Cut or uncut. She admits I'm the best lover she ever had. I have her permission. You can confirm with her...

Cut or uncut. She admits I'm the best lover she ever had. I have her permission. You can confirm with her. So is uncut best? She admits I fucked her best. Pic related

Awut, how exactly did the skin "get in the way"?


Don't know, but I gave her 5 orgasms before I netted. Any guess how? You can contact her to find out

She is a verified Hobosexual. I kicked her out and she states this

Pic related

She is a psycopath. Stay away.

def psycho

also uncut is better since you get natural protection for your glans

seriously its a fucking asspain finding underwear that dont hurt to wear

Why do you say that?

> You can contact her" Okay little 12 year old and his friend pretending to be a girl to try and act alpha. Lmfao gg

Lmao why do people even mess with whores like this?

She right tho…

How do you know she's a whore.

I'm not trying to rustle any jimmies, but do normal women not cum?
My fiance [spoiler] inb4 REEEEEEEEE [/spoiler] is some kind of nymphomaniac, and she cums quite a lot whenever we have sex, and we have sex every weekend and sometimes during the week.
I don't give a fu k if you believe me or not, but I'm only asking this because she's the only person I've ever been with and this is the only thing I've known in my 7 years of sexual experience, share with me Sup Forums

I cannot believe this is still a fucking topic to talk about. It does not matter for the girl either way.

Well she's curious about your thoughts. I'll post her explanation. We just want to know why you think skin might get in they to total satisfaction

How? Explain

I'm cut, but there are literally millions of uncut people having sex all the time and never heard this dumbass complaint

sounds like a fucking bitch

Wasn't entirely satisfied after cumming 5 times, yeah okay.

OP has yet to learn that slutty women are pathological liars: the post.

'your dick has too much skin, it would feel better if your dick has less skin'

even if that was how it works, that's not acceptable.

her pussy would feel better if it didn't have a clitoris.

tell her a circumcision for a circumcision. You might have to book a flight to somewhere remote in Africa or something to get it done, though

Send her this she's probably a Jew though