I'm a Correctional Officer who had a cup of faeces and urine thrown on him today. AMA

I'm a Correctional Officer who had a cup of faeces and urine thrown on him today. AMA.

Why do you spell feces, "faeces"?

Australian, so use the British spelling

Did you get an erection?

So you got a faecial?

duh hes a correctional officer

Whats your job

Why did you deserve it?

Lol bet you wish you went to police academy now dont you. Why would anyone want to Babysit criminals 24/7

Did any get on your face?

You are aware this is Sup Forums and not reddit, right?

There's about 80000 reasons a year to do it. Also less accountability and paperwork than Police

Sorry must have clicked the wrong bookmark

Is that prisoner on trouble now?

ITT: OP hand picks the most faggot replys to reply to.

Humans that don't like their environment like to throw a lot of blood, shit, and piss. If you're new at your job expect more of this.

I would say no. Generally the inmates give me some respect and I treat them fairly and try my best to help them with issues they have. I had spent over an hour talking to that inmate today trying to help him work through some of his issues.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Yeah. And guy next to me spat out a small nugget.

So we are nothing more than monkeys after all. Religious fedoras btfo

3 years in Youth Detention and 2 year now with adults. I've had piss thrown on my quite a bit and dealing with blood is pretty common

Was it at least warm?

I will have him charged, but he was already in separation within the prison. Likely that he will be given a short sentence that will be served concurrently with his current one, meaning he will do no extra time.

Do you het any shots or antibiotics after that? Is there a standard procedure?

Thanks for that. It's morning here and you just wrecked my day.

Warm-ish. The debate continues about which is worse (cold/warm)


Base-line blood tests to test for HIV/Hep. Have had all my immunisations updated when I started the job

Do you ever even see Fosters beer?

Working in this job certainly tests your belief in humanity. Before getting involved in Corrections I had a pretty rosy view of the world where I though most if not all people were inherently "good", but just made poor choices or were victims of circumstance. It's pretty difficult to maintain that world view now.

Yeah mate, course we do

Correctional system is retarded. People shouldnt be locked up for non violent or non drug manufacturing/distribution charges. Waste of my tax money. Just smack em with a charge and let them do community service for a long time.

Correction officer?
You mean a baby sitter?
Why couldn't you hack it as a real man and go PD faggot

Preaching to the choir mate. This however was a violent criminal who has continued to commit a large number of offences whilst housed in the prison, and caused significant infrastructure damage as well.

Could have worked for Police, and have worked for another Gov dept. before, and worked in Community Corrections. I've already explained that CO's get better pay and conditions than Police, with less public scrutiny, and a lot less paperwork. We get quite a number of ex coppers come to us, and a few of the young guys use the prison service to get the necessary experience to move on the police. But essentially yes, we are highly paid babysitters of incredibly volatile over-grown children. Occasionally the job involves something more complicated than that.

Stop being an ass. He seems like a decent guy.

Guess so. Interacting with brutal and brutalised people must take a serious toll on every person.

So if you contract aids or hepatitis do you get any severance, extra health benefits. Such diseases mean you're fucked for life.

hey if that really happened to you man that sucks, totally wrong

Yup. 90%+ of staff there are just working the job because it supports their families and their lifestyle, and long term it tends to affect people pretty badly, you get a pretty bleak view on things and compassion and your patience suffers. Also I've often said that jails provide very little opportunity for inmates to improve themselves but there are a lot of opportunities to make them worse. They are a shitty environment to be in by design, and staff are exposed to that environment for extended periods of time too.

Still OP got off better than his buddy who got a piece of poop right in his mouth. Can't help but kek a bit.

Would still receive my wage and/or a big payout from the department + victims of crime compensation

Truth be told we generally laugh at stuff like this and were saying some pretty dumb things to the nurses and the doc at the hospital. I copped most of the cup and my mate got the overspray, but yeah, I was smart enough to have my mouth shut.

Australian Jail Keeper

A Criminal, from a land of criminal, supervising criminals, so they can be freed and enjoy life with other criminals.

Too fucken right m8. I grew up with some of the people I now supervise. It's a great Australian tradition and I guess the state's oldest enterprise.

Piss and faces