Stupid cis-gender people. They are like children XD

Stupid cis-gender people. They are like children XD

Gender is real people. It's 2017! Get your head out of your ass. Men can be women and women can be men. And either can be neither! Why is that so hard to understand?

0/10 lazy troll

It's at least a 1/10 because you replied.

Gender is a social construct therefore gender does not exist therefore transgender doesn't exist.

Gender is just made up? Unlike all those naturally occurring words and ideas right? Try harder.

If a concept is sufficiently broad that it encompases contradictary distinctions, then it is useless, no matter what you believe. How about this: you believe what you want, and I'll believe what you want. I will let you. Will you let me?

I know,right?
I saw my 4 year old nephew playing with a Barbie and i realized he doesn't want to be a boy anymore.
Sadly,i can't make him take hormone injections until he turns 18,but at least i can get him on the right track!

And some mutations.
Gender is not sexuality.
"B-b-buh I feel like a gurllllll!"
But you know what, let them "change" their sex all they want, at least they won't be able to participate in the gene pool.

You're just made to believe in these cis genders by corporations that limit your free speech.


here you are

>Claims to support people being whatever gender they want
>"Oh muh god gaiz all cis people r scum!"
1/10, got a reply.

>not knowing the difference between gender and sexuality
>Taking solace in the fact that the vast majority of you will not procreate
Websters Dictionary
noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Examples: gender in a Sentence
Definition of gender
a : a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b : membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c : an inflectional form (see inflection 3a) showing membership in such a subclass
a : sex the feminine gender
b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

Limit my free speech? Here's my free speech for you: fuck off mate.
As I've said, people can do whatever they fucking want as long as they don't want me to think like them, especially when science and nature are against them.
A male won't suddenly be able to produce eggs, and a female won't be able to produce sperm. So to be honest, let them cut their reproductive organs on purpose and let them be happy.

Children: raw I'm a dinosaur
Transfaggots:respect me I AM a dinogender

You know what, since everything is relative to one's own perspective, I'm going to choose the fenders I identify others as and anyone who doesn't like it is oppressing me. You are what I think you are.


xd your gay lol


bad troll
but is sad there are people who think like this lmao

Agreed, but it should be "with trans* people and allies" on the left side

Uhhh it's not hard to understand at all faggot, the problem is you won't stop talking about it shoving it in people's faces. Fuck off I dont care if your trans or gender fluid or a fucking penguin with five dicks, fuck off already