Austrian Chancellor just resigned.

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Baba und fall net
What's gonna happen now?
Can I go loot shit?

whats the reason??

also source?

Goodbye, Bundestaxler.

just become a Bundesland already retards
Reason: pressure from the left, the right, his own party.


Will a new Chancellor be awron in before Hofer wins the Presidential election?

Or will Hofer get to choose?

what a time to be alive

Snap Elections?

Gut werner

Prooobably yes unless the SPÖ is very slow. The current president will still be in office until june IIRC.


nice standard-meme

Is he to Austria what Merkel is to Germany? If so, how come our shitty country still has to deal with her?


I dont read pink shit.

Godspeed Austria.

With you guys as the catalyst, hopefully you can influence Germany, the Netherlands, and France next year in their elections, too.

Then there will be more chance of expelling these refugees.

Feynmann 360° moonwalked out of the cuck mindset at some point. Merkel still believes the Landtagswahlen proved the majority agrees with her policy.




When your country will be removed of the kebab, silly Hans.

Say hello to our new chancellor.

>Is he to Austria what Merkel is to Germany?
Pretty much

>If so, how come our shitty country still has to deal with her?
Merkel's perty didn't get stumped by the far right nationalists in the last election (which the SPÖ did), and there were no May 1st protests from literally every political faction (which the SPÖ had)

Low-energy Faymann

So what happens now? I this good? Will it stop the flood of economic migrants.


>he will probably be replaced by an even bigger multi-kulti and pro-EU shill

Just another day in the banana republic that is Peru, nothing to see here.

Stfu faggot we will take bayern from you send you all migrants build wall and watch you burn.

You won't read it in the news, but it's probably just a political matter. President or some other entity probably told him to resign, rather than it being of his own accord.

Didn't his right wing party win recently? Sorry I was a bit out of the loop

Does FPÖ have a shot at governing or do all the other parties refuse to work with them, like they do with Wilders here?

they will be in the next government. They were already 15 years ago.

accelerating the death of the SPÖ and giving us an even greater FPÖ surge, get ready +40% polls and a great President in two weeks

The EU will probably interfere again if FPÖ enters into office.

>Häupl übernimmt interimistisch

>Häupl übernimmt interimistisch
>mfw this is true

Bring on the white wine the Red King is thristy

he looks like he sells diet shakes


I doubt they dare that again. They just lost in every aspect after they did that. Socity voted even more right the next election and EU became seen very negatively. Also, there's plenty of people who would help us this time. E.g. all Eastern Europeans.

Angela El Merkele will probably go for another anschluss just to save her disgusting dream of a united Europe.

That's good tho.
He will turn away the migrants or destroy the leftwing in wien wich would make FPÖ get 50+% next elections.
FPÖ got 41% last time if i remember it right.

Yea. Hopefully. But I would not rely on that. There is a chance the EU tries to use art 7 again if FPÖ gains too much ground, though. The Commission is shaking already with Eastern Europeans and I guess they are ready to do literally anything in order to prevent European countries from having right-wing govs.

This. Actually it all depends on Germans. If they cannot oust Merkel, the EU will attempt to take down governments that are too much on the right side.

good riddance

But the EU has no problem being best buddies with the Neo Nazis in the Ukraine. They are that desperate.

How fast will there be elections?

I guess they are not going to make it before brexit.


well done, minikrauts.
now close the border so our police can put away the tear gas and get out the real stuff.

Should'ce been lynched instead.

>just become a Bundesland already retards

an Anschluss would smell the same by any other name.

Chancellor Dolfuss was murdered today and Italians moved to the Brenner Pass

Well, this is pretty bad.
He was one of the very few, who was against the refugees.

Before that there was not really that extreme pressure on him. I guess he or his family was threatened by the puppet masters.

This will make the situation even worse.

good riddance asshole

>getting ruled by merkel

yeah no thx

Just do your duty, vote FPÖ. Your hinterland (central-eastern Europe) will stand behind Kaiser Hoffer and Chancellor Strache.

With Bavaria maybe. But fuck all Saupreissen.

Why isn't Austria in Germany yet?

