying to break it. my advice is don't pretend to know more than you do, pointless in position such as this

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in >heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

>If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in >yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

And here we have rough tries at PushFront and PopFront

public void PushFront( int value ) {
Node newNode = new Node();
node.value = value;

if ( _front == null )
_front = newNode;
_back = newNode;
Node oldFront = _front;
newNode.next = oldFront;
_oldFront.prev = newNode;
_front = newNode;

public Node PopFront() {
if ( _front != null ) {
_front = _front.next;

if ( _front == null ) {
_back = null;

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

Hi. I am your Interviewer. I am not going to let you have the job because you are a pimply faced virgin unattractive geek faggot that nobody likes, becuase you piss in bottles and are severely overweight and nobody wants to deal with you. I am also completely serious, and fuck you. Do your best; but, you will be sholved out anyway.

I don't want to expose your real name, but I already know. Please go away. You are creepy and disgusting and make everyone uncomfortable.

tbh there shouldnt be anything to cram. Interviews are for the most part about you as a person and to see if you can communicate like a human being. Most if not all interviews I had were about "have you ever been in a conflict with someone and how did you go about solving the situation" "whats your strongest and weakest traits" etc

There might be one or 2 questions relating to the job but theyll be like "why this company"most of the time. Make sure you know the companys motto/mission and stuff

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

loser geek.

we won't hire you either.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

I was walking to class and I saw a Christian extremist talking about how we all going to hell. He held a sign that said women who wear yoga pants are slots.

First of all women can do with THEIR body's as they please.


Second. God bless the man who invented yoga pants. He belongs in heaven!! It's Jesus on the throne he's on the right hand side.

If he can't make it to heaven than no one can. If I have to go to hell to see women in yoga pants sign me up for dungeon 14 baby.

And with that, I think I'm seeing where it's falling apart for me, and honestly it's later than I thought and I'm starting to fucking nod off.

I feel confident I can implement the rest of the code, but my main weaknesses are uncertainty about the actual make up of a standard list class, how certain methods are supposed to act and remembering the specific quirks of C#, like how to dispose of things properly and remembering default behaviors.

Thanks for the prompt, user.

I'll keep that in mind; thanks.

I don't know what this post is, but we do not hire lunatic religious extremists with psycological issues.


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.”This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.There can be only one.

Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.”This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.There can be only one.



Make debugging desirable? Also I would recommend python cause is more versatile than c# and C++

how do you "just find out" that you have an interview?

I just hope he has at least 6 gigs of ram.



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"אל תהיו כעבדים המשמשין את הרב על מנת לקבל פרס

לא יעבוד אדם את בוראו, אלא מאהבה בלבד"

(משנה אבות א, ג - פירוש רבי עובדיה מברטנורא)
אל תהיו כעבדים המשמשין

את הרב על מנת לקבל פרס
לא יעבוד לא יעבוד אדם

לא יעבוד אדם את בוראו

אלא אלא מאהבה

אלא מאהבה בלבד

Go back to israel, kike

No really python is better. You'll get used to it. C# and c++ do shit. But here's the thing like when you're making a program it's not just c# it's many of the following:

Runtime packages
Compiling blocks/windows
Click one to open one
Make a bar graph
Tell the software you need to put a file on that directory. TBH I don't know how to code on different languages but I know how the behavior of each program behaves and that varies with installation methods. When you find a "bug" on your computer like an error code. That binary tells you something and it abbreviates it. Usually you have to research the code to get info on it.

nae irheobeorin gamjeongkkaji gamssajumyeo

neol beureojin nal ireukyeo jwosseo

kkok jabeun son nohji anheuryeo

momeul gamssago ibeul matchugo nan dwi
sarajigo deoneun bol su eopjanha
kipge muldeurin bamhaneureun
tteonaji mothan neo.ui moseubi
jamdeun nareul kkae.ugo naseo
dasi ibeul matchugo
saranghae soksakideon
ne moksoriga neo.ui hyanggiga
mae.il kwitga.e deullyeo.onda
neon eodi itneund
daheul su eopneun bamhaneuren
dwidoraseoneun neo.ui moseubi
jichin nal ireohke beoseona
geurimcheorom mandeunda
mianhae neol butjabgo

Mordechai Werdygeris an American Hasidic Jewish singer and songwriter popular in the Orthodox Jewish community. As the son of famous Cantor David Werdyger he is known by his stage nameMordechai Ben David(Hebrew:מרדכי בן דוד, Mordechai, son of David) or its acronymMBD. He is known as the “King of Jewish music” and has produced over 30 albums over the past 40 years while performing worldwide. He has headlined the popular charity concertsHASCandOhelfor almost two decades.

I applied to the position a few months ago, and after a few initial emails from the recruiter it was just total silence. I wrote it off as a silent rejection and moved on.

I got an email from them a few days ago saying they'd like to meed with me for a 1 hr interview and asked if I was available. I said yes, and they got back to me a few hours ago to let me know I'm now signed up for a 4.5 hour tech interview tomorrow at 9 am.

Honestly, at this rate even if I do well I might just say no, given how much of a clusterfuck this is being.

