Sup Forums claims to hate jews

>Sup Forums claims to hate jews

>Trump has a jewish daughter with a "beautiful jewish baby", marched in a pro-Israel parade and said he loves jews

You can't choose both. You either hate Trump and hate jews or you like jews and you like Trump.

I don't hate juice

Canada? More like fagada

We /Jews/ nao. We pull the strings behind the curtain!

He also said he's on the side of Israel.

Shutup canuck, get behind the Ausniggers and learn to shitpost.

Overaton's window is open you faggot.


Fuck, looks like I'm a #RadicalCruzlim now

Actually don't you have fires to put out?

Sup Forums is not one person. We can hold different opinions that contradict each other.

It's cool, mate.

nice counter-signalling, faggot

hope you are proud of your shitty thread
please die of cancer desu

It's either Jews or Muslims.

It's rhetoric. If you can't read between the lines, you're stupid.

>Show how much you support the Jews or else!
>Well, one time I marched in a parade. And, uh, my daughter married one. So, I love the Jews, see.

I'm a #Jebhead now

Don't say I didn't warn you when Trump fucks over the voters and works for his jewish masters.

If "yellowish" means kind of yellow, and
"coldish" mean sort of cold

WTF does "jewish" mean ??

Donald knows how to handle the jews and not be their puppet.

I don't think the jews want the TexMex anyways sooo, win.

yeah because there totally is better candidate

Hmm seems I'm choosing both even though you said I couldnt. Interesting I wonder what new and improved police force is going to be tasked in making me not choose both.


>le pol is one person
Fuck off

Why shouldnt he be? I dont give a shit what you think about jews, but Israel is important to the world economy and not to mention the only fucking "free" country in that whole God forsaken area.

I don't give a damn about his petsonal feelings about jews, I just want us to stop being israel's attack dog.

Sort of jew? So if you're a jew, you're a hook nosed money grubbing banker; if you're jewish, you're only kind of like that.

Give up Daniel

Whoa! Hold up there now feller...
When did Sup Forums ever become an entity capable of claiming anything?
Since when did Sup Forumsacks ever start "hating Jews"?
There are Jewish posters on this board fairly frequently and they are treated the same as any other.

Please take your discriminatory, bigoted, xenophobic message elsewhere shill.

Good day.