>With Bavaria maybe.

Imagine a union of the following countries/regions:
>Austria (minus Burgenland)
>South Tyrol

If the Swissfag managed to check their bitter cunt status, this would be paradise.

Agreed. It would be paradise. It would also be a economic powerhouse the world has yet to see.


>It would also be a economic powerhouse the world has yet to see.

How could Cuckmerica even compete?

They couldn't.

Rank Country Nobel laureates/capita
1 Saint Lucia 1
2 Luxembourg 2
3 Switzerland 20
4 Austria 18

Keep in mind that literally every American nobel laureate is Jewish, so those are basically Israeli achievements.

How embarrassing.

>American exceptionalism


Oh look, it's the guy who ripped off Tesla.

How quaint.

thanks angela

>Why isn't Austria in Germany yet?

Jews won't allow it.


>it's true
We... don't exactly feel like getting the cuck on us?
The President is right-wing. The president is very much a representative office RAI, even if he's RAW fairly powerful.

The government is centre left.
>If so, how come our shitty country still has to deal with her?
Low energy/10

Shouldnt it be "AUSTRIA NO"?

Otherwise, congratulations.

Jesus, that sounds beautiful.

>If the Swissfag managed to check their bitter cunt status, this would be paradise.
Never going to happen. Switzerland is great itself but the French speaking areas are starting to cuck the rest. You'd have to take the East and North of Switzerland by force.

I'd be for it in a way

>>Austria (minus Burgenland)
not so fast.
based Hofer is from Burgenland

>Literally who
>why should anyone care?

Can someone summarise for a Bong?

So... what now? Is this a good thing? Was he pushing for more immigrants? Less? Who will replace him? Will they be better for the right? Worse?

Sorry, but I have no idea what the situation is there, all I know is that Austria and Poland were the only ones not taking in massive hoardes of immigrants. Will that change now?


so, after he gave in to some conservative demands he lost the support of the left and we will most likely get some lefti who's unwilling to cooperate with the conservatives, again, which will push the people even more to the right. i assume that in the next elections the fpö will have approx 40%


Good Luck bros
Make Austria Great Again

Didn't he resign because FPO came first in your pres election?

>I know is that Hungary and Poland were the only ones not taking in massive hoardes of immigrants.

we take nearly 40k from the 90k that arrived in 2015
>Will they be better for the right?
That's my guess:

That's the official reason.
I suspect some guy in his own party blackmailed him. Austrian politicians don't usually pull this kind of stunt. They endure and try to fill their pockets as long as possible.

Bavaria has too many muslims

Munich is Berlin 2.0. The city is maximum cucked.


Austrians are now required to greenpost who resigned, why, what will now happen that the position is open, who is likely to fill the position, and how cucked they are when compared to cuckmany or Sweden

Why, alright. I'm willing to be better than Pinoyland.

this, also a pro TTIPler

Either he did it to prevent Hofer as President allowing ÖVP going full force on their refugee policy or he did it to piss off people of his party who fucked with him to kill the party itself since he not only dropped being head of SPÖ but also being Bundeskanzler. Meaning everything what happens from now on, especially the entire refugee policy that is about to come, is ÖVP policy accorded with Doskozil. Everything else is irrelevant.

more like
>german speaking swiss cheese
>North Italy

>page 6

>whats the reason??

he's an utter faggot

Eww we only want Austria and maybe north Italy if they chill it with the crime.

Fuck Cuckmany forever and always

is this a panic reaction to get undecided people or people who vote for hofer because they are unhappy with government to vote vdb?

denke nicht.
der hatte nur Angst in 2 Wochen von Hofer gefeuert zu werden :))))

So he was a pro-EU shill put in place by current pro-EU party, but the anti-EU party recently won so any replacement will just be switched out? pls esplain

bin ma no net sicher ob des wos wird mim norbert

We Atlas Shrugging now

gestern war auf puls4 das erste grosse TV-Duell (siehe Youtube). da hat der Opi ganzschön verzweifelt & zittrig ausgesehen

>woke up at 1730
>see this

holy shit laddies, is it finally happening?