
So, the terrorist attack in London last night got me thinking: The terrorists do this because they think it will get them to heaven. They die as martyrs just to get their 72 virgins.
So what if we took their dead bodies, drained them from blood, filled them up with pigs blood, gave them a christian burial, and more or less made sure their souls would never reach what they call heaven? I think the extremists would think twice about dying for the "cause" if they knew they would land in hell afterwards.

they won't go to heaven or anything. it won't matter what you do to them

But they believe they will. So if the other "potential terrorists" watch their friends bodies get defiled, maybe theyd not blow themselves up

Well ya see kiddo we cant really burry them if their body was misted by their c4 vest

they are just brain-washed idiots

they are always druged and die as virgin

united nations should find where they are trained

Well, you could scoop something up and just throw it in the blender with a pint of pigs blood. Either that, or put their friends and family on stakes around the city

the main problem with your thinking is that you are approaching an erratic way of thinking with logic, these folks are not thinking rationally when they commit to these acts

I dont think they are trained. Last night were just 3 cunts with knives in a van

This. None of them have the brainpower to even understand what it is they're actually following. Think of them as those retards on the front line back in the day, basically just target practice.

I do suggest though that they use bombers and sweep the entire nation with bacon bits. For some reason I think this would start WW3

Most likely extremist leaders would just tell their people that this doesn't count and they still get their virgins and the people would listen because religious people are mindless sheep. Would never get approved to happen though so doesn't matter.

Well, if they started doubting that they would go to their heaven, maybe theyd stop? I mean, 72 virgins for a moment of pain sounds pretty sweet, but burning in hell is not as tempting. I think you have to frighten them with "a angry man in the skies" to make them fuck off. Just telling them how fucking stupid they are doesnt seem to work

Ah, that is true. Fucking religious people! Cant they just all fuck off and be kind to each other? I mean, just because Jamal smells like shit, doesnt mean I should hang him on a cross, now does it?

Well heaven doesn't exist sooooooooo

Do you honestly think that these idiots believe they will get 72 virgins if they blow themselves up?

I know that, but they dont.

Yup. I believe that. Why else would they be so eager to die

That's what they believe.

So if they killed a bunch of Americans and filled their bodies with grease and McDonald's the American people would stop being fat pigs? Doubt it. Do you not realize that this extremism only comes from the opposition. I don't agree or condone brutality or ANY form of extremist belief but I mean look at where they are coming from. In their book it says we(yes I'm an infidel) should be killed and blah blah blah. What we DONT look at is how we do shit too. We send drones to kill families and innocent people just simply because 'There was a couple baddies there' now they are doing the same thing to us and we FREAK OUT. Just like they did. When will we realize that ANY and ALL extremist views come from hatred and fear of death. People want control. This is all just a cycle we create and it probably will never stop.

What the fuck other stupid reason do you suggest they have?

>prime material for an Isis recruiting video
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

They believe that pigs blood is taboo. Their book does NOT say that. In fact it says the opposite (you should never force your beliefes on other people, never kill innocent people, treat captured enemies as you would treat your friends and so on), but the extremists arent muslim. They say they are, but they dont follow any of the rules.

And you are 100% right about the terrorism being a counter reaction to the drones and invasions. A shame they decide to let their fear and anger out on the europeans.

Sure, call me stupid. You do know that most of these terrorist attacks doesnt involve fully trained Isis soldiers, but confused kids, right?

I've never understood that... 72 virgins is such a short sighted plan for eternity in heaven. Like wtf are you going to do in 1000 years when you've fucked every one of them into oblivion? Imo infinite virgin farm or go home.

I agree with you. Nobody and I mean NOBODY should have to go through any act of terrorism. The US is very guilty of being a terrorist, we just don't behead people and burn flags. We send innocent youth to go do it for us. Because you know

>Best country in the world, right?

They do it because they're homicidal maniacs. It doesn't help that the West pretty much behaves the way their religious leaders tell them is satanic.

What I don't understand is, why do countries with deep ancestral roots allow corruption of their society by acquiescing to the desires of the immigrants? If I move to another country, it's because I admire them and want to become like them. It's not incumbent on those countries to conform to the immigrants.

or better yet, what if we apprehended them alive whenever possible and denied them martyrdom?

Because sheep people are scared of change. If we let another religion come in and start doing their thing, it'll take away from our own fucked up backwards religion. We just can't have that happening can we?

Yup. I really dont get why they decided to blow up the muslimĀ“s goats, but now its too late, and europe is paying for it

Didn't the Russians do something like this to their metro bomber?

If london was at least one of the top two most survailed cities on earth as lat as 2011, where is the video footage of this attack or any of the past few attacks that have occured in Britain?

Where is the video of the bombs exploding at the concert?

The whole world will be paying for it. Except the us because the people here have their heads so far up their own asses all they can think about is making a profit til they land in the grave. Thats where and why any and all of this is happening. Fucking money and oil.
>If it don't make me a profit
>It don't make sense
>Make America great again!

