He's not wrong

He's not wrong

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Yeah we know.

We've known this for years.

The terrorists would have used assault rifles instead of knifes but okay retard

thats because it's not that easy to get guns in the uk.
imagine if they had trucks and guns.
how can people be that retarded?


He ain't right either.

He's spot on, that's why his policy on muslim immigration was so popular with 10's of millions of voters.

God Bless Donald Trump

if they had guns mudslimes and other races that are genetically criminal wouldn't even want to live there.

Even though tons of immigrants come to america and that country has millions of guns, sure buddy.

No one is gonna take your opinions nor your pathetic act of being witty seriously by posting that pathetic cancer shit photo, stupidfuck.

The Boston bomber used pressure cookers. What a stupid argument appealing to stupid people.


WTF lol

But the trucks are more effective. The current world-record holder for rampage killing used a delivery van to get 80+ people. The highest ranked shooter only got like 56.

The more tweets of his I read the more i assume he is genuinely retarded.
There is no gun-control debate because guns are already fucking illegal, hence why they used knives

Ander killed 77 with a gun

breivik got 77

8 were from the bombings in Oslo
69 from his shootings

>White Supremacists behind the Hindu Extremists

Wtf white people, are we even trying? At least we're beating the Environmental guys

we is he speaking instead of doing
goddamn, he's the fucking president but still acting like a candidate

It went over your head its okay.

>speaking instead of doing
Apparently speaking is the ONE thing the liberal courts can't stop him from doing.

You are right that is why he got elected. And all these SJW 38 gender idiots that eventually pushed people in the middle over to the right. People are upset with the current state of affairs and government in general.

These attacks, like many others however was more muslim extremists. People need to realize it isn't "racist" or "discriminatory" not to let these people in our country. Its common fucking sense. Every country they've gone to they've blown shit up.

The irony is the people lobbying for them are on the far left....and if islamic people ever got any power here they would try and exterminate them first. Most sunnis are in favor of Sharia Law. Its insane how brainwashed and fear mongered these people are on a global level. Quite impressive really.

I don't know shit about all these stats. All i know is that if you break into my apartment, half your head will be missing thanks to my .50 caliber Israeli Desert Eagle. Expensive toy.

america is a bigger terrorist than any terrorist attack in terrorist attacks history

He's being a coward, not a leader.

so truck + knife is more effective then truck + gun? how?

wut? That makes no sense.

Why would non-gun violence start a debate about gun violence? Australia enacted gun control and suicides and homicides went down.

He so concerned about Islamic terrorism that he gave the Saudi's a weapon's contract. Sunni fuckers.

Watch "Among the Believers" on Netflix 100% of Muslims want you DEAD.

i want the latest iphone

He's absolutely covfefe

if muslims were really a problem, we would just nuke them. they're useful for someone's political purposes

Terrorism is about to strike up in Portland today as a bunch of short minded alt-right maniacs ralley against everyone but their own group of nutcases. It is happening along side several other marches and is going to cause an all out warzone. Domestic terrorism. Why? Because for 20+ years Fox news and Republicans have pushed hard to make people more afraid, more armed, and less informed about facts while spinning stories to for a distopian narrative. The terrorists are the ones who preach this shit. The victims are the blind sheep following it and everyone in their wake.

Nazis are back. Now what?

>get rid of guns
>use trucks

So do we get rid of trucks and pretend nothing is going on? Not remove the terrorists doing this?

You trust a show over facts?

Your facts on these continuous terror attacks are...?

The Muslims speak for themselves. How did I adulterate he facts?

maybe his facts are the 1,57 billions of muslims who never killed a christian and never voiced their wish to kill a christian.


Does this change your mind?

>huffington post

Moderates who aren't following their religion completely.

I can verify this.
I know all 1.57 billion of them and have listened to them for their entire lives and none of them have ever expressed support for the teachings of their religion.

It's almost like getting rid of the gun didn't get rid of the actual problem and just made things even less safe because no else is armed to massive amounts of people with clubs, knives, and trucks for mobbing people.

I would usually say

>Inb4 the police

But they're not armed either are they britbong?

You mean Christians who don't stone people to death for adultery and homosexuality?

Hey Muslim, blowing up 50 people does not want me to convert to Islam, it makes me stray away. You want to convert me to your religion? Love me.

he's right. we need to make sure that all muslims have guns. they would be able to kill at least 10 times as many people if they had guns

3 attackers were shot mere 8 minutes after the incidents were reported
you think they were shot with tendies, don't you?

Christians leading by averaging ~10 kills per attack, must be all that time spent at home stroking muh guns

>assult rifles

He should ask some advice from daddy putin.

>8 mins

And I ran a marathon in a half an hour holy kek.

