I'm gook born in Canada. Ask me anything

I'm gook born in Canada. Ask me anything.

What is your opinion on speedsolving cross-on-left?

A fucking leaf


are you adopted?


What is your name?

Do you have a soul? I do.

rice rice konichiwa?

I get dry skin when i use soap in the shower, can you recommend a soap that doesn't dry out my skin?

When are you leaving?

A fellow speedcuber?

What is that?

안녕 자족 :DDDD 나 군대 안가...

How do you feel about lazy whities taking over Canada?

Speedsolving a rubik's cube using the CFOP (Cross, First two Layers, Orient last layer, Permute last layer) method while holding the cross on the left side rather than the bottom or the top while you solve the cross and the first two layers.

I liku white people desu. :D
Worst races are Chinese, blacks and sand niggers.

Ofcourse, you had to be a draft dodger...

is the driving wheel on the right or the left?

northern chinks are okay imo

I'm only gonna serve when we get invaded.

Thats what they all say, or Muh studies, muh Kpop career...