Yerusholayim Is Not For Sale
Overnight - a massive construction On top of Jerusalem mountain At campus luring innocent souls To drink from the forbidden fountain Like many before They’ve came here for war We’re warning them now it won’t pay her holiness crying Defiling her dearest location Politics blinding sense of pride Are we not the Chosen Nation Together as one We will overcome Bringing her freedom today Yerusholayim is not for sale Voices crying Thundering throughout the cities You better run for your life Back to Utah overnight Before the mountain tops open wide And swallow you inside Yerusholayim your foes will fail Senseless trying He’s guarding His holy city He’s punishing all its intruders so awfully They have perished their names are history The wars, the pain Brought masses returning Back to their roots more than ever The leftist fiercely fighting truth To dampen the sparks still burning So wake up my friend This is the very end The arrows are pointing our way

Give up OP

In my experience, i would just review some of the latest info on new debugging methods, so you have a few buzzwords to use. Also review the company slogan from their website and try to integrate it into your replies to whatever questions they have. Try to display an interest in whatever projects they have displayed on their site, because if it's a contracting company they will appreciate that someone has heard of them because of their past contracts.

Jewish WorldUS & CanadaEuropeעברית

MainAll NewsMusic & EntertainmentYaakov Shwekey releases new video: 'We Are A Miracle'

Yaakov Shwekey releases new video: 'We Are A Miracle'

New video features tale of Jewish perseverance through the ages, declaring that the Jewish people are indeed a miracle.

Yoni Kempinski,15/08/16 17:19

After nearly two years of filming and production in studios in Hollywood and New York, with an investment of resources never before seen in Jewish music, Yaakov Shwekey presents a new music video for the title track from his most recent album "We Are A Miracle", produced by Mendy Pellin.

The star of the video is a boy who survived the Auschwitz death camp, made Aliyah to Israel and fought in the Yom Kippur war. In the heat of battle, as he was surrounded by enemy troops, he made the decision to stand on his tank, put on Tefilin, and say the Sh'ma. Decades later this same hero gives his tefilin to his grandson as a Bar Mitzvah present, so that he will be able to continue the Jewish tradition without fear, for after all, we are a miracle.

Yaakov Shwekey tells of the decision to release the video today:

"Yesterday, Tisha B'av, I was sitting on the floor reading about the horrors and suffering of our nation. It's been so many years crying so many tears.....

"Instead of waiting for our planned live-show release, I decided, there's no better time to release my 'WE ARE A MIRACLE' music video than today!

Alright; I'll read up on it a bit tonight and tomorrow before I leave. Their website has been pretty damn useless, except to figure out they're a software firm, so I'm hoping I can find more about what they've made before.

Good to know, what else has been occurring in the normie world?


I’m Sorry, I Love YouTV Review

Mild Spoilers

I’m Sorry, I Love Youis one of those shows that stay with you long after the final credit rolls. This Korean Drama from 2004 became a huge hit, nigh a phenomenon, across Asia and catapulted the two leads into huge stars. As the show aired, the ratings continued to rise to incredible viewing numbers. After watching this spellbinding series, it’s not hard to see why.I’m Sorry, I Love Youis one of the most romantic, heartbreaking, and unforgettable dramas I have ever seen. In part due to the incredible writing from Lee Kyoung-Hee. And in part due to the ensemble’s performances – most notably the two leads, So-Ji Sub as Cha Moo-Hyuk and Lim Soo-Jung as Song Eun-Chae.

RELATEDThe Master’s Sun Review – The Most Romantic Show of All Time?

I’m Sorry, I Love Youis a Revenge Drama and Romantic Tragedy about Cha Moo-Hyuk, an Australian street thug/conman who was abandoned in South Korea by his birth mother.

He grows up on the streets and learns Korean from his Korean girlfriend. He dreams about one day finding his birth mother and rescuing her from what he imagines a poverty-stricken existence. Why else would she have given him up?

Life for Moo-Hyuk takes a tragic turn when his long-time girlfriend abandons him to marry a gangster named Jason because he has money.

It’s not long after this betrayal, that Moo-Hyuk crosses paths with the naïve and innocent girl, Song Eun-Chae who is visiting Australia from South Korea. Eun-Chae is a Fashion Coordinator for the famous singer, Choi Yune, her childhood friend she’s also in love with. She is a selfless character who is always there for everyone and yet is constantly treated like a doormat. Eun-Chae decides to leave Australia when Yune and her movie star friend, Min-Joo, begin dating. However, when she tries to leave, all of her belongings are stolen.

Mainly the interview is just to see if you can clearly communicate in a conversational environment that you understand what exactly it is that you are signing up to do.

Moo-Hyuk finds her wandering alone and decides to help her. He saves her from being sold into slavery and then later from being attacked by other street thugs by holding her closely all night. Taking pity on her, he then finds all of her belongings and returns them to her.

Eun-Chae then leaves Australia never thinking she’d see this strange benefactor again.

A few weeks later, Moo-Hyuk attempts to put a stop to the wedding of his ex-girlfriend. But to no avail. During the wedding, rival gangsters show up to murder Jason. Fearful for his ex’s life, Moo-Hyuk jumps into the path of the bullets and saves her, only to be shot himself. He has so much love in his heart he is willing to die for someone he loves even though she betrayed him.

Moo-Hyuk after being shot at the wedding.

Shot with two bullets in his head, Moo-Hyuk barely survives. When he awakens he learns he only has a short time to live as they couldn’t remove one of the bullets.