ITT: underrated kino

ITT: underrated kino

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I love this film!! That fight scene when that guy falls into the hole while battling a demon and has to try and defend himself while trying to climb out. Very intense

At least they tried to be different


dumb frog(shit)poster

Fuck off

Another underrated kino.

I was surprised how good this was when I saw it a couple years ago

>megan fox gets naked and snogs another woman

>nudity is censored

>kiss is close up of the lips

JB failed by not trying

>supposed to be the ugly girl
>is actually much hotter than MegFox
what were they thinking?

>she has a naked sex scene with Julianne Moore

God bless this crazy bitch


>watch it in the 90s, love it
>grow up, discover the internet
>find out people hate that movie
man I think the internet kind of ruined everything

Alien resurrection.

Fucking masterpiece ruined by whines about not-scientific story.

>Sun is dying
>hey I have an idea, let's nuke the sun!

Come up with a better idea right now

That's what I thought

It's scientifically impossible for a yellow sun to die out like that. It makes even less sense than the plot of The Core.

I still liked the movie

Did what you see in the film look like a basic nuke to you?

>every sci-fi movie needs a step by step breakdown of how everything works or i'm not happy.

Before a yellow sun becomes a red giant, it dims for a few million years, so it's perfectly reasonable.

>for a few million years
so not 50 years like in the movie

>Movie about people who are desperate trying to save the world in a journey to core of greatest power in our solar system, power so great, that human mind can not sustain itself clear.
>Talking about thing that even should not be discussed because suspension of disbelieve.

is Doom the only movie where The Rock plays a bad guy?

>Pain and Gain


He's not a bad guy in that, he's just dumb and gullible. That's why he didn't get sentenced to death. Jacked as fuck though.

he isn't really a bad guy, just a nice idiot that gets influenced by a bad guy

You guys remember he grilled dead bodies right?

I dunno if you've noticed, but that's the usual trope for overcoming some great catastrophe in western cinema
Remember Core?
>I know, let's nuke it!

Re watched it recently.
And i 100% agree with up, its underrated as hell, its underrated since its without the doubt one of the worst movies ever created and needs to be recognized as such.

The FPS section alone deserves some kind of award for the most unnecessary out of place sequence in history of cinema.
Fuck this movie.

Like I said, he's an idiot


I bet you play Doom for the story too, don't you?