Show wants you to believe that Tony is a monster

>Show wants you to believe that Tony is a monster
>He actually does nothing wrong for the entire duration of the show.

Any other instances where leftists make great shows/movies seemingly by accident that have a final message completely different to what they were actually intending.

Another example is American History X ostensibly being an anti-racist film despite being the greatest justification for racism ever put to film.

How did the show want you to believe he's a monster? By making him perform monstrous actions?

Monstrous in the mind of the showrunner. Completely justified to anybody free from the mental illness of leftism.

So you're basing this on interviews with the showrunner calling him a monster?

It is evident enough in the show itself. The entire final season seems to be in place to make Tony as unlikeable and irredeemable as possible and the way they attempt to convey that is by presenting us which a bunch of scenarios in which Tony doesn't actually do anything wrong.

>the way they attempt to convey that is by presenting us which a bunch of scenarios in which Tony doesn't actually do anything wrong.

So they show Tony not doing anything wrong, and you take that they're trying to make him as unlikeable and irredeemable as possible from this

Leftists are different to you and I. I know that people doing nothing wrong from my perspective is the ultimate evil from their perspective.

You're fucking delusional m8

You don't think David Chase intended Tony to be unlikeable?

>it went over my head: the thread

what about that one time he was racis

>breaking bad

walt literally did nothing wrong

It went over David Chase's head.

you, my fellow Sup Forumsposter are smarter and more aware than david chase. the entire world agrees as well

Just because you make something doesn't mean you understand it. Chase is too corrupted by leftism to have any perspective.

leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists leftism leftists leftism leftism leftists

Is/pol/ raiding right now? This is like the fifth right wing bullshit thread

If you're not right wing then you shouldn't be on Sup Forums at all.

if you're not a bitter alt-right virgin white male you should probably leave Sup Forums entirely am i right fellows haha memes.

Non-essential quality
Essential quality
Non-essential quality
essential quality
essential quality


I dont know about that but the opposite is Orange is the New Black. They want you to believe the protagonist is in the right, but I toughed out a season and a half and I absolutely hated everything the protagonist stood for.

You'd have to be a leftist to think there was anything bad about Tony Soprano.

You're supposed to. Watch shows better. The whole point of Piper is that she's a spoiled, privileged, selfish snob.

Fuck off Sup Forums. It was leftists that championed the Sopranos. P.S, it's anti-capitalist. Try to be less stupid.

Orange is the new black applies. It tries to be pro-black lives matter propaganda in the latest season and inadvertedly shows exactly why that movement is completely retarded.

Okay, put yourself in the show, you're a civilian, would you befriend Tony Soprano?

Again, just because they championed a show doesn't mean they understood it.

Real men don't need friends.

Okay, now I know you're trolling. I've started like 200 Sorpanos threads on Sup Forums this year alone, but you're just a garbage-tier baiter.

He killed based Chrissy that is unforgivable.

Tony was completely justified.

I'm not trolling. Who needs a shoulder to cry on other than a pussy ass beta. Other human beings are only good so long as they're serving your needs. Friendship is a lie.
