Does problem of migraint in Europe real, or inflated by media? I want to hear trupe yurops opinion...

Does problem of migraint in Europe real, or inflated by media? I want to hear trupe yurops opinion, not links to media articles.

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i like immigrants.

It's very real. London is less than 50% white and falling rapidly. London will never again be majority white. Many cities in the UK are rapidly declining in white population too. It's a thing, it's happening. We are a slow boiling frog who won't react until it's too late.

I go out into the streets and I see too many brown people. Typically ugly, scowling, impolite and mean-spirited individuals. That's really enough for me.

I don't want to feel like a stranger in my own country.

Out if fear of being labelled racist, xenophobic, islamaphobic bigots who need to welcome rapefugees

>Diversity is our strength.

This. These people are pushing us out house by house, street by street, town by town. All to the sound of thunderous applause by the legions of semi-literate, narcissistic 'twitterati'.

It's real in some places, but it definitely get's inflated by Americans on Sup Forums. They love to talk about how 'cucked' we are, even though we have significantly less Niggers.

Baby-boomers. Those sad people who never grew out of their truculent teenager temper-tantrums against their Parents' 'square' moral values.


Seal the ghettos and send in the bombers. Its the only way.

As someone who lived in London, and Malmo. Most of the time the news of refugees creating problems or "crimes" are overly exaggerated to fit the narrative of the racist right wings such as AFD, or UKIP. I don't get why the current government outright ban them for their radical idea that systemically divide and create tension between the natives and refugees, who are honestly there to find a better life and avoid living in a war torn country.

We should be whiter than them though. Europe is the white homeland after all. America meanwhile is just one of our far-flung white colonies really.

The European diaspora remember is a comparatively recent phenomenon.

We dont love to talk about how cucked you are, we are trying to stir the pot. Every American knows we are fucked here and dont want to see the same happen to our ancestral homeland and the birthplace of Western Civ.

The problem is very real, especially with Islam. However, the well-integrated immigrants cause little to no problem. I live in Paris and it is not nearly as bad as in the memes

Holy fucking shit Trudeaueo, fuck off, your country is burning and you are shitposting here. News are exaggerating? How the fuck do you exagerrate the video footage? Jesus I really can't wait for global crisis to hit.

It is a big issue. We lack any cohesion as a people as the result of the presence of large enough communities of immigrants that can live without interacting or adapting with their country's culture.

Let me elaborate with an example: an Arab born in France will most likely be born in low income areas filled to the brim with other Arabs, and will be part of this "community". From here on out, it'll always be us vs them with " outsiders ", even if being an outsider means being someone respectable, polite or hardworking while being an insider is dealing drugs, mugging people and working for a friend of a friend, taking undisclosed payments to keep the monetary aid from the government flowing.

As a result, a " normal " frenchy will be disgusted at that community's actions and shun them, while that community will prefer their own group both out of social need (not become a target/enemy yourself, they live there and can't escape), and economical need (cryonism, partners in crimes).

TL;DR : if the Arabic subculture was respectable, there wouldn't be such a problem with them. There's a whole "Chinatown" in Paris and it's cozy as fuck to eat and chill over there. Can't say the same about the Mini-Algiers that are everywhere.

100 % true. Amount of conservative muslims wearing hijab/ burka on the streets increased by several hundered percent during last 12 months. I live near a major west german city. On the countryside, it is not that bad. Most Immigrants move to the bigger cities. You can also see many africans. If you open up your eyes, you can clearly see the change. Also increasing number of sexual adsaults on woman and children in public swimming pools. Only local newspapers report about this, nothing about it on mass media.

>taking such an easy bait

Perhaps you should lurk more?

>Does problem of migraint in Europe real, or inflated by media?
Both. There are real problems (not just a simple 'immigrant problem' either but a complex set of problems with immigrants being one aspect of it.) But the media obscures/distorts it, inflates it and underestimates it simultaneously, in different ways, for their own purpose.

Btw proper English would be 'Is the problem of migrants in Europe real..." rather than does. I almost flamed you to a crisp for that but then I noticed your flag. Your English is better than my Russian ;)

You are Sweden you should love immigrants. Let them cuckold you also.

A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill the most bluepilled on the matter (3 minutes).

Here's the brother of the founder of muslim brotherhood bashing euromuslims (6 minutes)

A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes)

You refrained from flaming someone on the internet? How charitable of you.

>A fucking frog has better English than I do
Why live

Frenchies have horrible English. They are stubborn about "not being able to" learn it, and complain on how hard it is like jackasses that don't know the first thing about how hard other languages are; let alone French itself.

I'm the exception that proves the rule. Don't let it get to you and keep shitting on frenchies for their poor English.

>inflated by the media

I assume you mean Russian media, because our media downplays the shit out of everything related to it.

Even from a bluepilled perspective, this shit is not going to end well at all because when you add reasons like and to the massive economic cost it's requiring and with it basically being impossible to even suggest that they at least try to integrate, you get a recipe for disaster.

There's a lot of things on Sup Forums that are autistic hyperbole, but a sectarian war in Europe is sadly not one of them.

This, mostly.

The mass immigration is destroying any little balance there might've ever been in our modern society.

We're importing massive amounts of MALES who also happen to be economic migrants. Now that raises two problems. Those males don't have their own females to mate with and they don't really have any skills for labour.

Therefore they will try to fuck your women (wether they like it or not) and they will have to receive welfare or riot.

If you go to smaller towns it's not that much of a problem as they are still rare and sparse.

In any big city they're a fucking nightmare, some parts of Paris have been completely overtaken by the african monkeys.

OP, as I can see, you've already rolled in a bit of Putinka in honour of the grandpas who waged the war.

Is there a point to where you guys would consider trying to move to the US?

I know solving the imitation problem with more immigration is not the answer, but id bet you guys would be redpilled as fuck. Help dissapate the misinfo going on in the US.

Unless, of course, if you think that your country is still salvageable. In that case i fully respect that.

Also, do you guys believe that the brexit will be a step in the right direction?

Germanrussian bro here. It is Fucked up. They rape white girls, steal from people in the daylight, molest little girls when they are alone, they dont want to work but want houses and cars, they create ghettos like in Dortmund Nordstadt and Köln Kalk, they kill even each other if the other guy is not a mudslime. And the german government do nothing. The police do nothing. It is a mess. But I have the feeling only slavs and other former migrants to see it. All my german friends tell me that everything is good and that we need this brown fucks in here because nobody will have kids. So what they say, we need blacks and Sandniggers so they can fuck our women. Pure germans became so fucking weak. I want to cry every day for them, shit I like them but they are dying on purpose.


Of course you do, Abdul.

As a roach who visits London a lot for business, London feels more eastern than Istanbul. Let that sink in for a minute.

When you visit places like Guildford etc. and see how much bettert is, you can see just how much the immigrants affect more popular western cities.

same here. i feel you gerbro

get a job in the US. If you can see which way the wind is blowing get your family out.