First come first serve -
i have 2 more keys after this one but only if someone takes the key and responds with what the game is.

Thanks for Superhot OP

thanks Key 2 coming up - same rules

second game

Thanks for Brigador OP

Thanks for Garfield Kart

correct.....third game coming up

i think you're a little off the mark there friend


i have 1 game left but only when theres doubles posted - its the best game left

It's random acts of kindness that keeps me afloat.


Nobody even posted the game from the third one lmao, this isn't gonna pay out

Its saturday - weathers nice i bought the humble bundle but only really wanted Ashes and Stellaris - giving the rest away. I hope youve had a good day friend.

yeah 3rd one needs to be posted before i pay out on the doubles....

Likewise OP

Rolling anyways


ill keep hold of the good game for another thread maybe - but your doubles need rewarding


I was a bit too slow, but thanks anyways.

4.Shoppe Keep

youre welcome everyone

thanks OP

also btw for those of you who want a game, hop to my thread -- its a roll thread for CS:GO