Me and GF are going to London this summer since it won't be a city worth visiting for much longer

Me and GF are going to London this summer since it won't be a city worth visiting for much longer.

Any tips on areas to avoid and historical/political sites worth looking at now before london as a whole becomes a no-go zone?

There is no "no-go" zones in london dumbass stop beliveing everything you see on Sup Forums

Just dont go south east cause its shit and nothing is there apart from chavs and niggers

You could as well just visit its big brother, Pakistan.

Cartoon by schlomo cohen

You should be fine taking your white gf to London, Samesh. You'll fit right in with the rest.

Make sure you leave your cuck enough food.

Don't even bother going to London it's shit. There are beautiful rural towns and villages in the East Midlands and further up north that have practically no shitskins, it's a small country so just road trip and avoid the cities as they're not worth visiting.

Been there a few years ago.
It's still not as bad as Sup Forums or people like Memelyneux put it.

Don't go to obvious pakistani zones and nothing will offend you (apart from the fucking CCTV everywhere).

Also, Pakis and the other shitskins are not what you believe them to be. Contrary to popular belief they're not stoning and raping everyone who passes by them.


I'd say pretty much avoid london totally.

>make sure you leave your cuck enough food
I fucking lol'd irl

Sure mate
>pic related, you brits also claimed this couldn't be a thing.
Cucking is an american thing, look up porn statistics on it etc etc.
Most women despise immigrants the moments they actually have to interact with them.
Yeah i've been up north before, loved it, just going to London now before its too bad. Right now I bet you can still feel some of its historical significance, and i'd like to experience that before it is gone.
>Pic related
And yeah no, I don't think its that bad right now, don't expect to be attacked during daylight, still doesn't mean that everywhere is safe after dark.

The caliphate in London is Whitechapel, Towerhamlets that's where Anjem Choudery and loads of other prominent Islamists live. You wont be able to avoid none-whites anywhere in London and be advised that London is a ultra-expensive, extremely depressing place.

Me and GF are good with money, we already looked up cheap places to eat and most things we want to see and do there are free as long as you don't mind walking for awhile.

>Me and GF are going to London this summer


it could be nuked at any time. ISIS has snuck WMDs into Europe, and they are explicitly targeting major Western Capitals, including London

>yfw isis is so dumb they nuke the muslim majority areas thus cleansing themselves from europe

That is a long shot, luckily we will mostly be going to low key places and not during the biggest tourist times during the summer, so us getting struck is phenomenally small.

Visiting Oxford Street will be like visiting Pakistan.

When you're there see if you can actually detect any English being spoken.

Went to London in like 2007 and thought it was a massive shithole then.

I can't even imagine how bad it is now.
Glad I can say I saw it before it completely devolves into Africa: The City.

It's a target every day of the week, Mohammad.

Oh wait.

you know what they say about girls with big dogs...

Don't go East London unless you like getting mugged
Don't go North London unless you like getting shanked
Don't go South London unless you like getting mugged and shanked

Witnessed banter.