>be me 14

>>be me 14
>> Falls in lovewith girl
>>Girl asked me out
>>Gladly accept
>> Dose me
>> Go through really hard times
>>Together when I lived in a
>> Bathbomb sweatshop
>>Girls mom finds out
>>Gets mad because I am
>>Male girl gets depressed
>>I get depressed
>>But we make it through
>>Go to school she wants to be
>>Near me all the time
>>I ignore her for other shit
>>She even sent nudes
>>Girl gets depressed again and
>>Doesn't tell me why to make
>>Her feel better
>>She grows farther away from
>>Me coming to school less
>>Rarely talking to me
>>Still texts me though
>>Talks dirty to me
>>Mom finds phone
>>Leaves nasty remark
>>She grows even more distant
>>She breaks up with me
>>Without any reason
>> I move new school sucks
>>No girl is cute at all
>>No cute girl even comes near
>>Me .
>>Wanna die

what the fuck

>>Summer live near none of my >>freinds
>>Can't even text them there all on vacation

>male girl gets depressed
and nothing of value was lost

year later
>>Still no girls will come near
>>Could still talk to freinds but >>only two of them fell lonely


At 14 when you're not allowed to go out you wanna die. When your out of M&Ms you wanna die. Relax kid there will be another pack of candy

>be me 19
>had no problems in school
>people around me sad depressed never understood why
>was lonely 40% of the time cos friends never came into the school
>at the end shit I wish I was in school had to do nothing and just chill in the class

>>Have a break down
>>Ask girls best friend
>>She's to depressed and says >>I'm to good for her uglyness

>>Act like a pathetic fool to all >>freinds freinds leave me
Btw I'm gonna tell you what my family issues were in part 1 next

Have a break down what are you a pussy

Forget about everyone and just be friends with Guys

>>Stepdad gets drunk
>> Abuses me and my mom
>>Pulls gun on me and Mom
>>Fights his parents and runs
From the police in pajama pants

I only broke once when I was 12 in school

Friend wouldn't stop calling me gay
For a whole year
Got so mad chocked him against the locker for 5 seconds

Then turned 15
Why was I so serous
Who cares

This kid hasn't been punched enough.

>>Stepdad kicks us out
>>Have to live in crazy sweatshop
>>Owned by an Asian?
>>Forced to make Bathbombs
>>To live

What the fuck? Have you ever used the internet before or are you just from a third-world country?

I've actually been abused as a small child and I like to get in fights I just really cared about the girl and I was mentally ill at the tine

It was owned by my mother's freind


> be me
> white muslim refugee in europe
> racist children throw rocks an pebbles at me literally
> high school people figure out I'm a faggot
> very few friends
> turn to heroin
> get junkie diseases, at least its not aids
> still get pussy or penis, my choice
> become red pilled
> become re moralised to fight for my country
> get in healthiest shape of my life
> Girz used to diss me, now they write letters cause they miss me

Get noose try to hang myself and I even failed at that I don't deserve to live

>>be me
>> Have dream about mom
>>Dad with a strap on
>>Then I come out of dads ass
>>We all shouted
>>It's morphine time
>>We turn in to snm rangers
>>With leather suits strong
>>Enuff to stop black destroyer
>>Witch from power rangers cumms out
>>Skull fucked us with her magnum dong
>>Wake up screaming

bit of a late bloomer, were you?


>Male girl
stopped reading