Convice me not to kill myself Sup Forums, girlfriend of a long time is leaving me...

Convice me not to kill myself Sup Forums, girlfriend of a long time is leaving me, I'm thousands of dollars in debt that I can't get myself out of because I can't land a job that pays more than 9/hr because of a lack of education because I'm too lazy and hesitant and retarded to go back to school, I have a child on the way with aforementioned girlfriend that I can't afford because of aforementioned reasons and my family hates me because I basically told them all to fuck off because I kept putting my girlfriend over them all the time. I've already downed about a quarter of a liter of Jameson and my body feels pretty numb so I'm sure I'd feel no pain if I slit my wrists but to anyone who's not interested in helping me not kill myself, what are some good ways to kill yourself painlessly


You need to remain alive to support and care for the kid. That's how it is.

Heroin OD, but your kid shouldn't be screwed because you fucked up

Abort the kid


If you are going to kill yourself at least take the kid down with you so he doesn't suffer.

Slitting wrists is never a good idea. Uh, man, fuck, I wish I could reasonably talk you out of it, but the most painless way I can think of ending it is with a bullet to the head. Not sure what else would end it as you have any friends? Anyone that supports you at all? Anyone that wouldn't wanna see you go down this road? I mean, honestly I'm sure your family doesn't want you to kill yourself, so I don't think it's too late to rebuild that bridge.

The kid wouldn't be fucked, her family has money and has told her numerous times that if things don't work out between me and her they'd take her back and if she ever had a child they'd help her take care of it, so the baby and her would be fine

What woman would abort a free money/sympathy ticket?

It'd be selfish as fuck to kill yourself, you need to father the child

I have friends, very few, and that's not an exaggeration I have like 5 because I was too scared to make friends all throughout my life because I thought I was cool and edgy for not liking people but I realized after I graduated that I was actually just an anti social weirdo asshole

do it. post it.

Live in the wild. There's no rules there.

Wtf dude

In n out burgers are for faggots. Checkers is x10 better.

Jesus Christ, dude. Did you do anything redeemable in your life? I'd say don't end it because then your kid grows up without a father. I don't know the details behind you and your gf's split but it's bullshit if it means your kid is going to have a harder life. We don't choose our parents, so the two of you are obligated to make that kid's life not suck for his/her sake. What are some skills you have? Any trade jobs interest you? Can you program? Anything that might make you profitable to a company?

This is actually the best advice anyone has ever given to one of these suicidal fags on Sup Forums.

>go to library
>learn as much as you possibly can about the wilderness and how to survive out there
>say fuck you to gf
>live in the wilderness for the rest of your life

Seems like a decent plan to me.

(。・ω・)ノ゙ Hello user!

I might not be trying to convince you to not commit suicide because you indeed are an unsuccessful piece of shit and you would be doing the world a favor by not existing. I'm just going to ask you to reconsider your life choices and see in which ones you can avoid responsibility.

You should get away from your ex gf and try make her abort. Don't bring a failure like you to the world please. Also, you could fix your relationships problems with your family!

I can't tell you what to do as you already fucked up your own existence. But still, I wish you luck user!

Take her out with you
No regrets if you're dead

Sorry bro, I got nothing.

>Because the kids life will automatically suck if they don't have a father.

I lived with my grandparents because my mom was an alcoholic and my dad lived in a trailer making no money, and my life isn't so bad.

Man up, fucktard. If an uneducated Mexican can ruthlessly work $6/hr jobs saving up until he opens his own tiny business and manage to buy a (shitty) house and put his kids through college and die of old age with dignity surrounded by his children and grandchildren crying their fucking eyes out because they love and appreciate him so much, then there's no excuse why you can't, too.

>wants sympathy from a board filled with virgin NEETS

Holy shit get a load of this normie

Don't do it mate , please . Love life with it's difficulties , don't quit ,the wheel will turn around.

