Ask someone who's been up snorting cocaine for 100 hours anything

ask someone who's been up snorting cocaine for 100 hours anything

Afraid of od?

not really - feel pretty safe friend

Can you smell sounds yet?

It's so cash, keep going until you can

Never experienced that, i get voices at night though. Rn the Birds are waking up and uts the worst thing ever. Wish i was american so i could go out and Just shoot them all

How long have you been up and what substance are you on

I'm a very long time regular user , formal heavy user , I've only ever made it two days before I feel like a total cracked out and crash


How can you afford so much coke?

Were do you live OP? its 4:40 in Sweden atm

Can you cum when you're on cocaine? I can't...

Protip you can't go out and shoot them even if you are American.

>Though I certainly understand why you would want to be.

100h and cocaine
thats weird to me, are you bad at dealing with psychosis etc?
have autism, govt gives me 12k a yr

Not op , but ya it takes a lot of work and focus , me personally either I can't get it up at all, but if I do get it up I can duck for hours sometimes finishing in cumming sometimes not

technically yes
fuck the birds

You drinking?

10 internets to who can guess where im from (what town)

look at the pic

>tfw you want your mom dead but sharing your wish saves her

>fuck the birds

Oh I agree my friend.


The correct choice was meth, nice complete waste of money


unfortunately not (except coca cola)

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like (ye i googled it)
cant find it in belgium
dc is not in europe or belgium but good guess