Post memes about americans

Post memes about americans



Time to rake up the leafs


Glorious FAL


thank me later





>Taste the blockade.






Ah, the invasion of Europe ...
Still poisoning Europeans cultures since then.



Dont worry we cleansed the army of this crap a few years ago. This is when they were taking anyone they could. This dude is a Staff Sergeant, I used to see it all the time. Get his buddy to pencil whip his PT test.


The typical american FOB :
-Gun free zone
-Transgender bathrooms
-Safe spaces


haha well we wear OCP now. Yes we have transgender briefings now. So you are pretty much on the money. The people that have to give the transgender briefings are so confused and no one wants to do it. Its part of quarterly training now.

Transgender briefings ...

Now I kinda feel bad for you.

I got out of active duty and now Im national guard. Thought I was safe....