EXPERIMENT UNDERWAY: Feel free to join me. I've invented a new drink, do with it as you will...

EXPERIMENT UNDERWAY: Feel free to join me. I've invented a new drink, do with it as you will. I think I'm onto something, and I'm sure one of you brilliant bastards will improve upon my idea/method.

BASIC IDEA: I am converting the resin from my pipe into something more useful. I'll explain the process throughout the thread.

FINAL PRODUCT: A milkshake containing THC.

I'm currently drinking a mixture of THC extract, chocolate ice cream, and half-and-half. It tastes delicious, and I'm waiting to see if it has any effects.

I'll contribute my extraction method, you let me know if you think a) it's good, b) it sucks, c) something can be improved, d) something should be removed, e) OP is a fag.

STEP ONE: I clean my pipe by soaking it in boiling water. This loosens and removes the resin/tar inside the pipe. As the pipe soaks, the water turns brownish in hue as it absorbs more of the resin. You're left with a cup full of brownish water.

Did you put the resin in the shake?

boof the resin

>Things that never happened

im interested
keep posting op

this is some 15 year old wannabe stoner's fantasy blog none of this is true

STEP TWO: I filtered the water using paper towel. I put it over the top of a red solo cup, and poured the mixture through. The bits of resin were removed, leaving only liquid behind.

>resin from my pipe

You're fucking disgusting. You're obviously a knowledge-less faggot.

Its likely you don't know how to properly weedfood either.

Untrue boys.

Well, maybe the 15 yo fantasy part is a little true. But I assure you that this just happened out of sheer boredom.

another new one

aaaaaand you don't know what you're doing, leave this thread /thread

op ignore this guy keep posting

God you are fucking stupid. Go back to /tree or whatever its called.


THC isn't water soluble but keep posting
not writing off your method just yet

STEP THREE: Final mixture combined with a few scoops of ice cream and some cream, if you're going for a milkshake. You end up with a thick consistency, and it tastes like a milkshake.

I know that it's fat soluble, but I wasn't about to boil my pipe in cream. There's an oily film on top of the water. I've read before that weed-tea isn't a highly effective way to extract THC, but that some is transferred.

I guess alcohol would work better.

No it tastes like wet towels and vomit, you're putting pipe resin into it. God the stupidity.

Honestly. good b8 user. You actually got me.

I dont think its going to do anything OP
Maybe if you had mixed icecream with weedbutter and not resin flavored water

Guys let him make his milkshake.

you been listening to too much tool, and you are a fag

I've tried soaking weed in high proof alcohol before, and it binds very well to THC. I didn't mix it, so it tasted like shit.

But it definitely had the effect of drinking/smoking.


not OP, still confirmed

But have you ever done it right and made green dragon faggot?

Here you go, do with it as you will. My gift to you.

Thanks, user.

Yes, that was exactly what I did. Soaked for months, and the liquor turned green.

Another normie. Just... go. Man.

Oh okay I take that back, v nice user.

Better weed drink idea
>feel free to steal it cuz idk how to make it
Somehow infuse the thc with the bubbles in soda....kind of like one of those make your own soda machines but there's like thc in the CO2 bubbles

Horrific b8

How is this bait???? I actually though user had a good idea

What's Sup Forums smoking tonight?
>green crack dabs

Its not possible. I'm in the marijuana industry.


New here and new on the scene huh?

Here's the basic idea: Extract the THC left behind in the pipe, and then filter out the actual tar/resin.

Blue Dream


Really you can call it whatever you want, I usually call it wax but it's not wax, it's shatter so I figured I'd generalize it so that nobody called me out on it but here we are. Also I recently moved and nobody here ever knew what I was talking about unless I called it dabs so I figured most people are just idiots so I'd make it ez

Fucking disgusting.

I make eatables and topicals from the resin in my oil piece but I filter the extract down multiple times with high proof grain alcohol and freezing. Also that piece had never been used to burn flower.

I would never do this with dirty nasty fucking black resin

Why not just use live resin? Literally it's what you're talking about except it's way higher in THC and easy to infuse as long as you're infusing into something fatty like whole milk or coconut oil etc. and also you can just buy a shit ton at once instead of scraping old burnt shit out of your bowl
Do some research into it, I think you'll be pleased

>I usually call it wax but it's not wax

It's oil man. Its all oil in one form or another. That's the 'you're not a knowledgeless pleb' term.

It's more like making a tea than scraping. I'm bored, but not that bored.

You just googled this.

Live resin is expensive. Doing it by this method is wasting a few perfectly good dabs.

Also OP lives in Kenfucky or another shit tier state. There's no live res there.

Source: I'm in the cannabis industry.

>you will cowards don't even smoke crack

Basic method,

Only use one piece for oil, wax, shatter, whatever you want to call it

When there is resin put the piece in the oven on the lowest temperature until th majority of the water has evaporated

Add everclear to the warm piece

Shake until all of it is disolved

Strain through a coffee filter

Freeze for 24 hrs or more shaking frequently

Strain again

Repeat process 3+ times

Evaporate alcohol on glass plate

Add to whatever you want

It really depends on where you're from user. Do You really think what I call something has any correlation to how long I've smoked? Lmao you're dumb af if you don't realize what culture is. Different places call it different things. >Guarantee you if you show DABS to people around the world each general location will have a different predominate name that they use
>fuckin idiot

Nice try, uncultured faggot. Just go.

Also adding onto my reply to you I just noticed this user called it dabs too so ha fuck you

This, it is all "hash oil"

Calling oil dabs is fucking retarted.

