I will answer your questions

I will answer your questions

What kind of dog is this?

you can go and fuck off
you and your sister.

Who are you?

it's a cat

Why is the distant universe so homogeneous when the Big Bang theory seems to predict larger measurable anisotropies of the night sky than those observed?


your friend

No what kind of dog is it?

when will russia launch a full-scale icbm attack on US soil?

because it is a theory. it explains how our universe came to be and indeed predicts something on basis of the theory. That things observed are different than the theory, suggests that there is a flaw within the theory and there should be another theory or a correction on the current theory to explain the observed homogeneous universe

it won't

I also want to know what type of dog this is

it's not a dog

Have you or will you ever fuck a cat.

i havent and i will never.

what about you?

My balls, your chin. Deal?

no thanks

I see you see you are in just as much denial as me.

leave them cats alone

You also need to leave them alone.

I will