How do you handle The Crocodile when you meet him in lane?

How do you handle The Crocodile when you meet him in lane?

Looks like a ripoff of Sobek from Smite. Yeah, just gotta build crit and CC reduction and I'm good.

Focus on his fury stacks, if the bar is red back off and try to stay a little further from your casters so he can't E E W Q you for the generic combo.

farm more than him, gas him, flip him, annoy him, let him kill himself.

>CC reduction

Yes that is a good choice.

Crit not so much. The Croc skirmishes very well, and you'll not get much mileage out of crit.

Fucking Singed mains get out REEEEEE

Or I swear to god I'll pick Garen and rush visage

The poke combo with a 50 fury is actually just E Q. Faster.

I would close that shitfest and play a different game



Who? His name is Renekton, fool.

I let him handle my poison

I'll stick to botlane with my cumslut support.

play eggnivia and nuke him

Just farm, don't even bother unless you get jg help/pro as fuck and know hes boosted
coming from a riven main

I just play poppy who dont give a fuck about rek

This cunts easy to handle :P

Go ham after he uses his combo,be aware of ur champions skills and shit

>Fucking Singed mains get out

yeah I'm used to not getting love.... not by rito, not by my team, even if I do the most dmg, eat the most dmg and die the least

riven main as well, he doesn't let me farm, every time i try to go for a minion he combos me for 50% hp at level 3 and freeze lane, any more advice?

kill yourself for maining riven?

Because Smite came first...

hey oh wow you hate riven mains?

wow you're very original i've never heard that before

"kys" wow never heard once, do u also need assistance with breathing?

Everyone does, you sit the whole game on your lane and do the only thing you can do, splitpushing. If your team isn't ahead you'll be the most useless shit in existance so play a Toplaner that contibutes in some way to victory like Rumble or any CC machine.

sorry you're bronzestuck and can't google a regular non-brain dead riven gameplay that isn't boxbox.
with masteries and boots my flash is up every 3 minute.
which i can use every team fight i am in.
lets not forget riven bursts every squishy under 3 seconds.

Coming from a mastery 7 Riven, you should pick your trades carefully. I usually win my lane by doing good trades and not letting him regen. Whenever one or more of his abilities are down, Q-AA-W-Q-AA and E-Q away for a good trade. If he's in your wave, do a full combo and E away for some damage mitigation, that way he has to choose between retaliating and take minion damage, or you walk away unscathed.

Dota is the better game

I don't meet him in lane because I play sup

thanks man c:

no but I do play malphite and Kayle so sometimes I have difficulty tying my shoe laces.

I'll just stay Mid where i dont have to listen to the autistic cryings of Botlane. Toplane feeding Fiora 3 mins in, and our nonexistent Jung.
Sadly Yasuo exists, so no fun allowed

Long time renekton player here. Just survive lane without feeding him and try to deny him some cs by baiting him. Be careful about tower dives, specially if you are 30% because he can kill you with full fury stacked and get out between 2 tower shots. Try to pick a champ that can range farm and has cc(swain is pretty good against the croc). Be careful when he shoves the lane and roams, usually spam ping and try to catch or go for tower pression.

>buy the stupid ass broken doran shit
>ninja tabi
>outscale him or play with your jungler