You scoop a small dab of hash oil to take a hit...

not samefag, you're just subscribing to nigger tier cannabis culture. Its extract, concentrates, oil, among a couple more.

Seconded, pleb faggot.

Live resin is about $40/g where I live
also if you've never bought it yourself you'd be surprised how long you can make it last. Usually a gram will last me from 1-2 weeks if I smoke every day. So that's $20-40 per week which is pretty damn cheap to get high every day


a dab is a dab, you called oil DABS, which is where you went wrong you fucking MORON

wait wait wait... so you're Milkshake is... THC

Never heard of nicknames?
Maybe I don't want to say I'm smoking BHO, I like the more appealing/easier name of wax. It's all preference hop off my dick.

Savor that low tolerance. Cause that's super low.

Smoke a couple dabs short of a gram a day.

>only accepts his name for it
>calls me uncultured for accepting all names
Kek I'm done now because there's only two options here:
A: you're trolling
B: you're literally mentally deficient

Yes but that nickname is idiotic

"I'm going to take a dab of hash"

"I'm going to take a dab of dabs"

Try buying a vape pen. When I used a rig I went through it like nobody's business. Now I have a vape and it's much more efficient. I'm too high to move before I can even refill it

uncultured mentally deficient faggot, see

I know I know, been there. I can afford it and I like taking a big rip as opposed to taking 5 tiny hits.

Why can't I just say "I'm going to take a dab"? -.- why do I have to specify it's name twice....

a but also e

Where I live nobody calls it hash. Literally never heard a single person call it that. It's all culture bro. If you're not from North Carolina then plz don't try to tell me what people there call it lmao

Because you're all uncultured faggots, simple as that.

Only uncultured mentally disabled plebs will say anything.

I've only ever in my life heard it called dabs.
Also, you don't dab a dab.
You take a hit of a dab.

That sentence makes perfect sense, I have no problems there.

I just hate it when someone refers to the actual product as "dabs"

I just took a fat dab of the dankest dabs I ever got.

Fucking retarted

Do you know the actual definition of uncultured? Lmao

>urban dictionary excrept

The extracted cannabinoids of the marijuana plant. Extraction methods vary from using solvents like butane, ethanol, etc., to ice water, CO2, or even a heated press which is known as rosin
Come over so we can smoke some dabs.
Those dabs tasted great!


That's fine if that's your culture. I just think it is stupid to refer to the product as the amount that you are consuming

The product is hash oil and you take a dab of it

ultimate pleb, see
because you're literally too stupid to say anything to me kek

No, you got it wrong again...

You take a dab of hash oil

Source for this cerebral image, maybe more like?

>go on google
>type in hash oil
>first thing to come up is "hash oil dab"
>type in dab
>hash oil nowhere to be seen
You're literally fucking retarded.

fucking moron end your pathetic life

Yeah I mean I know it's not called dabs, I never call it dabs but I just learned that not too many people know what I'm talking about unless they smoke a lot and have been exposed to it so...figured I'd just make it easy for everyone here because idk who smokes and who dosent on this thread, someone might not know what BHO is, but everyone knows what a dab is.
Got fucking attacked for trying to generalize the term so more people could know what it was.

Generalizing a term is literally how linguistics works, colloquial slang is a way to simplify communication for people who actually go the fuck outside once in their shitty little lives

Hash is extracted cannabis

dabs is the term the media used to scare the shit out of people about the dangers of high potency cannabis extracts back in 2010-2013. Then it caught on.

Where are you from?

In California I have never gone to a shop that calls their extracts "dabs".

Same in Colorado, Oregon, Washington...

Dabs is what stupid teenagers call a high quality cannabis extract

>literally how linguistics works

yeah no you're borderline retarded aren't you? given you can still function and all.

another user who knows that the fuck they're talking about, thank you

I think
Is the same dude that keeps raging on my posts, he must be really angry about something irl....or just trying to get reactions cuz clearly he's got a problem with everyone,

Tf is your problem bro chill

Haley420 calls them dabs, I've heard them called dabs, wax, and shatter. Where I am hash and dabs are two completely different things.

I think that the media started calling them dabs because they heard that word and were completely ignorent of what actual cannabis products are

Wax is a texture of the finished product, so is shatter.

A dab is what you scoop of your product

Lol sue me. I used a slang term lmao. If you're upset about that then you need to do something with your life

If you knew what I was talking about when I posted it and said dabs then the word effectively communicated its meaning to you. Therefore it did its job.
>literally you're complaining because I didn't use the same word you would use in a sentence.
>realize that is what you're currently doing with your life: complaining because people didn't use the same word you would use even though my word did the same job as your word in the sense of effectively communicating my thoughts

normie faggot

being this new kek

says the degenerate pothead who does absolutely nothing with his life

only salty nigger stoners will argue

Haley420 is an brain fried attention whore, so she's wrong and retarded

Your use of "literally" tells me you're an absolute fuckwit normie. Point's invalid because you're "literally" too stupid to talk to me.

I only spend $200-$400/week on dabbing dabs. I'm not a stoner bro I have a girlfriend who smokes her dabs with me and I have a job which is why I can afford so much dabs so fuck you I do have a life

>Literally still complaining because I didn't use the word you wanted

U kids don't even smoke why are you arguing on the internet about what to call a dab WTF is going on.

Literally why are you on a 420 thread if you're going to complain about people that smoke pot? Are you jealous they smoke more than you? There are better places on the internet to be if you're that bored...


Lol shut that fag up