>you're on Sup Forums
>implying anyone takes anyone's comments seriously

I'm a 41 yo Christian and have never seen a case of stoning in my lifetime. I have, however, heard of the Muslims doing this many times.

> a salt rifle

>you think they were shot with tendies
should have shot them with 12ga shells full of TACTICAL BACON so they can't get into heaven.



and how would that "getting down to security" would look like in his tiny chimp head exactly?

i don't like trump but holy shit on a stick we need to team up with all of the civilized world and rain down fire on every ISIS asshat in the fucking world.

fuck ISIS. die right now you raghead sandniggers.

you're right, clearly the laws in the UK worked - those ragheads used knives because they obey the law!

Pot, meet kettle.

If i break into your apartment youd be dead. Dead men cant shoot.

I wss told baning guns makes me safe. Using trucks and knives doesnt seem safe.

But but... that's bigotry.

Salt mine incoming.

How do you survey 1.6 billion people? Calling bullshit.

I ate a pizza for dinner.

Did you not take a statistic course? They're called randomized samples. You call bullshit? I'd call your lawyer to sue the school that didn't teach you such basic shit.

Irrelevant statement about guns and another mention of an autistic travel ban.

Are we going to add Sweden and Britain to the list? How about Saudi Arabia? Naw let's just screen people and if they're Muslim they can't come in. They are only 25% of the human population and we all know how well seclusion of an entire race plays out.

Can somebody give me examples of secular/political/anarchist attacks? And why are seculars grouped tougether with anarchism?

Also neonazi's and fascists only having caused 6 deaths sounds quite low, however I'm not surprised it's not high this day and age.

i had Reese's for breakfast

didnĀ“t this guy just sell them weapons for hundrets of billions of Dollars?

>1.6 billion in a survey
Idiot, quesrion yourself

But America created ISIS

Nigger every survey and poll does not interview every person in a given area they use sample sizes to estimate. This is pew research who are very reliable.

Go finish the 8th grade you mong

Those sandniggers in londond was so tired and angry cuz they were starving to death during ramadan. Because of their starvation which lead to irritationa and anger they threw their snger att the london people by ramming over them and stabbing them screaming "I WANNA EAT FOOD".

yep he's right, let's bomb some arab countries, it will stop islamic hatred

Eat a deoderant stick dumbfuck

Well I have to agree here. The graph probably extrapolated statistics of the most fundamentalist country to all muslims worldwide.

I know the pew research results are pretty bad, but that still doesn't mean the graph is correct.

>Makes peaceful statement in Saudi Arabia
>Bombs Saudi Arabia
Nigger questiin yourself and kill all the kikes first, then there will not br any islamic terrorism

Mmmm... Nope.

Your right they forgot to carry the decimsl. Only 1000 people are extreme. The rest of th muslims are nice people that want freedom..... unless yoir not muslim

>1.6 billion in a survey
Only a nigger would fall for this shit

Nice excel work there with some made up results!


>15 000 in isis
>only 1000 are bad
I do have some muslim friends at college, tbh their food are very tasty

>It's a big number so there is no way to make it accurate

Bwahahaha fuck off brainlet. Just any chance to defend Islam and stay multicultural eh?

lmao you can't reliably "survey" 1.6 billion people

Actually they all come from pew research you biased twat!

lmao yes you can

Did you split a child's virginity?

Only a nigger would fall for alternative and made up facts about what tge shariah really is. If you go to Dubai, they have shariah lawad about cutting someones finger if they, kill or rape anyone or do any bad thing. This means that if someone would murder someone in Dubai, they would be executed. Now question yourself why there have not been ant terrorist attack in Dubai or in Qatar

We're not having a gun debate because this didn't happen in the USA and guns weren't used.
We also aren't having a creationism debate because it's also not relevant.
We're also not having a sandwich debate because WHO DOESN'T LIKE SANDWICHES?!

>because none of that is relevant

Isis are losing ground and their caliphate is heading towards dissolution. This is why they are stepping up the online recruitment drive; They want people in the west to start attacking muslims in retaliation for their terrorist attack. This will lead to muslims feeling ostracized and fearful in western countries which will then make them easier to radicalize.

Isis will soon be gone but don't you worry, we will have a new threat pop up somewhere for us to fear.

Those are lies told vy right wingers


literally autistic.

As I said. Pew research doesn't have a survey where they survey people worldwide, it's only on a country per country basis and not all countries are surveyed.

This means you can't extrapolate individual results to worldwide.

And yes, as I said: I know the results of the pew research paint a terrible image of islam, but that doesn't mean the graph is correct.

the retard logic, as expected

The point he's making is that gun control has nothing to do with terrorist attacks and mass killings. Everytime something like this happens in the U.S the libtards sperg out about gun control. Obviously, gun control is not the problem.