Doorbell rings

>doorbell rings
>open door
>see this

What would you do?

Cum buckets and close the door

Shoot the ugly brunette and keep the blonde slave


Tell them they're ugly and slam the door in their face.


>come on in

>let me get you some towels

>go ahead. You can sit on my nice dry couch. I don't mind.

>sure you can use my phone to call your boyfriends

>You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this

Then unzip my dick

try to have sex with them

Is summer over yet?

I run a hotel, so I'd probably offer them a room

>doorbell rings
>peek through window to see who it is
>hide until they go away

Slam the door on the brunette and slam the dick in the blonde

Bad taste

pretty much this

>spend the next hour and a half breathing as silently as possible though your heart is pounding in your throat


>please come in
>leave your shoes and socks at the door

>yeah I'd like to let you in to dry off but I once saw this movie where this happened and it ended really badly for the guy sooooooo....
>slam door.

boil bowl of eggs


I'd totally sign my death warrant to have a threesome with them.

Honestly lads I don't know what I'd do if a stranger knocked on my door in the middle of a storm looking for shelter.

It makes me feel like a horrible human being but I'd probably turn them away.

I would say, "I wanna fuck you both."
And see what would happen.

fair point.

Yea you would not turn those girls away

of course not but I mean a normal sample of human not 1% mega hot young women

they would probably kill you before you actually got to have sex.



I personally wouldn't let them in but would let them use my cell phone at the door.

This is of course in the real world, not Sup Forums's fantasy land where pretty women are just waiting to suck cocks at every turn.

report this tread for shitposting

>tfw don't have a family
>tfw can fuck them with no reprecussions

I bet with slick pick up lines like this you are drowning in pussy.
