English's primitiveness

Am I the only befuddled upon descovering English being oversimplistic and rigid person on here? How do natives reconcile the fact that their language resembles more a parody than a real human languge? Do they feel inferior to slavs for having a way superior languge?

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Unnecessarily complicated doesn't always equal better. Case and gender are mind numbingly retarded.

t. Wayward oblast
When your language stops being a retarded dialect of Russian come back and post

I'm sorry to inform you, but you're ignorant of what our languages are capable of by virtue of having such complicated grammar.


Gtfo nasty feminist

English certainly isn't primitive

When your language stops being hodge-podge of different languages you may reply.

kuso post desu ne

>his language is so bland and generic that half the countries within a 500 mile radius speak a partially or mutually intelligible language

all of your squatshitter """languages""" are basically just russian except increasingly more retarded the further away from russia you get

>calling English primitive
>still uses ancient cases pretty much every other language dropped ages ago

As far as I'm aware, English is the best language. Its only flaw is in its inconsistent spelling. Meanwhile, it uses a phonetic aalphabet, a information dense grammar system based mostly on placement with few rules for cases or genders, and is organized so sentences can be easily broken into chunks of understandable information that also allows a person to speak while thinking without the need to formulate the entire sentence beforehand

You don't know anything about Russian language obviously, stop embarrassing yourself


Purposely made bad translations are something the monolingos will never understand

So what is the most advanced language?
I'm voting Mandarin.

russians literally consider """ukranian""" a dialect, same with other joke languages like """belarusian""". they're not even real languages, it's literally just retarded russian.


britain has been multicultural since the end of the roman age

so it develops the adaptive aspect as a point of necessity in communication and as an identifier of common people as secondary

Half of my friends are Russian and I'm moving there in about a month, you don't know what you're talking about, go learn

What? Are you on drugs, matey?

Sounds like something a Ukrainian would say.

I too have heard Russians call Ukrainian and Belarusian meme languages

Mandarin is grammatically relatively simple.

>Belarusian has 80% mutual intelligibility with Ukrainian, 75% with Russian, and 55% with Polish

like i said, joke languages. they aren't even real, they're just dialects.

I'm a Russian speaker and have fuck all clue what Ukrainians are saying if it's anything other than a simple sentence, your arrogance and sweeping statements are very embarassing

No, is that your only rebuttal?

Advanced doesn't mean hard grammatically per se.
Mandarin just has one of the highest information densities, and has a very beautiful and intricate script.

I hate all other Slavic languages. I think their declensions and tenses sound retarded and their vocab is full of suspicious loanwords.

>Mandarin just has one of the highest information densities
That's a meme measurement because people adapt speech patterns contextual mannerisms in terms of units of information actually being expressed. In practical usage, there is basically no real difference in efficiency among the widely used languages.
Information cannot simply be measured in a raw 1:1 manner. Data is not information.

well then you're either not a native russian speaker or you're just not too bright lol because i have three polish friends and a ukrainian friend and the poles say that ukrainian is pretty similar and they can get the gist of what's being said when they hear the ukrainian girl talking on the phone or whatever. and that's a lesser level of mutual intelligibility than russian-ukrainian. from personal experience too i speak spanish and i can read portuguese well enough to know what's being said (mostly from brazilian comments on UFC videos kek) and that's supposedly at around 60-70% mutual intelligiblity.

i think you're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about here to be honest brah, i think you just wanted to "stick it to the dumb american" or something

>How do natives reconcile the fact that their language resembles more a parody than a real human languge?

Simple - they can't learn a foreign language.

Practical usage should include not only casual chatter, but also daily literature.
If you measure the information density of Chinese newspapers, you'd find the language to be highly efficient as well.

An American "speaking" a language translates to being able to say your name and address, I speak 4, 3 of them fluently, go to college and learn to recognise your superiors

English is very compact. I like it.

Then English is German dialect heavily cucked by French vocabulary (around 60 percent of the words are of French origin)

Simplicity is a good thing in engineering, for example. Actually it is hard to come up with simple designs.

And yours is a Slavic language cucked by a Greek alphabet that should be abolished in 2017 because all it does at this point is to hinder communication.

ukrainian and belarussian languages its just mix between russian and polish languages

How does Pope's cock taste after writing in Latin alphabet?

Oh irony.

keep it simple, stupid

nigger languages are hopelessly complicated because without an extensive literary tradition it's incredibly hard for them to establish any kind of regular grammar

Just because your understanding of English is simplistic does not mean English is a simplistic language.

i'm cuban dude i'm literally bilingual lel

but yeah like i thought this whole thing is just about you having a chip on your shoulder about americans and jumping at the opportunity to prove a "dumb american" wrong even when you are objectively incorrect

nowhere near the same degree of mutual intelligibility though. the most commonly used english words are mostly of germanic i.e. old english descent anyways. plus english experienced contact with old norse that the old high german was never exposed to. like that's why we have two words for a lot of things, "sick" is germanic but "ill" comes from old norse.

1-2% of belarussian use their own language
15-20% of urkanian use their own language
Useless as fuck

An american saying bilingual like it's something rare wow

>some hohol provincial is trying to shit on the most important and widely spoken language on earth in that language

The ironing

What do you guys hear when you hear Ukrainian/Belarusian? Just a dialect a sheltered villager might use? That's how I always imagined it.

yo how bad does it hurt seeing actual russians come ITT and back up what i'm saying about belarussian and ukrainian being meme languages?

all your intellectual posturing and you still get BTFO by a dumb fat redneck american :^)

I literally live in Russia, off yourself

They sound fucking hilarious

>half my friends are russians and i'm moving to russia
>i'm a russian speaker
>i actually live in russia

holy kek you just get more and more desperate the more butthurt you get lmao

kys burger

it's simple i agree, but primitive? bit of a stretch there chap

>pretty much every other language dropped ages ago
>Sanskrit, Armenian, Hungarian, Tibetan, Turkish, Tamil, Russian, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Basque, German have cases

the only flaws of English are the spelling, and that "you" is used for both plural and singular.
Fix that and its perfect.
Fixed word order isnt a defect.

>i am too dumb to understand a simple concept (cases) hence the concept must be useless
You know that learning English word order is complicated even as a native speaker of a fairly closely-related language? Having a proper, well-structured case system (the German case system isn't a good example) makes things a lot easier by giving you loads of additional flexibility in putting together sentences.


Who care lol