I dont really care about my religion, but I dont think we should need to change because people from different cultures are visiting us. I mean, they are welcome to do so, but dont get mad at me for doing shit my way.
Atleast I dont throw rocks at people that does stuff I dont like

Good point opie, if we had firemen driving around with gallons of pigs blood to soak terrorists it would be a great deterrent. Also steering wheels made of bacon to prevent their ram(adan) raids on innocents.

they might be retarded like Muricans thinking that they are heroes of some sort of their country while they are just retards dying for some rich guy's interest.

Stupid picture to fit a stupid idea.

Check Wikileaks. What do you think, dude. Do you really expect them to be like "Hey man, let me show you these teens get blown to pieces." They did get pictures of the mans face so they clearly did see SOMETHING

I agree with you but I meant change like the whole times. Sure, you may not have a problem with it but I'd say a LOT if not a majority of religious people do NOT like mingling with other religions. That's the problem about RELIGION. It is no longer about the search for god, but about control over one's life.

Are you trying to tell b that it were brainwashed kids and not every day muslims that do these terrorist attacks?


I know, right! Why dont we make pigs walk around in our streets, and every foreigner is forced to spend the night with one!
I dont mean to do it right when it happens, we should do it public and well prepared. On national television or something. Its just a suggestion. I really do not want to close the borders to everybody that is "brown" just because some shitheads cant keep on living like normal human beings instead of dying for some bullshit reason

The UK doesn't really release stuff like that.

London Bridge will have CCTV but they're not going to show people being killed. The Bomb in Manchester was in a link area between the arena and the train station, not at the concert. Again though they're not going to show kids getting blown up

Hehe, I know, right! I think some of these guys believe that every terrorist has a long, black beard, an eye patch, missing teeth, a curved saber, curved shoes, rides a camel to work and is called Alibaba


That's wrong. They believe that the soul leaves the body immediately after the death.

It's okay man. Im sure if Alah has the same amount of sense any of us mortals has he will see their true intent.

they will go to hell for worshipping a pretend god thats actually satan.

Thats why they bend over when they pray, to pray to the devil and insult god with their ass.

What make you so sure that YOUR religion is the one and true religion?

>Let me guess, you read it in a book

Load some tanks on bombers. Fill tanks with massive quantities of pigs blood. Fly over all Islam practicing countries and douse all grounds, buildings, and person with said blood.

How many soldiers or coroners do you think teabag there stupid dead terrorist bodies before burning the desecrated corpses? Its funny how they think there vessel will be honoured. Lol fucking noobs.

Worked real good for Stephen King.
>Definitely a foolproof plan

But that's against the rules of a civilized nation. You know what's not against the rules though? Sending them to heaven directly by bombing the fuck out of them.We need all US citizens and all other civilized nations united against terrorists and terrorist supporters. We need to make terrorism and killing for the cause pf religion an unsustainable effort.

i have no religion, i believe in god on my own.
I studied all the religions on my own, from judiasm to ba,hi and came to the conclusion that the islam is the work of the devil.

That doesn't make sense. If you studied all religions and made up your own mind on it then you'd probably come to the realization that the 'devil' and 'god' are nothing but a humans excuse to act upon good or evil. 'God' and the 'devil' aren't people. They aren't these giant spirits in the sky who control everything. It's all in the human mind. Believe what you want but ANY organized religion is just a ploy to keep a sheet over one's eyes. To keep them from straying from the path of what the higher authority is. That's all it is about. No about god or doing good, but being obedient.

That could be true. I believe that most religions have too much of our own grubby tainted desires and mixed up wants and needs built into them. We obfuscate truth and morality with stories of sin and forgiveness.

She was Catholic. Those bitches are crazy without provocation.

So then why aren't you speaking to the Catholic/Christian Americans and tell them that? There is extremist and terroristic people in America who, sure maybe don't behead people and record it, but they are to blame just as much as any other extremist.

The Russians already did this, wrapping them in pigskins and throwing their bodies in a ditch.

That's because it is. Religion stopped being about the quest and search for god when the crusades happened. Before all these books and stories all people had were shamanistic rituals and entheogenic plants to show them the meaning within. Now we just read this book and get bloodthirsty anytime anyone tries to oppose what's in it. It's a travesty and if there is an omnipotent god then he will 'punish' ALL of us for being so ignorant.

to summerize a long story short:

I cannot tell you what god is, only that he/she/it exists, think of it, our universe was born, like everything in it, but what exists around is must be infinite, otherwise we would come to the point that once nothing existed, and according to our own laws of nature you cannot create something from nothing.

it goes against all scientifical models.
Now i believe god wants progression and life, thats why he came up with a universe in which energy can fall into matter and vice versa, so things keep going.

to keep things going, we have to fight off destruction and corruption, islam is the only faith that makes people go backward instead of forward, it counters prgression, thus its the work of the devil.

