Be Australia

> Be Australia
> Take a hard line on smuggling dogs
> Johnny Depp apologises
> No boot given
> Johnny Depp then mocks Australia

Aus fags BTFO.

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meh. got anything else?

source on what Depp said?

jesus he looks like a mess

He should be banned from entering our country again.
If he wasn't rich and famous he would be in jail right now.

>literally sucks our dicks infront of the whole world
>whines about it afterwards
Oh he sure got back at us

Yeah, we'd better make sure to let him bring his dogs next time, otherwise he might have a sook about us on the internet.

I would make fun of it too in his position, he literally broke the law and got away with a weak mea culpa.

Honestly I'm glad we made a deal over it. Dogs can bring all sorts of diseases, and celebrities shouldn't get special treatment just because they're big and famous.

What a fucking liberty.

But they did get special treatment and now show no remorse.

Introduce his dogs to a pit of Echidnas.

>Be Johnny Depp
>Be so bootyblasted about breaking a law and being forced to apologise where others would be jailed for it that you have to bring up your dogs in every country you now visit

Every person I know who's seen it says Depp looks like puke now.
He dons a pretentious fake accent which he thinks is how we thinks he actually speaks and nearly dribbles on himself whilst talking.

Honestly he looks like the type of bloke now who hangs out on street corners picking his nose in public.

How are we BTFO.

He's salty as fuck, couldn't handle the Bantz and so now he's crying to the rest of the world about how the big mean bullies in Australia humbled his ass, shit we even went easy on him.

God bless all the work you Aussies do for the world.

>break the law
>get butthurt about having to apologize for breaking the law
Arrogant shitstain

>I was just pretending to be apologetic, Ha, boy did I show them
He was the laughing stock of the planet, his miserable apology made news worldwide and I'm guessing now he thinks he can reclaim the last laugh and save his dignity. We broke him

This. He's super pissed and acting like the child he is.

Who gives a shit what he says in response?
We used him as an advertising billboard for the whole world to see.
Fill out your paper work correctly or fuck off.
No undocumented cunts allowed. We will kill even some rich hollywood faggots dog for fucking up.
Fuck off we're full.

As long as the world see's that message nobody cares what kind of jokes he makes.

You can mock us too. But you Britain along side other euros welcoming refugees, you are the joke.


>We will kill even some rich hollywood faggots dog for fucking up.

But you didn't though.

You never did anything other than ask for an apology and then he laughed in your Alf Stewart faces.

Depp is an establishment actor like Bono is an establishment artist.

Indeed. Letter of law would have destroyed the dogs, incinerated the remains and given Depp his dogs back in a box of ashes.

I believe they were MADE to record that apology, to avoid God-knows-what punishment. One month in a Queensland prison? HA!

The amount of Australian butthurt in this thread is absolutely hilarious.

"H..he just couldn't handle the bants! S-stop criticizing Australia!!!"

Bunch of thin-skinned abbo cunts, all of you.

You'd think signing autographs all day would make signing paperwork easy for him.
He must be as spastic as you are.