Sup Forums convince me the earth is flat without sounding like a retard

Sup Forums convince me the earth is flat without sounding like a retard

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The earth isn't flat.


Good one.

if i put something on the ground, it doesn't roll. That means its flat

I know, i want to see if someone can present even a half decent argument

Thats a fucking awful argument

Here, you got proof.

for a fucking awful theory

Ice sun vs fire sun, who wins?

The point of flat earth isn't to prove that it's actually flat necessarily. Until civilians can escape our atmosphere and go further out in space to observe the shape of the land we live on, it's impossible to actually prove. Mathematically, both the globe model and the flat model have many flaws.

So why question the shape of the land we live on...?

Putting us on a ball, which happened by some insane chance, in a insignificant galaxy made up of billions of other insignificant galaxies, etc... Gives our lives very little meaning and purpose.
When you look at the flat model, we are the center of everything and therefore, we are very significant and gives us great value.

Personally, I like to believe the latter of the two. But, in the end, it doesn't matter and what you choose to believe is merely a theory of many.


Because that curve is of course proportional to Earth's curvature. Idiot.




The ISS is probably travelling over your country right now, you fucking retard. We have sent plenty of people to space.

Intelligent response. Was expected.

Curve is curve. Flat is flat.

Earth is flat.

Deal with it and educate yourself.

What is to the other side of that flat object?

Have you been on the ISS? Didn't think so... Just taking someone's word...

It's a troll argument


What the heck is that image even trying to argue?

This man speaks wisdom

Hahaha Look harder

Well, I'm a geography major who is in an industry worth a billions of dollars annually. And not a lot firms in this industry. It's a small, generally un-thought about industry. However, the entirety of this industry is based specifically on math that's based off an oblong shaped planet. Rectification of imagery to a flat planet is beyond stupid. So much shit would have to be different for that to be the case. People will literally believe anything they see on the internet. It's not even a goof, people really believe this flat earth trash. It's sickening and a little funny sometimes.

You personally have to go up there? Why should we believe you, based on your logic we shouldn't.

All images from NASA are cgi or composites. We never went to the moon or sent rovers or satellites out into space. It's all created with their multi-billion budget to perpetuate the lie that we are insignificant within this giant universe

It's 2017, how can people think earth is round...

That's why I said, when civilians are able to go to deeper space to observe for themselves. My word doesn't mean shit bro.

I have lost IQ points from looking at this image

It is flat. If it wasn't how would our Earth be able to fit on the back of a giant space turtle, nigga?

One question I have is why do flat earthers think that NASA and any other government or scientist are lying to you about the world being round. What do they get out of it for saying the earth is round rather than flat


No they are mosaics (pictures assembled to make one big picture). As the planet is literally so huge and satellites aren't that far away from the surface compared to how far that picture would have to be taken to get the entire planet in it. It's rendered for athletics, not photogrammetric accuracy HOLY FUCK


You fail at spelling aesthetics.

"It's just turtles all the way down"

My point is still valid kek

Why is it a lie in the first place? I can understand why a moon mission was faked, but what a flat earth. Please someone give me an actual answer for once in one of these threads.

The autism...

*que x-files theme song*

Cool so shut the fuck up, faggot.

if that model were true, you'd be able to see the sun at all times. try again, retard

>Mathematically, both the globe model and the flat model have many flaws.

Please describe these flaws.

>he doesnt know hes been duped
>he doesnt know decieving creeps is acceptabl for the lul


If the earth is flat, then where can I go to see the edge? Or am I just supposed to take your word for it?

OP, convince me the earth is round and why without sounding like a retard .

Plot twist: the earth is a cone
One of those images is shopped
>hint: its the bottom one

But how are you explaining this : then


Maybe the sun is just really far and highier instead of just on top of the fucking ocean ?

How can we travel around the world and never falling outside of it ?
Explain the gravity on a plane surface : it is assumed to be a force that affect evrything in a spherical patern so, and assuming that the earth doesn't crumble back to being a sphere, shouldn't the gravity be highier at the outside of the flat earth ?
Why are you all assuming that is is circular if it is flat ? Can't it be squared or rectangular ?
Explain how the earthquake are working, how the magnetic shield is produced (and thus the boreal aurore)

It's not beacause you can't experiment something with your bare sense that it isn't true, and saying that the NASA is a big company that is lying to evryone for whatever reason doesn't change the fact that if the earth was flat there will already be a shit ton of video showing russian walking near the edge and falling into whatever should be there.

>the Earth is a cone

well played

>doesn't realize you can pay Russia to take you into space

And you realize most astronauts these days are still civilians, right? No, of course you didn't.

The earth is also the only one is the only one of those planets that has life so why would it be like the rest


>no life else where. Ever.
And that's quite a claim to make with literally no evidence.

ITT: trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.