Found this in my pool. Any idea what it is?

Found this in my pool. Any idea what it is?

It looks like a mutant crocodile.

Take a closer shot of the head, please


play the x-files song

Looks like some malformed baby crocodile, or just a baby crocodile.

I would but my sister bagged it and threw it out :/

It's a baby ratigator.

>finds dead animal
>makes sister dispose of it
What are you some kind of faggot?

A baby croco inflated by rotting gaz...

Looks like a bloated brown anole

i went to take a nap and by the time i woke up it was gone.

Location, at least?

Too small for a croc

Southeast united states

it's a baby 'gator you fagit
do you even barbecue

baby crocodilian (could be a caiman), it's bloated up from being dead

Looks like an Anole lizard. Head is too short to be a gator.

timestamp pic of it next to your cock

Looks dead

You found it but didn't put it in your pooper? What's wrong with you!?

baby aligator. motherfucker got lost, went looking for his mom, probably saw your amphibious looking sister in the pool and thought it was his moma. little did he know that the chlorine in your pool is toxic to a little fucker like himself so he went in there and died instead.

Okey dokey, I'd go for a well dead baby spectacled caiman. Will update if I find a better match.

fukken bricks, man

It's a brick.


Baby snake head fish

is this fl?

jew in disguise

baby fang beezle bubblefish

thats me

Australian shitposter drowned in OP's pool

What a pussy

Eat it

That's a fucking alligator.
Bad news is that alligators have strong connection with their offspring, because they only have a few, so it's likely that the mother will follow the scent and come searching for it.

Dubs have spoken!