How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?


that's not even hard it's just tedious af

Seems to be 1/5

1/4 you tool

0. I'm also red-green color blind.

The middle one is green

None of the above.

people who are red-green colorblind can still differentiate green from white and black.

Shitty b8 is shitty

There are 12 triangles

>Shitty b8 is shitty
And yet you replied.

TWO squares. Easy

All of the triangle fit onto the incomplete squares to create a total of 5 equal squares. So..




50% of the circles in the picture are white out of blue

while the other

50% of the circles are white out of red

gotta call shit when you see shit

3 squares if you count the word "square"



What is the largest prime factor of 365114657514342

1/1 the whole square is green you retards


What is the sum of the digits of 2^1111


Two Russian mathematicians meet on a plane.
“If I remember correctly, you have three sons,” says Ivan. “What are their ages today?”
“The product of their ages is thirty-six,” says Igor, “and the sum of their ages is exactly today’s date.”
“I’m sorry, Igor,” Ivan says after a minute, “but that doesn’t tell me the ages of your boys.”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, my youngest son has red hair.”
“Ah, now it’s clear,” Ivan says. “I now know exactly how old your three sons are.”
How did Ivan figure out the ages?

Harder one...

There are three numbers that can be written as the sum of the fourth powers of their digits:

1634 = 1^4 + 6^4 + 3^4 + 4^4
8208 = 8^4 + 2^4 + 0^4 + 8^4
9474 = 9^4 + 4^4 + 7^4 + 4^4

Find the sum of all the numbers that can be written as the sum of fifth powers of their digits.

sum! you dumb moran

The square is greem

Red is the colour of communism therefore the ages of the boys were equal. All you have to do is find the cubic root of 36 and then kill yourself.

user is correct...

That is the sum, dude. 2^1111 is a pretty large number. If it seems so off to you, think of it like this:
2**10 ≈ 10**3 => 2**1110 ≈ 10**333.
So 2**1111 has about 333 digits. The average digit is 4.5, so the sum should be around 4.5*333 = 1498.5

2 3 6

Also Wolfram Alpha is cheating, sort of...

I can't display the non-exponent form of 2^1111 here, but I wrote a quick program to calculate it and then add the digits.

That's an imprecise answer, you are using averages.

>The product of their LOG is thirty-sixX


fp_digits = []
for x in range(10, 1000000):
if sum([int(char) ** 5 for char in str(x)]) == x:

it's an approximation, you retard


Because it's multiple choice you don't even have to think, it's obviously smaller than 1/4.