My PM is a jew sellout. what about yours?

my PM is a jew sellout. what about yours?

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My cunt created Israel, beat that

There's literally only one country on this wonderful planet of ours that's no either a
>jewish puppet (think the entire west)
>a jewish pawn (think Iran, Russia, etc.)

my mom is jewish and dad is russian, so fuck you

Grey = slaves of the jews

Sorry that the terms and conditions of having iron dome technology is to stop SHITTING IN THE STREET. I know it's your religious fundamental to be able to defecate in the Ganges but that shit is not first world behavior.

You atleast know that you are worth something if the jews care about you

there was this american comedy show, i think it was called "The Brink", and it had a bit in it that i love.

basically, a powerful US guy gets frustrated with the Israeli diplomat and almost threatens her, and she just goes "what? what are you gonna do? we are ISRAEL. your own people won't let you touch us"

and it's so frustratingly true. israel is basically king of the world for the stupidest, most inane of reasons, but still, the most intelligent men on the planet will never ever try to touch it.

i mean God and religion completely aside, i thought we were at least sophisticated enough to stop worshipping PLACES, but apparently not

And that country is...?

I thought it was quite clearly that it is BASED BOLIVIA

Would you rather live in a gray country or a green country?

Nope, we aren't important enough for israel to give a single fuck about us. So our PM has no-one to sell out to.

>Turkey is green

I would like to live in Israel. My great grandfather was a jew
t. other finn


>wishing someone a happy holiday
How does that make him a sellout? IIRC he also has had problems with Muslims.

How common are Greek Jews?
>INB4 someone post the article saying Ashkenazi are Greek/Turk converts.

>Most of the green countries are wretched shitholes and dictatorships.

My neurons have been fondled.

You're shit out of luck. They only give you citizenship if a grandparent is.

fug :D

not that common anymore, the surviving ones have mostly used to Israel, even the native pre-Ottoman Jews

>wretched shitholes with lower obesity rates
>wretched shitholes with free education
>wretched shitholes with no school shootings
You have been a good goy, John. Now back to work, the jewish military is not gonna pay for itself.

that's only america, stupid gopnik

>implying that EUcucks are that much better
whatever you say, Rasmus (Muhammad)

you country has africa tier homicide rates

don't forget about the africa tier AIDS situation

It's african tier in their muslim population too. Russians should be last people to make fun of others about muslims. Having the largest muslim population in Europe.
Moscow alone has 2 million muslims and the largest Mosque in Europe

He was joking, there's no such country.


He has over 180+ Iq. Your PM didn't have any choice, so forgive him.

did you even read the first 5 sentences of the article you linked you fucking zipperhead

Green = former Russian puppets, Muslims and cucks.

A USA puppet and by proxy, a puppet of Israel

my country pushed them to Israel

My country is enslaved to Israel. Beat that

That's where I stopped reading

Turkey was the first Muslim majority country to recognize the State of Israel. Also:

Shouldn't Indians like Jews? You guys are both smart, high-achieving and nepotistic. It makes sense as an alliance.


Is the grey spot above Mongolia Baikal, or did I miss something.

netanyahu at least care about the jews

our pm doesnt carre about the swedes

Why, Israel ofcourse

>lower obesity rate
they cant get fat if they dont have food numbnut

>You guys are both smart,
>t. Prajeet

The only things that poos have in common with jews are big noses and lying.

Yeah he's selling us out to China as we speak
>“I told him, I said, ‘You know we’re not going to let that [current trade deficit] go ahead,’ ” Mr. Trump said of his meeting last week with Mr. Xi. He added he told Mr. Xi: “ ‘But you want to make a great deal? Solve the problem in North Korea.’ That’s worth having deficits. And that’s worth having not as good a trade deal as I would normally be able to make.”
Also note the second article, and consider that he said he was going to label China a currency manipulator for depressing their currency but flip flopped on that immediately.

Indians are heavily over represented in American STEM programs.

>World rank 25
That unironically puts them in about the top 15% of countries

Why does he suddenly think he's a master at geopolitics?

He always has and he's always been wrong.
See: his "I know more than the generals" quote

Fuck off with this meme, Israelis are fighting against the barbaric mudslime menace and you should be too.