What dragons are you slaying and why isn't your room clean yet?

What dragons are you slaying and why isn't your room clean yet?

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umm what?

Slaying dragons?
That's abzurd.

Onyxia and fuck you your not my dad

Been trying to put aside more time to my hobbies, particularly music. Been working on keeping my focus up, which is probably the hardest thing for me because muh ADD, but I feel I'm improving at least.

It's been a while since I played skyrim.

Marxist humanities students and their propaganda. My room is clean too, bucko.

For those who don't know what OP is talking about and don't get the reference, that guy is Jordan Peterson. The dragons thing is a metaphor he uses in his lectures.

>Dragons = problems in your life that you should fix

In my estimation you should fuck off, technically speaking, and that's that.

Personally I'm trying to slay my weed usage. I feel like I'm smoking too much. It used to be that I would smoke late in the evening, with everything before then designated for me being productive in something.

But now, I feel like I'm smoking earlier and earlier each day, and I'm just getting blazed instead of doing something useful in my life, so I'm trying to smoke less now.

That was an Elder Dragon, and it is clean, I hVe OCD, remember? Geez its like you don't even know me!!!


>Dragons = problems in your life that you should fix
>why isn't your room clean yet

So, is he saying that I should/should not waste my time on minutiae before tackling important matters?
Is he saying that addressing priorities (dragons) while leaving smaller problem unresolved is a good/bad thing?

I either need to listen to the lecture just to clarify what's being asked, or 'sage' goes in all fields.

Just trying to work up the dominance hierarchy, like any other human male

>I either need to listen to the lecture just to clarify what's being asked
Yes, do it.

He explains very clearly that a small dragon grows when ignored.

The idea was that you'll work better and feel better if you are in a clean and orderly environment, but it's not a deciding factor.

So basically clean your room

Destroyed and obliterated 4 ancient dragons this morning. My room is spotless, except for the cum stains on the bed.

>cum stains on the bed.
Sort yourself out, bucko.

exactly, look at that kerfuffle in Reign of Fire

He's saying you can't just jump in a slay a dragon in a single step. It's a self defeating goal process. You have to start by organizing things near you and push outwards.
Before you go trying to change society for what you then think is the better, perhaps unfuck yourself first then try to truly see if that shit would have been good for society or you were just trying to serve yourself in some manner at western civilization's expense.

My man!

I'm cleaning my room now, okay?