You're not going to kill yourself you absolute fucking pussy. Either become a street junkie in the PNW or tighten up, do the mexican thing
Or get fucked and end your worthless life. Fucking normie.

stop drinking and keep working to pay the bills
I know it's easier said than done
just manage your stress level healthily
also, get help where you can

One of the reasons why I haven't gone to school is because I don't know what I want to go for, nothing interests me enough toi make a career of it and I have terrible work ethic anyways so even if I did get a decent job I wouldn't be able to hold it for long, I know because I've been fired from two jobs back to back

Man, everyone is in thousands of dollars of debt.

true this

Try running away and joining the peace corps or some other stupid idea. The great thing about killing yourself is that you can always do it tomorrow, so no worries if you put it off. Remember that relief is a feeling - and you won't feel feelings if you are dead... so no relief there. Don't give up man. You seem like a douche to me, but even so I can tell you this... the world will turn, and no season lasts forever.

Yeah, because they go to a university where they are taught they are special snowflakes who will succeed no matter what, and then they are in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

I'm not saying that, user. I'm black, so you already know my dad's out of the picture. Mom and grandma did most of the work on me, and my life's pretty great at the moment. However, it's much easier for two partners to raise a child than one person and their parent(s). A 2-parent household (assuming both parents are sane) can do wonders, especially in terms of income.


Baby needs a dad. They will grow up cucked without a father. You are too young to give up. I used to feel suicidal too when my life was out of my control. Take back your life OP, you can do it. Your family will help you if you apologize and make changes. You aren't going to go from loser to perfect instantly, just do better every day. If you work a shitty job well you can move up though I suggest going to community college for it or stem degree so you can get a job that will give you power over your own life. We are all born slaves.

I guess I'll finish off this Jameson and take some of this advice into consideration, for the time being i'm done with this thread just use it for whatever you want idc

Good fucking lord, you get more pathetic with each reply. If you can recognize that you're a worthless lazy fuck with no work ethic then fucking do something about it. When you stink, you shower, right? Well fucking clean yourself up and stop fucking everything you have into oblivion. Either that or cut the road short and save us anons the trouble of reading you cry about how shitty you've made your own life.

Fuck you.

Just go into IT... Its sweet as fuck.

What's it like? I'm a faggot who spends all day on a computer, is that everything required to go into IT?

Don't kill yourself man. Use your child as motivation to start making a name for yourself (I mean in a respectable adult way, you don't need to be a celebrity). You, along with your future child deserve the very best that life has to offer. You need to find the will within yourself and pull it out of you to do what you need to get done.


>inb4 he replies telling you how he has no will to do anything because he's too lazy to blink his eyes

Cake. There is always cake. And porn.

yellow cake uranium?

Bro you need to get 2 jobs - McD for day and Wal-Mart at night. Work your ass off for 18 years. Then you can kill yourself.

Godspeed you dumbass.

I could get you a job if you're willing to work maybe you'll only get 10 or 9 /hr.

But also have you tried construction. My buddy gets 23 an hr

No. IT will eventually kill you. I got out after I saved about 200 grand.

the world is ending you retard. start buffing out. wait till it crashes, and go on a killing spree with the rest of us.

I'm in the exact same position you are man. My girlfriend of 3 years cheated on me out of fucking nowhere and I love her to death; I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was my best and only friend and now I have nothing but crushing debt.

I'm not gonna kms but god damn do I feel like dying.

oilfield pays well
construction more than your job now

or just shoot yourself in front of your family and gf

your choice

Wild land fire fighting , I make 15 k a summer

Stay the course, my dearest user. It sucks that our most primal sexual desires can get in the way of our fairy tale lives. Keep paying off that debt, and never be afraid to asked for help. If I had a friend going through what you are, I'd be more than willing to offer him an arm and a leg to keep him afloat.

fuck her lover to establish dominance
then fuck her and get her preggo
then kidnap the baby and go mia
then raise the child as a single father

thanks user, I have no friends so your reply means a lot

See >Engaged to some cunt for 5 years
>life isnt as fast as it is on the gilmore girls
>lashes out and fucks off some dudeon my birthday
>Even bought plane tickets to do it

>to the curb she goes
>deal with it nigga

Join the army... or any branch . You'll get paid Andy learn life skills and/or a trade. Might even get to kill sand niggers. Plus the best benefits, have that little baby for free nigga

Stop being a lazy retarded faggot and take care of the kid you irresponsible pathetic fuck. The kid is your duty and worth more than your pathetic life, if yours is gonna be shit give him one instead