That is why there is so much evil in the world. People believe there is a balance between good and evil, that for every evil thing in the world there is good as well. The truth is that good and evil have nothing to do with it. Those with no morals are not limited in what they do, thus they are stronger. It's like a cancer that doesn't kill, but rather changes everything.

Go Russia!

actually, good intend improves things, bad intend weakens things, there really is a balance.

civil wars arer the result of too few with good intend as opposed to the bad ones.

But it's not. In the Bible it LITERALLY says a woman shall be put to death for a divorce. In the Bible it also takes about how pig is a dirty animal and should not be eaten either. Or about the gays, they shall burn. MOST books of religion do that. They justify some things but demonize others. That is in of itself, backwards evolution. Without the Bible, or any dumb religion, there wouldn't have been the crusades, 9/11, salem witch trials, and even the black ages of Europe which was wrought with disease, worship killing, and backwards ass medicine simply because of religion.

Well, you got me there, but I see Christianity as a lesser of two great evils. Christians are petty, evil power hungry people, but they at least let the counties they inhabit live comfortably. I wish the same could be said for the countries they exploit.

Not lying, I've had the exact same thoughts myself!

How do you stop an enemy that is absolutely fearless because it genuinely believes to its core that it's going to paradise following its actions?

Simple, disrupt that belief of going to paradise. If someone believes so strongly in something that they are willing to go to certain death to achieve it, you have to make them believe something might be done to prevent them getting there. So I say you have to desecrate their corpses. Bury them with bacon or some shit

No there is so much evil in the world because 'evil-doers' think they are in the right. When the west-boro baptist protests a stillborns funeral, it's not because evil is winning or anything. It's because they believe it to be right.

the crusades where heroic, they saved us from muslim invaders, yes there was death and suffering, but so was there during the invasion of normandy.

all the other stuff, you have to look at how its tied into the religion, for example christianity also speaks of respect and forgiveness in many of its verses.

the islam however is pretty clear on its stance, its about submission and ridding of unbelievers.

many of the stuff in the dark ages was superstition related.

Only for white, straight, Christian people though. If youre not in those categories then you fall into a minority that is crushed and oppressed. That's why the liberal movement is getting so big. Because people are realizing that you DONT need to follow a book to make good decisions in life. Do I personally care about any of it, not really, it's just how people are, but it amazes me that people do not see this.

true, people are straying off the right path.

hah liberal movement is getting big....
gtfo dude, they are biased limp dicks that cant tell wrong from right, and there are losing everywhere to conservatists. except fucking france.

dont confuse loud people with popularity.

I know they take drugs to do these Savage things even people they behead they sometimes drug them but I'm curious what is there drug of choice? what drugs do they use? Herion? Because I wouldn't be bothered to do anything on herion kek

Well that's what ISIS is saying. It's heroic. Those Cristian Invaders are getting what they finally deserve. Just like they did to them all those years ago. And sure for some people but I was born a bastard child so guess what? There is NOT a forgiveness for people like me. I was told this as a child and my mother was always told this. Her baby was going to burn in hell because of her and there's nothing we can do. So no, don't tell me about forgiveness, because God wouldn't have made me like this if he needs me to beg for forgiveness. As far as I'm concerned if Christianity is correct, I'd rather go to hell then be with all the people who have treated me like shit my entire life for my beliefs.

But it is. Sorry your views are shrinking and crumbling on itself but more and more people, even conservatives, are getting more liberal with their views.

isis doesnt call crusaders heroic, isis are not crusaders, crusaders work for good, not for evil.

Everywhere isis goes they leave destruction, the crusaders freed people from ancient isis like militia,s.

and a christian who would tell you you go to hell if you are innocent is simply wrong. some christians are stray.

Do you guys honestly have this narrow minded of a view of other people's beliefs

In part, but who lets them do it? Why is it acceptable? There are people in positions of power with no moral compass, but a compass built on pure strategy. Any conflict is beneficial to them. While we squabble amongst ourselves, they are left alone.


you should read the news, just because trump is in a dip with his ow party doesnt mean the whole world is getting more liberal.

People are getting more aggrevated with islam and multi culti, thats a sway away from libarism,. not toward it.

take away muslim cousin breeding and they will eventually leave religion behind like the rest of the world is/has done

islam encourages first cousin marriage, this results in dumb inbreds which continue to flock to the religion in a great circle of insanity

in the western world interbreeding has become a taboo and is is shameful, but in islam it's just fine

Or we could just physically remove all Muslims.

trump doesn't have a party, the republican establishment was never on his side, the people voted for trump, not the republican party

most republicans in office now are just republicans in name only, they don't fight against democrats anymore, they help them

Dead is dead.

dude, trump is republican, the senate is more then 50% republican, the trump administration is republican, those are the facts.

Learn to accept things.